Thursday, August 25, 2011

Goodbye, cocknockers

It came to my attention yesterday that myfo, aka melt your face-off, has shut its doors forever. Now, the fact that I only found this out more than two weeks after the fact might tell you something about how far myfo may have fallen in notoriety and influence, but that's neither here nor there. In its heyday, myfo was the best hockey blog on the internet. Period. In fact, I've long considered them FHF's spiritual brothers. Or at least some long-lost relative. So let me put on my serious hat (I swear I have one) for a moment to give LeNoc, Weed, Rask, RD, and even that PHucktard-lovin' Hex the tribute they so deserve and seem not to have received from anyone.

It's hard to believe now in an age when every idiot out there has his own hockey blog, but there was a time when the sports blogosphere ignored hockey. Both FHF and myfo sprang up to try to fill that void. And we did it in the same way - a group of guys who loved the game but would write anything, skewer anybody, and not be beholden to things like "facts" or "journalistic integrity." And just like the best of FHF, there were so many times when you finished reading a myfo piece and you would say to yourself, "wow, did those fuckers really write that? You can't put that on the internet!" But they did, and they did it every day better than anyone else, even us. At their peak I lived in the myfo comments section because I lived on that site because everything they wrote was gold, Jerry, gold. Even when they wrote about us. They set the standard for what every funny hockey blog on the internet should be, and for that, they must be remembered.

[removes serious hat] Goodbye, cocknockers.


Unknown said...

Pouring out a little bit for myfo tonight.

Glory days...

Steve said...

I feel like I totaly missed something like woodstock.

Unknown said...

You did, steve. It was a years-long hockey and drugs festival. Memories...

Young HF29 said...

Steve, just like Woodsotck, maybe it wasn't quite as good as our memories (what with the drugs and all) but fuck, it was really something

Hadulf said...

That piece HF29 linked is a good one...

But NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING will EVER match the Jaro posts at FHF...nothing.

LeNoceur said...

I always liked to think of myself as the Country Joe and the Fish of MYFO.

Thanks for the tribute, 29.

Steve said...

On MYFO I would not have to practice the self censorship I impose on myself here.

Le Douze said...

@Steve - holy fuck, if you're practicing self-censorship, I'm glad of it.

Raskolnikov said...

This is 29's second best tribute, just behind "Charlene: The Hooker with the Stretchiest Asshole on Le Latin Quartier."

Thanks for all your support and keep up the great work here.

Steve said...

@LeDouse - I would not want the ladies to think I am not a gentleman.

Steve said...

Sorry I meant Le Douze

Steve said...

Look does anyone think this site can go from handling 11 or 12 comments a day to 200. So start posting fuckers, ramp it up.

Young HF29 said...

Deep breath Steve. have a drink! it's the offseason you know


Steve said...
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Steve said...
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Steve said...


Number31 said...

Loads of comments = ice cream!

UK3X said...

I think Steve is just keeping himself geared up for the puck drop...whenever the fuck that is! But hey - long weekend in the UK, then Labour Day, kids get back to school - hockey can't be that far off can it?

Has anything happened with the Habs this summer besides Eric Cole?

I read where someone traded LLB (sorry couldn't be arsed to spell it out!)to another jumior team. What is he - like 19 already? Does that mean he won't play for the Habs? I'm confused on this point. Maybe Steve you could enlighten me...then maybe 29 could fill me with actual details! LOL!

There you go Steve - is that "So start posting fuckers, ramp it up." enough for you?

UK3X said...

And another thing...MYFO - RIP - I actually had never read it before this post but now I'm sorry I missed it - never mind