With apologies to Panger, who usually has a copyright on bi-polar posting:
Big win last night! Total statistical domination of a team only a few years removed from a Stanley Cup win. Whooo! Plan the parade, baby!
On the other hand: This ain't your father's Tampa Bay Lightning. They're fucking terrible. And 35 shots right into Kari Ramo's chest are just wasted energy, not some sort of 70's era throwback blitzkrieg.
Man, if it wasn't for Kari Ramo standing on his head, and for the fact that his posts were the size of Craig Ludwig's old shinpads, they would have won that game 7 or 8 zip.
On the other hand, making Kari Ramo look like a mid-90's St. Patrick is not a good sign. Blowing a two goal lead to a bottom feeder is worrisome. Going 1 for 8 on the powerplay sure won't keep the Bruins, Devils, Caps, or Flyers awake at night come playoff time. Needing a lucky bounce in OT to win against this Tampa team is embarrassing. That game should have been put to bed around the same time as Mini HF10.
Kept the shots under twenty. That's some solid defensive fundamentals that Bob has instilled. Defence wins championships!!
On the other hand, once you put the shackles on Lecavalier, St. Louis and (maybe) Stamkos, the Bolts aren't exactly the Red Wings. And it's easier to keep opposing chances down when you spend an inordinate amount of time on the powerplay. Congrats, you just won a boxing match against a guy with one hand tied behind his back, and it took you 15 rounds.
Gui! Gui! Gui! has totally turned it on ... did you see his goal last night? That had superstar Frenchman written all over it!!
Actually, that was a great looking goal at a very important moment. Gui! and Mad Max look like a modern day Lambert and Tremblay out there right now. On the other hand, how could the Habs not make that lead stick?
TFS is turning it back around. Sure, there weren't a lot of shots, but he was there when they needed him.
On the other hand, the second Lightning goal was a weak-assed Price glove-hand special, and would have been a backbreaker against almost anyone else. I spent most of the second and all of the third waiting for the roof to collapse. I'll need more data before declaring TFS back.
Defence looked solid again. Markov, DOOM and Hamr seem to have righted their respective ships. And Little Tits came back from Hamilton ready to go.
Okay, I'll give you those. On the other hand, somebody explain the fascination with D'Agostini to me. After a hot start, he has cooled off considerably and shouldn't be getting time on a scoring line at this point. He singlehandedly killed the momentum mid-second with the Habs swarming the Lightning net by meekly firing one into Ramo's chest without even thinking. And as soon as I saw it was the Dagger on the breakaway last night, I knew he'd miss. Would Pacioretty have buried that? Maybe, maybe not, but I wouldn't have been resigned to a miss from the get-go.
Still in the playoffs, despite all the recent troubles, with some games in hand, and the Rangers lost!
On the other hand, Philly laid down against Florida so the Panthers are breathing down the Habs necks, Pittsburgh is on fire, Buffalo won't be an easy out on Saturday, and if the playoffs started today Zach Parise and Marty Brodeur would have this fucking team for lunch.
It's Friday!
On the other hand, my in-laws are coming to visit, and Canada Revenue just reassessed our 2006 return because H&R Block fucked it up on purpose to get themselves a bigger percentage. Seriously.
Def Leppard, Poison and Cheap Trick are coming to Toronto July 4!
On the other hand ... no wait, that's fucking awesome.
man this review is accurate in its own bi-polar way. I wrote in TMS i don't know what to think, and i still don't
somebody explain the fascination with D'Agostini to me
compromising pics of Boob?
H&R Block? Oh, HF10. Oh, dear. You're a lawyer. You're smart enough to know better than that.
Fez, they seemed to be fine when I was a student and had no money ... but apparently when you give them a more complicated tax return to do, they put totals on the wrong line on purpose in order to increase their take.
So, um, yeah, H&R Block? We'll be in touch soon. And by we, I mean me, my two law degrees, my white hot rage and my desire to make your lives a miserable hell.
Speaking of bi-polar, Benoit Brunet is an dumb ass. On the fifth or sixth PP for the habs, he started talking about how the Habs shouldn't be searching for the perfect play and that they're doing well at just maintaining pressure without getting the perfect play. On the next PP, he starts saying that they should be looking for the perfect play because it worked for Kovy's goal in Atlanta. What the fuck is wrong with this guy. Make up your fucking mind.
This is why the Panthers will make the playoffs and the Habs won't.
gillis- This is why the Habs will make the playoffs and the Panthers won't.
i was just look up some abbreviations for no reason at all and I found a pretty funny one. It's "IANAL". Which means "I Am Not A Lawyer". Just thought i'd mention that.
I would have though "I ANAL" would be indentification that you WERE a lawyer.
Habs fans are bi-polar. Habs Suck or Habs rock. No in between. I love Habs fans. (Guess it's good that I have this blog).
It's Friday, so Go Pants. And HF2, I'm still waiting for sexy Friday.
yes, i'll make sure HF2 gets on that sexy friday thing right away
Why the fuck is "Boob Gainey" even a term? This man has pulled our team from shit a couple years ago and made 3 solid moves for every bad one! The team is uniting behind him as we speak and prepared for a powerful playoff push.
Still want Kovy gone? I'm sorry I remember the days where Oleg Petrov got the majority of our highlight goals and I don't want to see those days again.
Why the fuck is "Boob Gainey" even a term?
'cause we're 12 years old. boobies, heh
AK46 is quite ready to take over from AK27. He's exactly as inconsistent and frustrating, also very talented, and also has a tendency to sulk. But he's 12 years younger. So out goes Kovy, replaced by Andrei.
Kovalev has scored 35 goals last year, and 20 so far this year = 55 in 2 years.
Andrei has scored 27 last year, and 23 so far this year = 50 goals on 2 years. And he's supposed to get better.
Enough with Kovy, enough! Comparisons to the Petrov era make no sense - this team is not the same it was at that time.
I could argue this all day! He puts asses in the seats more than anyone since Theodore, leads us during playoffs (15G, 13A in 29 games is ELITE)since he's been here, draws penalties second to Datsyuk in the league (last year), and when he's at his finest gives me every reason to watch every game. You take the good with the bad with him. I wonder how much $ he has personally brought our team? Don't forget this was a team on the verge of bankruptcy and Gillett might not be around forever. I have been a die hard fan since I was born and Souray is the only other player who meant as much to this team as Kovy. I missed the glory days but at least I have one star to watch now.
As for Andrei and Kovy I don't see a reason we can't have them both. I think we have to explore the market for moving Hammer and Laracque at the end of the season...they're coming shy of earning $5.5mil and $1.5mil in production and we have viable youth D and Stewart ready to step up.
I'd have to say Komisarek and Plekanec haven't done their agents any favours this year but we need to re-sign them.
Gorges, Little Tits and Lapierre locked crazy dirt cheap which helps.
Schneider gone or much cheaper.
Markov locked (Thank God). Dandenault gone.
Breezeby gone (Hurrah).
Koivu seems to want out I'm leaning towards. I just have that gut feeling. So it leaves us Tanguay , Lang, and Kovalev as the big $ guys out there for us. We'd all love to get them all back I'm sure. Going to be very interesting to see how it breaks down.
Does anyone think somebody will take a shot at Gui as an RFA? I'm starting to think its possible!
Exciting times...edwis
lol edwis was my verification word not my name dunno how it got it there. I think I'll name my son that...
Here's some Friday sexy for ya'll (NSFW);
James wins, BTW. SG > YouTube.
On the other hand... The Red Wings just got blanked by the Islanders. I don't know how to make sense of that, bi-polar or otherwise. Or maybe the Red Wings are more bi-polar than the Habs?
The Red Wings aren't as godly this year as they were last year, for whatever reason. Been blown out quite a few times (5-0 losses to Nashville and suchlike).
Then again, they could still be hungover from their Cup win.
That, and their goalies suck major ass.
Not that the Wings performance should really worry us... there are quite a few other teams we have to deal with before we meet the Wings in the finals!
If that were to happen though, I firmly believe we'd rape them in 5 games. There, I've said it.
Word verif: gatinn
If Gillet goes bankrupt, maybe the Habs will move to Gatinneau?
Wings play like ass when they're bored. Has been all year.
The Islanders weren't a challenge, so they fell asleep. They only wake up for teams that are more interesting.
And yes, that team may drive me to drink yet. :)
Prediction Time: Red Wings sign Hossa to a 2 year/8million...then in the draft, they will trade him for Halak. :D
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