Friday, August 05, 2011

The Morning Skate for extra-Sexy Friday, August 5th

Bullet points for what you missed while dreaming of Miranda Kerr's cleavage...
Still early August. Hang in there kids. This video will distract you - Kate Upton with farm animals. Here's the interview about her love of animals and her love of her own body. Happy Sexy Friday everyone.

Let me keep the sexy going ... you know I've always wanted to be under Kate Upton. Here's my CHance, the other guy is birthday boy Boston GM, Peter CHiarelli (50!) receiving a respectful rival's handshake. (click to embiggin') ~ moeman


PatCHes67 said...

God Bless Sexy Friday!!!

Steve said...

Throw the book at avery, he shames the country.


moeman said...

BTW kidz, couldn't do the PatCHes pic and you'll be glad to know I was booed by a bunch of belligerent broons fans. As Mom always said, stay classy and wear Pants! in public.

Steve said...

@moeman - I think she said clean underware

moeman said...

@Steve, whoTF!? wears underwear?

Steve said...

Advice Rick Viave should have taken, ok getting busted for impaired fine, with pee stained shorts, so leaf like.

Steve said...

@Moeman -you and Kramer going commando

moeman said...

@Steve, I don't divulge but in a Seinfeldian twist, methinks Pete lifts.

Steve said...

I wish I had not smoked up at lunch, cause I miss the Pete reference?

moeman said...

'lifting' as per Jerry;

Steve said...

Vital info if considering what car to drive?

Steve said...

Pete our fearless Defense Minister has lifts? Was his lady there? She is hot or a beard.

Steve said...

@Moeman you are a six sigma Seinfield master

moeman said...


Orangeman said...

"Respectful" and "Boton" in the same sentence? Moeman, you're dead to me.