We kid with the headline, but as a fourth line player, he's totally mediocre. He did show some signs last year when he played in a bunch of games near the end of the season. I seem to recall liking him. And I do like the thought of a Moen / Stewie tag team. I also get the feeling BGL's tofu-eating days in Montreal may be numbered.
So are we done with signings? So this is our team? Alrighty then.
I fondly recall that fateful game in Dallas last year, the last win before Carbo was canned, in which Steve Ott was running around being and absolute ass with cheap shots on our players.
Then Stewie came along and raped his face, brutally and beautifully. I've loved him ever since. I can't for the life of me find a video of this, but I remember it was glorious.
Here is the Ott versus Stewart video.
I doubt Laraque is going anywhere. Who would take him?
I'm not sure about Stewart. He seemed a long way from NHL caliber last year.
Jesus, Steve Ott wears an "A" on the Stars, Morrow was hurt, Mickey Ribs is still pulling a paycheque and being a dick, plus they had Avery, and people wonder why Dallas imploded last year?
As for Stewie ... bah, he's an extra body who hits people. Never hurts to have those guys around.
I think D'Agostini is "The last piece", not sure what the delay is there.
Nah ... Kovalchuk is the last piece.
C'mon Bob, get it done.
Doesn't anyone remember him punching Mccabe in the face at the end of the last game of the 07/08 season? That's my favourite Stewie moment.
Wasn't that also the game where he had like 3 breakaways and managed to score on none of them? Whatever. If Martin can teach him to kill penalties, he's going to make a damn fine 4th liner.
Rumours have the Habs interested in Manny Fernandez and Vaclav Prospal... since when did we become the league's retirement home?! I'm sure the Rangers have some cap space left.
I wouldn't be surprised to see BGL in Hamilton this year - and I don't mean playing for the Coyotes.
Is Lucic pre-psyching-out Dou$harek?
When Laraque's back is out, Stewie will fill in nicely :)
Actually he scored the last goal for the Dogs this past season (in their last playoff game). It was the only goal scored...
Time for Dags!
And good god...why would we even think of wanting Manny Injuries? We already have Sanford!
Vaclav Prospal? The guy who can't even secure a job playing on a line with St-Louis and Lecavalier??
We have plenty of mediocre wingers that are younger and cheaper - no need for Prospal.
Quick point on the Prospal matter : he has a good year then a bad one, then a good year.
Last year was sheiss. This year is bound to be amazing. You never have too many wingers than can actually score.
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