Waiting for the messiah - 7 PM start from the swamps of Jersey. First meeting of the teams this year. Habs on a 3-game losing streak, all by 1 goal, while the Devils are 8-2 in their last 10. Oy.
Awesome shiksas - first Devils game of the year so we get to re-acquaint ourselves with the awesome librarian-ness and awesome cooking tips of the awesome Ookies over at the awesome Interchangeable Parts. Did I mention about the awesome?
Hotter than the oil to fry your latkes - SquidPleksTits, SquidPleksTits, SquidPleksTits.
Cold like your mom when you don't call. Why don't you call? All I ask is a phone call once a week. Is that too much to ask? - Little Tits now pointless in 6.
Hot like the 7 flames on the menorah tonight - Elias, Parise, blah blah blah. One of the greatest goalies of all time, blah blah blah. Oh, he's going for the record 104th career shutout. He'll get it tonight, it's only fitting.
Cold like your mom when you aren't married yet over the age of 40. Mein gott! All my friends have at least 6 grandchildren. And what have you given me? NOTHING. I HAVE NO SON. - see 8-2 in their last 10 note above, no one really cold for the Devils.
Oy gevalt, my back. Call Uncle Morty to get me an appointment with his orthopedist - the usual. Rumours have Benoit Pouliot playing with the Bulldogs this weekend. Some quick line juggling, with Mad Max to the 3rd line for some hot Max and Max action, with Métro down to the 4th. TFS with the start.
Post-game adult entertainment - Jews don't talk about sex.
Please enjoy some foods fried in oil in the comments
You're the fucking, man. Haha.
Going to the game. Will now have odd craving for calamari that I can't find at Prudential Center.
That is all.
I don't even know where to begin. I'm having a lot of nachas right now.
חג שמח
As ususal you make me laugh. As a w.a.s.p. growing up in little Israel, i can relate to that great preview. oy. I now look forward to another great MOEmaN parody. CHappy CHanukkah and Merry CHristmas to all!
All the Jewish comedians out of work and all the money spent so you could become 'a lawya', and this is how you thank me?! OY!
Sorry for the bad Jewish mother impression. What do you expect from an Irish Catholic with a hint of French and Migmaw!
Amazingly, I haven't heard Adam Sandler on the radio this year. Bigots. Heh. That just made me remeber the Bigot Family on Bizarre. What an awesome show.
I'm not even Jewish and I loved that Kosher preview. Your Mom should be proud HF29.
Oh and um, nice Dreidels GG.
WV = pulla, as in I fucking hope the Habs don't pulla too many penalties out of their PP giving asses but I do hope the Devils need to pulla their goalie but fail to tie the game.
Great preview.
For post-game adult entertainment I recommend Exotica on Park near Laurier, in honor of the Mile End Hasidic community (although none of its members would ever patronize such an establishment ...).
29's a fucking mensch.
All hail GG! The letters stand for Gorgeous trinesedGenius. And let's see if Reb Michael can score on the road.
Not a big fan of the deep fryer. Grilled octopus...yum.
Blue CHristmas
We’ll have a blue CHristmas without Vodkov
We’ll be so fucking blue just thinking about him
Decorations of red are my wrists slit for thee
Won’t be the same Andrei, if you’re not there for me
And when my blue heartache starts melting
That’s when those Gionta memories start calling
We’ll be doing alright with you in CHristmas blue, red and white
If not then we’ll have just a blue, blue, blue, blue CHristmas
We’ll be doing alright in our CHristmas pants so tight
Without you we’ll have a blue, blue, blue-balled CHristmas
Thank ya, thank ya very mensCH .
Well done! Wish I thought of that. Maybe I'll blog in hebrew tonight.
Kol Ha'cavod
+ Whatever-fucking-year-it-is-according-to-the-Hebrew-Calendar for Gillis!!
Legendary preview and pic - kudos to 29 and GG11!!
5770 LG. Go get your app on the iphone!
best psd work yet! go pants!
Just a question, why vodkov?
Lawyergirl11? Did LG77 and GG11 adopt a baby?
Now give it to me in hebrew, gillis
alright, walked in just in time, go pants!
+1's to gillis for the comment and moe for the parody
ok, maybe Marty is nervous? HAHAHAHAHA
another huge crown in thw swamp
too many drinks.... ** crowd in the swamp**
@anon btw, Markov + Vodka. i don't think it's any more complicated than that. tho moeman who invented it may have a deeper explanation
ילדה עשר עורך דין? הבחורה לא שבעים ושבע, עורך דין בחורה זהב עשר לאמץ תינוק?
as my hebrew sucks (read: non-existent) i hit up Google translate:
Ten child lawyer? The girl did not seventy-seven, a lawyer girl ten gold to adopt a baby?
good one gillis!
Vodkov = what HF29 typed, plus the linked pic tells a tail or two ... and Andrei is Russian, the land of the clear, odourless liquid that puts the screw in your driver.
Goog's Yiddish version is even better;
Girl ten Editor law? The guy did not mucus ushbe, Editor law student gold ten saying baby?
god i love that pic moe. ovie + vodkov + russian whores = comedy gold
ok, new drinking game. Habs get a penalty, finish your glass. we'll be tanked in 10 minutes
Yup, the Vodkov pic is classic. Not sure who has the nicer thighs, the blitzed OV or his gal pal.
Speaking of blitzed, BB just mentioned Gu:(, drink!
Marty looks shaky!
Watching the PK all night, so far, is boring me (minus the SHG, obviously)...SO:
Pleks, TFS, Squid.
If you had to marry one, fuck one, & kill the other, What do you do?
@ M Tits - you cant kill any of them now, they're the only ones who can score.
meanwhile, our $8 million man is playing with Pyatt and Metro. not what he signed up for
oh god a pathetic penalty. and get the number right ref!
ok i guess i'll take that period. but the penalties. geez
Well, I'm thinking if Gomez was involved in the trio, it becomes waaay too easy to decide who to kill. Remember when Sather signed him to that monstrosity of a deal & everyone laughed uncontrollably.
Where was Gainey that week?
Mario Tremblay is really starting to look like he's getting on in years
we're on our way to get to double digit penalties tonight! woohoo!
Squirrely ref storing his nuts for the winter.
Wait!! You mean the other team can take penalties too? I was starting to think it was exclusive to The Habs.
that's some Montreal-level booing for ex-players there on Gomez. nice
please god not Hamr
Urologist gonna be our #1 D soon
what the fuck was that
Not if we call up Subban.
brunet is Peeairish sickening.
What the fuck just happened.
who was that masked scorer with all the "k"'s in his name?
I dunno, but apparently it was his first career goal. Of course.
Hamrlik just has a bruise, right? And bruises go away after a day or two, right?
... right?
pikkakakanein: למצוץ נען שלי
rhino is playing as well as last year now...all ha needs to do is pot an empty netter
PS. why does Massive Tits have such a good name. From now on, call me שתים עשרה אינץ '
There is still time for tiny tits. The youngest Kostitsyn brother!
Its okay, i relate more to שתים עשרה אינץ '
I have a sudden hankering for felafel and an uzi
@Shtyim (MT)
I'm gonna put in a call to Israel to get a confirmation on that free translation for you.
whew for Hamr
oh fuck i jinxed it
חזה גדול is more accurate but it's singular. Odd as it may seem I'm not sure if it's feminine or masculine which changes the suffix. This is my best guess
שתי חזות הגדולות
i swear i just heard the name Laracque for the first time. he's playing? really?
HF29: he's the reason metro took the shot on the 2 on 1 instead of the pass in the first period
From Robert Browning with a slight edit;
Who strive - you don't know how the others strive
To paint a little thing like that you smeared
Carelessly passing with your robes afloat,-
Yet do much less, so much less, Someone says,
(I know his name, no matter) - so much less!
Well, less is more, Brunet.
ha, well done moe.
he'll never shut up
i'm not happy
I'm blue.
If they're going to lose all the time, at least change it up a bit. Let's not lose in the final minutes for once. Positive is they didn't do it while PK this time.
Can anyone explain what it feels like to be proud of your team, please?
I feel like we, fans, put more intensity into these games than the players.
Like usual.
Ugly loss.
@ MT
They DO play with intensity... some of them, anyway. The problem is that the less-intense ones take so many fucking penalties that TurtleSquidTits doesn't have the time or the legs to get going (Pleks is out killing himself for 5 minutes straight on the PK while Squid and Tits are getting blood clots in their legs on the bench). That, and we need another winger pronto.
Yeah, Price kinda sucked tonight, but only allowing 2 goals against should be enough for a regulation win on most nights.
hey just don't play with enough umpf
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to paint the entire team with the 'lack of intensity' brush, because there are some out there playing like they want to win.
In every hockey game there is a moment where a team can completely swing the momentum & the game in their favor. You rarely see it from this team, and seemingly never on the road.
At the very least, we're not Leaf fans.
Meaning we have souls.
Watch the tenderness get a hattie tomorrow night. *yawn*
Let`s look at the positives;
@ MT
You make a good point - and I can't help but feel it has to do with how passive our forwards are. If there was one thing Bégin/MadMax/Greek Lightening/FrankTheTank were good at, it was laying out a guy and re-energizing the bench. We just don't have that this year (White does, but he's in Hamilton so BGL can take his 5-minute warmup skate).
I think I had that nightmare last night!
Jesus. And what point does Gomez make the cold list? How bad does this $8 million man have to be?
Exactly!! We don't have any crash & bangers. Pretty sure there is an easy Mexican/banger joke in there.
When was the last time we've had a big hit?
We've turned into an anti-puck possession, peripheral, wait for a mistake type of team.
BGL IS brutal, I don't see how dressing him makes the CH any more competitive.
...and can someone please tell me what TFS stands for? I've only been around here since the beginning of the free agent signings and I have no idea what CP31's nickname stands for..
@MT: The Franchise Saviour
That was actually my guess. Thank you.
Well, until tomorrow. Take care all.
Oh, and...fuck Cam Neely. :)
Dear Bob,
Please don't trade Halak.
Yours truly,
Realistic Habs Fans Everywhere
Good point on RDS:
Gainey has to be insane not to, at least, try to sign Pleks. The guy is our first-line center, plays on the PP, kills penalties...
Also, notice that after Pleks (34 pts) and Squid (30 pts), nobody has more than 19 pts... Secondary scoring problem much?
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