Friday, July 22, 2011

Sexy Morning Sherwood™ ~ R U Ready 4 some news ?

Happy TFS you hot & sticky FHFers.
~ ~ ~

R U Ready for some rodeo? ~ TFS™ is.

R U Ready for some football? ~ NFL™ is. (CHeerleaders!)

R U Ready for some Aliens? ~ These cowboys are.

R U Ready for some grillin'? ~ Great new foodie & drinkie site.

R U Ready for more sexy Friday? ~ I knew you were. More, um better, NsFwL here.

R U Ready for some Éric Colé? ~ I know the pic above isn't related. Sue me, cowgirl style. Bonus, I found a pic of 29 riding a horse ... OK, so he had to blow it (up) first. NTTIAWWT.

R U Ready for the (as)sign-off pic? ~ I knew you were. Have a great weekend FHFers. Stay hot. Stay sticky. Stay sexy. Yeehaw!


moeman said...

Back benCHers announced;

"Randy Cunneyworth et Randy Ladouceur graduent dans la LNH; ils viendront donner un coup de main à Jacques Martin derrière le banc du Canadien.

Les deux nouveaux entraîneurs adjoints du Tricolore étaient à la barre des Bulldogs de Hamilton la saison dernière. Le poste d’entraîneur-chef sera désormais occupé par Clément Jodoin."

~ ~ ~

Nicknames kidz, we need nicknames.

Chester said...

Like they said on Not Habs Inside and Out

Horny Softness

Chester said...

What the fuck is that big brown thing Pricer is sitting on ???

And what is with the new helmet ... it won't help fuck all if he gets hit with a puck

the Maritimer said...

Chokula with his brother Randy and his other brother Randy.

With apologies to Bob Newhart.

The way these guys coach, I'll be falling asleep by the end of the second period. Defensive wizardry at its best. Zzzzzzzzz........

Oh, great job on the pics today moe. Looking forward to Cowboys and Aliens, but up first Captain America.

Mr. natural said...

Ni Hao wo de pengyou.

Back from the monsoons of northern China in time to see that Montreal will probably never ever be able to make ice again.

Well they're both Randy, one brags about cunnilingus while the other is Ladouceur so I think we are in need of a collective appellation as well as individual monikers.

HMmmm... (rubbing chin intently)how 'bout "Bonanza" for Cunningworth after the character Hoss, as an acronym for Hebrew Oral Sex.

Hey it's just a suggestion, leave me alone I just woke up from a two hour nap after traveling for 40 hours (Phucking Air china and Air Canada).

Now about that other softie....."PHlaccid" as in Gigantic Soft On,you know Ladouceur...soft ....still on a sexual motif due to Randy and Cunneyworth.

As for the collective the possibilities are endless by I humbly submit "The Horhey PHucks"

OK gotta go, Mrs. n says she is paying for the ice cream cones.


Young HF29 said...

i am pleased to report that cowboychick made it to my place safely and we are enjoying each other's company right now

Anonymous said...

gorges signs one year 2.5 mil contract with habs

Steve said...

Just got back from the big tabernac, fuck do you guys know how to do construction. You may have seen me knocking over bixi riders with my cube van, those things have a blind spot the size of PEI.

Yeah plan the fucking parade, but be sure to count on detours

Number31 said...

Still say the Winnipeg Threshers would have been great.