Monday, July 13, 2009

The Morning Skate for Monday, July 13th

Bullet points for what you missed while having nightmares of your wife being accused of your murder. RIP Arturro...
Enjoy the baseball all-star break. Now we can talk even less about baseball, if that's possible.


L Dude said...

just one note about baseball. Check out the standings.

It makes me very happy to see the 'Nationals' at the bottom and about 8 games behind the next suckiest team! Fuck you Jeffrey Loria!

Boob Gainey said...

You know how Rejean Tremblay is always going on about the lack of proper journalism in sports, how the RDS guys are just cheer-leaders, how a lot of bloggers/journos just make stuff up instead of doing actual journalism etc ... ?

Check out this piece on Gatti:

This is journalism?

Sonia said...

@L Dude - Yes, fuck Loria, but it all started with Claude Brochu, so fuck him too and the consortium he rode in on. As for Loria's team, they still have a shot at a wild card spot. Fuck MLB.

@Boob - Haven't read it. Is he blaming Koivu?

Habsfan10 said...

Gatti was murdered because Koivu wouldn't speak French in public.

Sonia said...

Yep, makes sense...In Tremblay's world. Where the sky is puke green. And cigarettes are good for you. And everyone's a dick.

Shutdwon said...

are the nicknames all figured out for the new habs?

please tell me gomez will now be known as el nino.

Boob Gainey said...

Nothing to do with Koivu, but Tremblay imagines a long list of sordid events in the Gatti couple's life, that would have led his wife to do him in.

Sonia said...

@BG - I was being facetious. Although I am a little suprised that Tremblay's sordid imaginings about Gatti didn't involve Koivu.

Boob Gainey said...

I was going to facetiously ask if Bob had signed anyone today.

Turns out he did.

Another Swede

moeman said...

Go Judge Sonia Sotomayor !

Young HF29 said...

@Boob - just so you know, i was already drafting the new post when I saw your comment, so sorry you don't get a lap dance. but imagining yourself getting a lap dance form Swedish supermodels should be reward enough