So what are you watching this weekend? Ovie-Sid by any chance? Who gets the feeling already it won't live up to the hype? Celtics-Bulls game seven? Kentucky Derby? Bleu Nuit on TQS? (god I love this province) Anyone have a touch of the swine flu? Whatever you're watching, whatever you want to talk about, TWOTOL is Dear Abby, Ask Dr. Sanjay Guptha and Penthouse Forum all rolled into one.
I'm watching Ovie and Sid for sure, should be doing some gardening instead but it can wait. I'm hoping it's going to be a good series with lots of whining and chirping. I'll watch the Derby too, I'm still in mourning over Barbaro, the 2006 winner.
Isn't Prime Minister Ignatieff's speech on tonight?
Is he Prime Minister already? Damn! I slept through another election.
i work today so im missing the jays game and the pens game :(
Those girls really love each other. It's not just sone porn thing, I can tell, there's so much tenderness there.
It's like when I used to go to Fille's d'Eve with my buddies every year. There was always this girl there who loved me, for sure. She really did, and I loved her too.
How did Les Boys do in the first round? I usually don't bother much with the first round cause they always win it, it's sorta of a warm up thing.
I assume they won, are they up against Philly now or whatever? Let me know.
there's nothing like a JHK comment to make a good day even better
Habs swept the Bs. We dominated. We've got the Devils in Round two, already up 1-0. Carey Price is saving the franchise
JHK - never change, buddy!!! That comment made me laugh my ASS off!!
I also loved the totally fact-based answer from you, 29. But you failed to mention that Pleky is our top scorer with 2 goals in every game.He says that he's deliberately holding back on the hat trick so that other guys can get goals and feel productive.
Ça sent la Coupe!!!
hf29 also forgot to mention that Bob selflessly brought Carbo back and the Bell Centre crowd went nuts screaming Gainey! Gainey! Gainey!
Sounds good so far. Thanks for keeping me posted, I love you kids.
Watch out for the Islanders though, (Islanders? What the fuck kinda name is that? Geez.) They make me nervous, the litle fuggidy fucks.
It's hard to get results here so keep me up to date on how Habs doing.
JHK sort of reminds me of the Reverand Jim character that used to be on the sitcom Taxi. Very funny stuff.
Verif word - catineda as in I neda new cat after mine got beat out by Maggie the monkey's predictions. Sigh.
Dear Penthouse Forum,
I never thought this would happen to me...Oh wait. It didn't.
Never mind then.
It's okay Sid, stop crying honey, come to momma, she'll put a bandaid on that nasty bo bo. You'll win the next one lollipop.
Is Bleu Nuit still on? I thought they cancelled it a few years ago due to budgeting issues.
@JHK: the islanders are fuckin rippin it up. The habs are gonna have to watch out for bossy
That's if the isles can keep their stars, though. I hear Phoenix may try to use their enormous cash reserves to buy all the high-priced talent, à la Rangers.
Sexy crime!
Back in Canada, jetlagged to shit. LLLLLLesbians make the most charming welcome.
that's one fucked up bounce
Markus naslund is retiring, here
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Two games for the price of one (almost)
The NHL is a bush league.
Huge video review fuck up in the Boston game.
Cam Ward.
Jonas Hiller.
THAT is playoff goaltending.
And what a spectacular fuck up by the NHL douchbags doing video review for the Canes/Bruins game. Brutal.
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