29 teams in the NHL use these as sleeping pills...
... the Sens wish they were cyanide tablets for use during intermission
While last night wasn't the snoozefest that I thought it would be, I still found it to be a hard game to watch. Had it been the Bruins, Leafs, Flyers or, heck, even the Rangers, I would have rubbed my hands with glee over every goal and cackled with delight when the Sens were getting "hey hey goodbye-ed" in their own fucking barn.
The problem is that I harbour no real ill-will towards the Senators. They, much like the city they call home, are like that geeky kid that lives next door: always trying to hang out with the big boys, but never be able to fit in 'cause he's not cool/athletic enough. He gets on your nerves because he tries so damned hard, but his efforts are usually laughable. His heart's in the right place, though, so you feel bad for picking on him so much.
The geeky kid looks strangely like a Spartan, er... "Centurion" that I remember having seen somewhere before...
Watching the Sens in their prolonged death spiral this season makes me sad for their fans. I know what it's like to watch the team you love find new and creative ways to suck every night.
So, Sens fans, pretend that last night's game was Kovy's tribute to Saku. He got his team to play like the Late 90's/Early 00's Habs with which Koivu was saddled for most of his tenure in Montreal.
Does that feel better?
No? Ass still smarting from the spanking that you got from a team that either can't score or that inevitably chokes on any commanding lead it manages to get?
Oh... My bad.
Moving right along, then...
I'm not sure what else to say about this game that hasn't already been said before by people far more eloquent than I.
So I'll just say this: If the Canadiens are the lifeblood of Montreal, then Saku was our heart for many years. And, although we've all had to move on (and, by and large, are the better for having done so), he'll always have a special place in our hearts.
Saku, even though you said yesterday that don't think your name belongs in the rafters of the Bell Centre, I think you're dead wrong. You showed everyone in this cynical, money-grubbing league filled with zillionnaires for hire that sometimes, what you do off the ice is more important than the final score of any game.
Welcome home, Saku Koivu.

Puck drops at 7:00.
Comments/Memories/Tributes? Talk about 'em in the comments... And, while you're at it, why don't ya go and vote for Saku as first star of the game so that we can thank him together one last time?
/sheds single tear
I'll settle for a Habs 3, Saku 2 final
Très bien fait lg et GG. Perfect description of Saku's time as a Hab.
Can't wait to be part of the fans CHeering Saku tonight. It'll be ❤ wrenCHing.
: ( <--> ( :
Thanks for the nice tribute to Saku, LG77 and GG11.
Like I said last night and LG mentions today, he was pretty much all the Canadiens had for years.
wv = mersti, Saku, for your years of service to the greatest hockey franchise on the planet.
My boy Saku, the son I never had!
I was there for his return from cancer and I'll be there tonight for his homecoming. I expect to be just as teary-eyed tonight as I was then.
That pic of Saku's jersey in the rafters gave me chills. Well done, LGG!
I'm so unbelievably mad that I'm missing the beginning of tonight's game. WHAT IF THEY HONOR HIM AND I MISS IT?!
iRiRi, should be able to watCH with this app.
Fixed the title of the post now that Mom of 29 pointed out the fact that it's not a TD + FG but rather a TD + FG conversion that adds up to 7 points.
Many thanks for the kudos, guys and gals!!
and iRiRi - please tell me you've ditched your crappy BB and you have an iPhone so that you can use the app moe suggested!! (Trust me - it's really useful!!)
Welcome back Saku and why can the goat not do it?
@moe - Tks moe but I just can't watCH. *sniffles* That'll come in handy for the next time though!
@LG77 - Ha! I ditCHed the crappy BB last November and I've never been happier! I haven't been away from my iPhone for more than a few seconds and that was only cause airport security threatened me.
On a side note, it scares me a little that uppercasing the CH has become second nature to me...
Friend texted me last night "Saku Sucks". I'm meeting him for the game tonight. I think he was just trying to rile me up, but I'm brining a knife just in case. I will cut him if I have to.
iRiRi is catCHing on!
great preview LG77 and GG, be careful though, it is almost literary.
re: Ryan White nickname, this may be a stretch but I thought of Rye and White since everyone likes to drink around here, and that means Baileys which is rye and condensed milk. anyone for 'Baileys'?...there may be some Kashrut issues with this though...
Good stuff PunCH. You might be onto something.
Got me thinking; 'Marble Ryan'?
I know, too muCH Seinfeld.
I love PunCH's handle and attitude, but as the resident alcoholic of FHF I must point out Baileys actually has Irish Whiskey, not rye. and goodness knows we're sticklers for accuracy at FHF
Sonia nice to see you back around here. Saku brings everyone out
You're right 29, I appreciate the stickler standard...theres got to be standards on the Net somewhere damn it! Rock & Rye? http://www.delicioussparklingtemperancedrinks.net/FaygoRye.html Might go with a smoked meat.
btw note the url seems like its from the 20s!
Sacrilegious! Only thing that goes with a good smoked meat is a CHerry Coke!
(and some fries and a pickle).
Anyone for CHeesecake.
Okay, I'll say it. I fuckin' adore luv Saku Koivu. He was the only reason to watch that rudderless Houle constructed Habs team many a night, and his guts, determination and pride in the CH were second to none. I welcome him back tonight wishing it could have been very different. I like to think there's an alternate universe where Saku has already hoisted at least four Cups as captain, never had the knee problems, cancer or dealt with shithead Pequistes at every turn. Fuck Houle and Corey for the mess he had to try and carry for a decade.
I really don't give a damn about the Sens. They've pissed on us for many years and had their share of 7-1 wins over us, and remember that time they inconsiderately kept that stupid pre-game video that showed their freakoid mascot of theirs tossing a Habs fan overboard around the time Gainey lost his daughter at sea? Yea, fuck 'em.
Beauty comment 10.
to cite moeman, 10 knows
been digging through the FHF archives for Saku stuff for the newcomers. great piece from HF4 (who?) on Saku and the language crap
Dead link 29.
god i suck. HF4's piece on Saku
here's HF10 knocking it out of the park at the time of Saku's imminent departure
@10 hear hear! man those Habs were exasperating, gut I think Pierre Boivin was much worse than Corey who at least won a couple of cups.
@moe hold your ears, I like my Smoked Meat across the street with a plate of boiled verenikes.
btw go fucken nords (just tonight, playing the brune) Fuck you brecchi!
WV skirk anyone see nords have a guy called ShatnerKirk?
Verenikes are a sCHmeckfest. I like em.
Also, "Corey who at least won a couple of cups".
Serge Savard and Patrick Roy (with some stellar teammates) delivered those Cups.
Rhino might have stolen a purse, but apparently Komisarek punched a woman in the face. But remember, PK is the the classless one.
moeman is finding stuff i didn't even link to. here's the full FHF Koivu archive
29, nice link.
I thought, through out the day, to post some comment about Domisarek's (m)adventure. I didn't because I didn't want to sully today's great hockey news of Saku literally coming home. I'll let TMZ go for a breakaway with the news and laugh later.
~ moe
That's All-Star defensive powerhouse Mike Komisarek. Habs are somewhat to blame for that one. .
@moe: I will take any opportunity to say fuck that guy. Better now than during the game.
OK everybody as Ozzy said "No more tears".
Saku was heart and class personified but he's not ours anymore *sniff*.
One eye injury and one other stupid penalty and maybe he leads Nos Glorieux to the big game....
Doesn't mean we can't show the league that we have some class when he hits the ice tonight.
Orangie start a great applause and don't stop until the crowd buys in, shouldn't take long!
you know in all the Saku talk / tears, no one's even mentioned the return of Mad Max or CHips. or Paul Mara, even. Max! CHips! Mara!
I'd like to clarify my previous comment. I meant Habs fans are to blame for stuffing the ballots. Enough about him, though.
@moe guess you're right about Corey I guess the boivin doldrums are just more recent.
@4 & @10 Koivu franco rap sheet rant and Kovikomikoivu adieu, consider me schooled.
think yappy lappy's going to yap it up tonight? is Mara even playing? Chips, well, he ain't Grabballsky....yet.
I hope cage-o-spore's offering duckwings tonight!
I'm proudly wearing my koivu shirt and my eyes water everytime I get a glance.
I love you Saku and miss you horribly
Me too, but it's a Duck's jersey. I wear it out of spite.
I'm very partial to Chipchura. Bulldogs captain!
Elliot Friedman is the only person with redeeming value at cbc/hnic.
is Peacock wearing a wig?
er, Habs!
1st Saku chant of the night
near to tears
Chipper's not playing. I is sad.
I never saw an opening faceoff sort of delayed like that.
Merci Saku.
Koivu, always the gamesman. Drop the puck he asked.
that hiller mask is creepy.
not shiny enough to be Vader.
just gives me shivers
so if everybody's at the game, who's left to comment?
Right here with ya bea.
I have to ask Moe.
what's on your menu tonight?
something droolworthy no doubt
mad max is back!
who is this saku person??
I was crying like a baby during that intro. Forgot to video it, though. :(
Are you sittin' down bea?
Made one of my fave dinners.
Thawed a nice 5Kg turkey last night.
Brined it this AM until 2pm.
Pat dried it.
Rubbed it with EVOO, S&P.
Stuffed the cavity with onions, garlic, herbes de Provence.
Heat blasted it for 1/2 hour at 420º
Slow cooked it for 2h45 at 325º
Sides of blackened corn, steamed green haricots, smashed garlic potatoes.
Made some raisin bread pudding with a pineapple rum sauce.
Gasgogne Sancet.
... and yes, gravy.
refs 1
I see the refs are already starting their shit. WEAK ASS CALL on Patches and of course it's a 5-time redirect in.
I eat vicariously through your comments
@ducks FUCK; I'm only accepting a Saku goal with a side of Hab win.
I'm waving off that goal
Scoop of ice cream on the warmed up bread pudding.
I think Ovechkin just ruined the integrity of the game with that goal celebration.
I hate to admit agreeing with that fucktard Cherry, but the ad timeouts ARE a blight on the game 90 seconds, with those clown with the shovels and buckets shit, what the crap? put some strippers on and fuck the fakery. Fuck you Bettman fuck you refs fuck you for being right Gripes (btw your movie was a fucken yawner!) fuck you HNIC assholes! Enough welcome party for Koivu already stomp some duck ass you fucken habs!!
iRiRi, you missed Saku, Patches hit Lapierre, and the refs jobbing our Habs.
btw I had an idea, how about an adults only games? enough of this G-rated shite. Strippers on skates!
Tks 31!
I'm sensing a shutout... :S
in the midst of all this emotion, we're not, uh, playing well
Ya, best chance on that PP was Hamr almost scoring on Price.
We apparently blew all our offense yesterday. FUCK!
Saku always used his stick a little too much
Saku seems determined to help his old team in getting a PP goal.
I guess once a hab always a Hab
Bruised ribs? Pffff.
Great play by PFK! to keep it in.
the guy should get taken to the hospital more often if it frightens goals off his stick at every game afterwards
(but obviously I don't want him hurt seriously)
Saku really trying to wake the Habs up. Thanks Saku!
Patches should hurt his ribs more often.
feels a little bit like circus school what with all the tumbling and juggling
PatCHes! game on !!
RDS thinks Habs had the better chances. Really? All I see is slop.
annnddddddd there's that late period goal due to a dumbass penalty that usually breaks our back
And the ref blocks a clear that leads to an eventual goal. Of course. Hamr is WEAK and SOFT in front of the net.
All is not lost, yet. Being uber superstitous I've taken off the Ducks jersey. The last time I did that in Anaheim the Ducks were ahead 3-1. We won the game in a shootout.
Happy 46th Diane Lane.
refs 2 Habs 1 Schmucks 1
wtf was CHokula doing starting to juggle the lines immediately after patCHes goal? Blanko and Scrabble on the PK? wtf you fucken zombietard
Saku doesn't care anymore, GYFHG!!
rags losing, whalers losing, leaf of course losing
only freude's schadenfreude tonight. BTW Sergio Momesso is a great color guy.
Obviously not in JMart's notebook: Spacek and Hamr (aka The Wonder Twins) have been on the penalty kill pretty much every time someone scores on it.
right you are 31
PK only 45secs on the PK tonight....
I have never voted for the 3 stars this year. Until tonight. Just did for Saku.
I just did the same thing iRiRi.
Mister Swiss!
Swiss Mister!
I meant DarCHe obviously.
DARCHE VADER! From one Swiss through another.
And Saku gets the penalty hat trick!
Saku left his heart in Montréal.
Um, merci, Saku?
This is just so the fans get a few more minutes with Saku, right?
Did you see those smiles?!
Does Kirk Muller know how to draw a play or what?
i'm sill gonna miss you Saku
no matter the # of penalties
i hate shoot outs
I hope the media doesn't get snarky with Koivu's penalties :E
Shootout time...
Who is sponsoring the Bell Centre's ice crew? Clorox?
Oh well.
and after all that effort
i really hate shootouts
Nice standing O.
Best fans in the game.
Merci Saku.
Bobby Ryan stole Saku's first star! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
They still got 6 out of 8 possible points for that last crazy week.
I agree reffing was iffy, but it seems even-handed between the two teams. I don't think they stole the game, or if they did, it was in favor of Montreal.
I think everyone will understand Koivu's subpar play. He's probably going through an emotional rollercoaster with that sudden media attention. I can't possibly imagine what he went through during that game.
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