BUT, we are not without nostalgia here at FHF! You may not be aware that the history of FHF is a direct parallel to the history of the Habs. Herewith, please join us as we stroll down blogging memory lane.
December 4th, 1909 - Two barristers and two solicitors are cavorting with prostitutes in Room 127 of the Windsor Hotel in Montreal. Through paper-thin walls, they overhear John Ambrose O'Brien discussing his new team, the Montreal Canadiens. The four decide to band together to create a "weblog" that will chronicle the foibles of the team through sarcastic humour and daguerreotypes of attractive women. Their plan hits a snag when they realize there is no such thing as the "web." A quick call to Al Gore solves that problem.
January 5th, 1910 - FHF presents the inaugural open thread for the Canadiens first game against Cobalt. Users are frustrated by their inability to telegraph fast enough to get their comments in. The most common remark published that night is ..-. ..- -.-. -.-
Late 1921 - FHF goes blue, as the word "fiddlesticks" makes its first appearance. Several users express their outrage at the use of such language, and go on to create HI/O.
October 1936 - Newly-appointed captain Albert Siebert is nicknamed "Babe Magnet" by FHF for his way with the ladies. The mainstream media picks up on it, but a typographical error in the Montreal Star the next morning drops the "Magnet" part by mistake, and the shorter "Babe" ends up sticking. Thus begins a disturbing trend of the MSM taking credit for bloggers' work.
1939-1945 - FHF goes dark as HF4, HF10 and Panger are off practicing law in World War II. HF29 gets a medical deferment for his long-standing opium addiction.
Sometime in the mid- to late-50's - HF4 introduces a character named "Jaro" who appears to be from somewhere behind the Iron Curtain. Jaro writes:
"My gad this agly pleyer Plante has so agly shark face he have to put mask to hide so agly face! Oh Plante! You so shark! Fat Bellyvo so snobb. He so “Hi I Bellyvo I have class, I eat cavyar, oh ho ho ho”. Fak you Bellyvo! And crybaby french pleyer racket Richard make me to laf so hard!!! He so slow and think everybady so scare becase he look at pleyer with big angry eyes. Hahahhaha! Oh I so scare Racket! You look to me with big mad eyes! I go hide now and you make goals meny time wile I hide. Screw you Racket! Nobady will remember your name in three weeks!!!"
Spring 1956 - Commentor moeman makes his first appearance, and immediately becomes a blog favourite with his clever song parodies. His first one starts:
One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock Rocket,
Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock Rocket.
Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock Rocket,
We're gonna Rocket around the rink tonight.
Put your C-H on and join me hon',
We'll have some fun when the Rocket scores one.
We're gonna Rocket around the rink tonight,
We're gonna Rock-rock-rocket, 'till broad daylight,
We're gonna Rocket around the rink tonight.
When the Rocket scores two, three and four,
If our boys slow down we'll yell for more.
We're gonna Rocket around the rink tonight,
We're gonna Rock-rock-rocket, 'till broad daylight,
We're gonna Rocket around the rink tonight.
Buoyed by the support in parody form, Habs go on to win five straight Stanley Cups.
The 1960's - in tribute to the forgotten dynasty, FHF forgets to write.
September 1974 - HF10 is frustrated with his new namesake's third straight disappointing season, and offers the following take in our 1974-75 "René Levesque Le jour pure laine" preview:
"I've fucking had it with that floater Lafleur. Pollock seriously blew it by picking that glorified cherry-picker. Three fucking years of him mincing around the perimeter in that girlie helmet, averaging 28 goals a year? Meanwhile, Marcel Dionne goes second overall, already has a 90 point season, and Pollock just sits back and smiles while this pansy Lafleur does nothing. Dionne's gonna win multiple Cups with Detroit, mark my words, and Pollock's going to look dumb as Robert Stanfield's wage and price control ideas. Lafleur's career is gonna last as long as fucking disco. 130 goals in the QMJHL? Big fucking deal. Dionne scored his points in a real league playing with St. Catherines. Pollock needs to be fired for this shit."
February 23, 1985 - Patrick Roy makes his first appearance as a Hab. FHF goaltending expert Panger had this to say in the next day's game review:
"With a struggling Doug Soetart pullled, the Habs turnd to rookey goalie Patrick Roy last night. While he got teh win and didn't allow a goal, I'm reelly not happy with him. He's gangly-looking and dosn't fill the net. His anguls are all over the place. And this crazy butterfly style he was using just wont fly. I can see why they send him to the AHL after the game. The kid really doesn't have much of a fuchure, and I can't picture anyone ever having their blog handle named after him."
June 1989 - On the heels of the invention of a new software program called "Photoshop" by upstart company Adobe, GoldenGirl11 joins the FHF squad. She is immediately dubbed "Yoko" by several readers. But she quickly wins over the skeptical crowd with her ability to morph Lanny Macdonald's mustache onto 80's video babe Tawny Kitaen, thus cheering everyone up during the painful Stanley Cup loss to the Flames:

June 9, 1993 - Commentors L Dude, kevincrumbs and Boob Gainey are all arrested for looting tube socks during the second Stanley Cup riot in less than a decade. They are bailed out by LawyerGirl77, who amazes police officers at Station 23 not with her legal arguments but her ability to sing "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music in four different keys.
December 4, 2009 - Habs lose to the Bruins after 12 hours of pre-game ceremonies leaves the team drained of all energy and the ability to give a shit. Well, more so.
Here's to 100 more years of FHF!
1 – 200 of 251 Newer› Newest»It wouldn't be a FHF Centennial without a Jaro appearance would it?
Thanks for bringing up my arrest in 1993. Just when I finally started to erase that memory...
I`m literally dying laughing over the Jaro part!!!
I remember that night well. It was 150 degrees in my non-air conditioned, upper duplex apartment in Toronto. I had refused to go to my future spouse's internship end of year dinner and between screaming at the tv and sticking my head in the freezer I managed to photoshop that mustache. It took 4 hours, 17 floppy discs and a bottle of valium but I did it. Thanks for letting me on board guys. Unlike Yoko, I promise never to sing. Happy birthday.
Best team.
Best fans.
Form is temporary, class is permanent.
Bonne Fete au Club de Hockey Canadien de Montreal!
If MrsHF10 asks about that night at the Windsor, I was at the Temperance Society meeting that night, right everybody?
I'm going to carry that picture of Tawny Kitaen with Lanny MacDonald's stache in my wallet forever.
OK that's all I have to say because the Habs lose every time I post a comment.
Following that same logic, I am also going to stop brushing my teeth, putting on shoes and going to work.
Has anyone heard of this? A user-controlled camera for tonight's game on CBCSports.ca
If you're bored with the habs' play, just point the camera at one corner of the rink and pretend it's the 70's.
I've seen your feet. Fuck the Habs and put on your shoes.
Well said.
Goodness me I love this stuff. You know, no matter how bad the team gets, at least this blog will continuously make me laugh out loud in public and receive questioning stares.
Cheers to 100 Years! Now let's forget about all of them and start fucking winning again.
WV: hypnesse, as in Lafleur's disco album was the definition of hypnesse!
I wish Jeff from Hong Kong would show up again. Great Post!! Cheers to the next 100 years of Gomez!!
Thnx for the shout out HF29.
Also are fiddlesticks the same thing as fucksticks.
Off to put some Savardian spinarama on tonight's cannonating and hopefully scintillating parody.
WV = novele, as in après la cérémonie du plus long centennaire jamais vu, c'est une novele décennie, estie d'tabarnacque.
RDS says Elmer laCH and Emile BouCHard get numbers retired tonight.
Heard the Bouchard story too.
O'Byrne not wearing #3.
"Late 1921 - FHF goes blue, as the word "fiddlesticks" makes its first appearance. Several users express their outrage at the use of such language, and go on to create HI/O."
My favorite part. Here's to hoping the Habs are as good as you guys tonight. Heh I need to stop kidding myself.
Awwww.... I'm all stammery and blushy from that mention.
Seriously, I think that I had the cops down at station 23 after I warbled "whiskers on kittens". One of them was getting all teary eyed, and I refuse to believe it was the tear gas residue on my suit.
I'd bail any of you guys out at any time, even if it means singing the entire oeuvre of The Sound of Music. Backwards. In a nun's habit.
commentor hospitalized for split sides.
thank God you guys are around to put a smile on my face.
(And because I didn't say it before I clickie clickied on post - GREAT GREAT preview! If only the product on the ice was as good as this blog...)
nice little easter egg.
..-. ..- -.-. -.- is more code for "fuck".
well done 29.
.-- . .-.. .-.. -.. --- -. .
Geoff Molson: Let me have your attention for a moment. 'Cause you're talkin' about what...you're talkin' 'bout…bitCHin' about that puck you shot, some son of a bitCH don't want to pass you the fucking puck, somebody don't want what we're coaCHing, some fans you're trying to screw, so forth, let's talk about something important. Are they all here?
Bob Gainey: All but two, Vodkov and the small Giant.
Molson: Well, I'm going anyway. Let's talk about something important. (sees Gomez pouring coffee). Put that coffee down. Coffee's for loser's only. You think I'm fuckin' with you? I am not fuckin' with you. I'm here from upstairs. I'm here from Molson and Brewery. And I'm here on a mission of mercy. Your name's Gomez?
Scott Gomez: Yeah.
Molson: You call yourself a centreman, you son of a bitCH.
Maxim Lapierre: I don't gotta listen to this shit.
Molson: You certainly don't pal 'cause the good news is you're fired. The bad news is you got all you got, just one week to regain your job, starting with tonight, starting with tonight's game. Oh, have I got your attention now? Good. 'Cause we're adding a little something to this month's Molson contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Escapade. Anybody want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is your fired. You get the picture? You laughing now? You get a lead and keep it. Molson and those fans paid good money. Got your fucking name on their paid for jerseys Boivin sold them. You can't keep the lead you're getting', you can't play 60 minutes, you are shit, hit the Centennial bricks pal and beat it 'cause you are going out.
Gomez: The lines are weak.
Molson: The lines are weak. The fuckin' lines are weak? You're weak. We've been in this business 100 years ...
Lapierre: What's your name?
Molson: Fuck you, that's my name. You know why Monsieur? Cause you drove a Lexus to get here tonight, I sat in the back of a fucking Bentley. That's my name. (To Gomez) And your name is you're wanting. You can't play in the man's game, you can't close them? Then go home and tell your wife your troubles. Because only one thing counts in this life. Get us to the fucking playoffs and win. You hear me you fuckin' fucksticks. (Flips the blackboard)
ABC. A, Always, B, Be, C, Closing. Always be closing. Always be closing. AIDA. Attention. Interest. Decision. Action. Attention. Do I have your attention? Interest. Are you interested? I know you are 'cause it's scoring puck or walk. You close with a win or you hit the bricks. Decision. Have you made your decision for CHrist? And action. AIDA. Get out there. We got the prospects coming in, you think they came in just to get out of Hamilton? A fan don't walk in the Phone Booth just to sing that fucking Olé song. They're sitting out there waiting for you to give them their money's worth. Are you going to take it? Are you man enough to take it? (To Lapierre) What's the problem, pal?
Lapierre: You, boss, you're such a hero, you're so rich, how come you're coming down here and wasting your time with such a bunch of bums?
Molson: You see this watCH? You see this watCH?
Lapierre: Yeah.
Molson: That watch is a Stanley Cup CHampion's watCH, my family's got lots. I bought this fucking team for half a billion plus. You see pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father. Fuck you, go home and play with your kids. You want to work here, win. You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you cocksucker. You can't take this, neither could your buddy Gu:(. If you don't like it, leave. I can go out there tonight, the skill you got, make myself splooged on by PeeAir. Tonight. In two hours. Can you? Can you?
Molson: Go and do likewise. AIDA. Get mad you son-of-a-bitCH. Get mad. You know what it takes to be a Stanley Cup winning Canadiens player? It takes brass balls to be a Stanley Cup winning Canadiens player. Go and do likewise, gents. The glory is out there, you pick it up, it's yours, you don't, I got no sympathy for you. You want to go out on the ice tonight and win, win, it's yours, if not, you're going to be shining my shoes. And you know what you'll be saying. Bunch of losers sitting around in a bar: ''Oh yeah, I used to be a Canadiens. It's a tough racket.''
Molson: These are the new lines. These are the CoaCH's lines. And to you, they're gold. Now go and fucking work them. Why? Because we believe in you. Don't throw them away. We're about winners. I'd wish you good luck, but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it. (To Lapierre) And to answer your question, pal: Why am I here? I came here because Molson and Brewery asked me to, they asked me for a fan favour. I said the real favour, follow my advice and fire your fuckin' ass because a loser is a loser.
Its a special night. We are the greatest professional hockey team of all time. Be fucking proud to be wearing that CH on your CHest. Find your fucking heart and bleed bleu-blanc-rouge. Now get out there and beat these fucking Bruins.
Ripped from one of the best, movie scenes ever.
OH YEAH meomen, well done. i do love that scene
@kmh - nice job catching it, and @Sleepy - thx for playing along!
* i dont even know who meomen is. jebus that's a nightmare typo
No sweat on the à propos typo HF29 cuz I'm a goalie who is cat-like fast, I can see great in the dark and I make the ladies purr.
WV = fangati, as in will the fangati his/her money's worth ce soir?
Here's a memory. 1995 Habs select Terry Ryan 8th overall. Iginla went 12th.
I've read about a hundred tons of Centennially sugar-coated crap today. So thanks for this. It's absolutely friggin' brilliant. You can't go wrong with Jaro. Or daguerreotypes.
@GG11, your Centennial pic is cross-generationally HOT! (bonus on the seamless blend from grayscale>Sepia tone-ish>vibrant colour, the CH jerseys draping the background, the fantastic Farrah of the fabulous 70s! and the #s 29 &33 tattooed on the titillating babes)
@moeman - nice catch on the numbers in the pic. keep looking, they're ALL there, including an 11 that's impossible to find
nice tuxes, RDS!
Thanks. You have a keen eye. Now find 4, 10 and 11.
Like your genre twist for tonight, too.
Found the '4'.
WV = urlystil (I kid you not), as in its urlystil in the season, so ...
Still can't believe how the cbc/hnic fucked over Boom Boom's jersey retirement. What a bunch of sick fucking bastards.
Found the '11' in the hair. Nicely hidden.
I LOVE the Garneau-Irvin tag team!
Bawling. Like. A. Little. Girl.
This is making me wish I had been born 20 years earlier.
what a move by Beliveau
Gorgeous montage. We are the CHerished fans. Saku should be there tonight.
What's the over/under on the amount of times Dick Irvin starts a sentence with "When my Dad took over coaching this team in 1940..."
I'd say 95, just shy of the actual 100 years Montreal's been playing.
And I don't even know if Irvin is going to be there.
*slow clap*
Pants, gentlemen. Absolutely pants.
this is pretty fucking cool
was that Breezer? except for Breezer...
Incredible display of Habs on-ice talent. Awesome.
Breezer lol
I want to see the Habs win a cup. Being 4 years old last time doesn't count.
Desjardins for D coach!
I really feel like the old-timer Bruins should come out on the ice now for a scrimmage.
Naslund looks like he could still play. sign him!
thanks SLC!
They should play these guys instead.
I think that's all they need for the pre-game ceremony. That was perfect.
i always enjoy a good death montage
can Breezer give up the puck in the neutral zone for old time's sake?
+120 for a defenseman. that's SICK
They should boo Gainey.
wow, pretty good French, Viggo!
Guy! Guy! Guy!
The real Guy.
I'm just bawling. Patrick. Just...waaaahhhhhhh
"we partied every night"
with hookers and blow. gotta love the 70's
Gordie intro's Jean. THAT's a moment
@habsfan29: Daguerreotypes! Fantastic! I was hoping it was going to be rotogravure, but skipping a step or two to get to Gore was probably a better idea.
so does Rhino skate out and pull his sweater over his head to reveal a "33" à la Ray Bourgue?
oh wait, that won't work
Jean throws in a little FHFuendo (new word bitCHes) with his 'nothing better than up and down all night'
*Bourque, obvs
thx subdoxastic
heh @ moe
I can't see anything through my tears.
yeah they milked it but goddamn it it's fucking brilliant.
after this i'm goign to bed as the game will only be a major letdown
Put the fucking 'C' on Andrei Markov.
Merci Elmer.
Merci Emile.
Merci Elmer.
Merci Emile.
As the gals say, twice is nice.
- from alleged purse snatCHer
- to Steve Smith impersonator
- to classy Pete! #20 wearer
Rhino looked like he was holding back tears
how politically correct.
I gues sthe array of talent is the old timers - not so much this year's version
perron, one of the unclassiest Habs ever.
"and the rest", in alphabetical order. outstanding
Nice to see Svoboda.
carrey needs a haircut.
pretty soon he won't be seeing any puck
man I sound like somebody's mother
WV erfack - need i say more
Squid, grab Pocket's wooden stick and play with it.
As the song playing says it,
That was beautiful... Fuck I love this team. Even when they suck.
Great job on the preview 29!
Man. I was choking back the entire time. I almost feel cheated only being 22 and having missed most of the glory days. No matter how many times they do it, the Habs always have some damn classy celebrations. Watching Mr. Hockey intro Le Gros was pretty incredible.
Hopefully we can kick off our second century right.
Go you fucking Habs!
The cool thing about a celebration like tonight (and others before it), it once again shows that the CH does not burn bridges. Always classy. A lesson to be learned.
Also, fuck I love my Habs!
Now win you fuckers.
A note to me from a good friend who is a Bruins fanatic:
"I heard they're bringing in the cadavers of the first 100 Habs that died..."
Fantastic ceremony...
Am I crazy in thinking that it'd be pretty hard for them to lose tonight? Shouldn't they go out there with a bounce in their step?
Dryden is smart about how the ceremonies affect the team, etc.
Go Habs Go.
well said, mr dryden.
The interview with Dryden at the bench with Ron Maclean on CBC brings up some really good points. It's time for these guys to forget about the past 100 years and start to focus on writing their history.
Thnx 4 da upd8s kidz cuz Iz can't stnd 2 hear da cbzzzz's mclame, a diss-gusting leaf who'r.
Too bad no one in the crowd is sucker pucking PJ Stock. I'd be a great way to finish off the Centennial.
Anyone notice Carey's mask tonight? Pretty spiffy.
WV: hacklert, as in Hacklert! McSplooge is on air!
Seriously, can the CBC NOT talk about Battle of the Blades for one fucking night?
@kc, yup someone tell pj that there were more than 6 teams in the 70s, 80s, 90s. Also, Fried Man bringing up wendy clark was disgusting leaf loser shilling but probably in his contract.
Dryden for PM! Smart man for real.
nice little dig at PJ by Dick Irvin.
Highlight of the night: rhino ripping off his jersey and giving to butch.
side note: O'byrne is the 6th #20 in five years (i think). If you want to have a long career in montreal, dont pick #20
ok let's got on with the ugly part of the night already, the hockey game
fuck, nevermind, what a fail
@ gillis
He looked pretty teary-eyed during the ceremony.
#20 just looks wrong on him, though.
gillis chill out. free ice cream only comes at 200
@HF29: yeah, and you still owe us from the first time u said that
i just wanted to be the hundreth post on the hundredth birthday, but i failed. The hundredth comment was desstined to be yours 29
Can hughson and simpson be any closer?
@moeman: you don't wanna know what goes on behind the scenes
Can you imagine being the Mr. Tux sales rep and seeing the RDS wardrope manager walk in? Can you say mothballs?
@gillis, I can imagine jim enjoying being lifted Salé-style. Watch the thumb simpson.
could we maybe get some Dick Irvin play by play tonight for old time sake?
105 comments befor puck drop, thats gotta be an all-time record for fhf.
No. 8 is free and a lot nicer than 20.
@Montrealiste1, I suggest we keep #8 for Louis Leblanc, flip the number horizontally and its to infinity and beyond..............
@montrealiste: #8 would remind me of Dou$harek too much
Imagine if 'Irwin' was dropped form HF29's last comment...
no roger doucet video?
Nice fucking catCH on the number fucking 8 gillis, I had totally fucking forgotten who last fucking wore that fucking number.
Alright, enough teary-eyed reminiscence. Let's kick some ass.
wait, Urologist is a forward now?
BGL is playing? Do they know Lucy is out?
should i capatalize the CH in chara?
all just make them all big letters, CHARA SUCKS
No need to CH the chara until he wins as many Cups as Patrick Traverse.
Also, can't wait to officially type Syndey CHrosby.
This game may go on long enough for our lg77 to finish CHoir practice and join the mix. Also, 200 comments ain't that far from being aCHieved. Can you say ice cream!
WTF Big Tits?!? Thank god for Carey.
i just shit my pants a little bit after that save
1-0 for the 101st edition of the CH!
god that feels good
The First Goal! Finally!
Spacek Oddity!
price is a g
Carey is looking sharp tonight.
I know I've mentioned it already tonight, but I really hope Carey keeps that mask. Absolute class.
A good point by CH13.
price knew the guy couldn't lift the puck on the breakway, so he jusstput a skate on each post and did the splits. Seems easy enough
careys hot
(no homo)
woohoo! bodies flying!
This is a nice period bitCHes.
WV = domalge, as in do more domalge on these fucking Bruins.
That was, by far, the worst powerplay I've seen in ages. Just, wow.
Thatactually felt like the shortest period ever. I guess time goes by slower when the team u CHeer for is losing
Chenny13: what powerplay?
BGL, Urologist and Mad Max on the starting line.
Plan the parade?
@Gillis: True. I wonder how many times Mexican't can float around in our own zone wasting time while we're supposed to be doing something.
old J.B. has a point, if this tribute to hockey history doesn't inspire the habs tonight, i can't think of anything that would
One of my most CHerished moments. (Circa 1999).
Why is cbc advertising violent hockey videos yet claim to support anti hockey violence and tell kids to play safe?
my g-ma has the autographs of maurice richard, elmer lach and butch bouchard from when she was a kid. Anyobdy know how much that would be worth?
I'm guessing a couple of dollars
Has anyone found GG's #10 yet?
gillis, those are priceless. I hope you inherit them.
I did
Gordie was holding a Rocket numbered jersey. Weep.
Our GG11 is a tease. I love it!
Thomas is making some solid stops too. It'd be nice to have one of those 2 goal leads I've heard so much about.
Seeing O'B's #20 makes me think Rhino is a closet FHFer and wanted nothing of the Dou$harekian 8.
Wait, why is Jaro in the box?
5on3? WTF?!
So...that's a 5 on 3 for what?
Go habs
grab this game by the balls
5 on 2 yikes
Fucking GREAT kill. That's what I like to see.
S Q U I D!!!!!!!!!!!
That's momentum. Atta boy SQUID!
Great work on the PK... and Squid! Seafood Delight!
Fuck the Bruins!
Go habs
grab this game by the balls
5 on 3 yikes
killed and a goal WOW
Come on Bell Centre crowd, start serenading Tim Thomas.
What. The. Fuck.
I just watched that whole 5 on 3 and I'm fucking flabbergasted. Who the fuck kid...
What is this? What did you do with my team?
Ughhhhh so much sex on face!
(on the 5 0n 3) hughson and simpson put the bukkake in cbc. What a couple of fucking sick fucking Bruins sploogers.
Fucking centennial is over!!! Bring on the next century.
Thanks, Bell Centre crowd.
ok..... where's alan funt????
Now this is TEAM play.
Honestly what the fuck happened? It's like a curse has been lifted. This is a different team.
You know what I haven't said once tonight:
"Fucking Gill!!"
That's a big compliment.
WV = mentl
Habs fan Sam Roberts or some douchebag leaf fan from Glass Tiger, take your pick.
S Q U I D !!!!!!!!!!! AGAIN!
Merry Christmas Squid!
How cute! Hunwick and Thomas got the Canadiens a gift for their Centennial.
Fuck... SK to the dressing room. I liked that JM played him on the PK earlier.
hugesimpleson still buttering the Bs. Weird.
Uh oh. Just as we're starting to play well, Little Tits walks to the dressing room. Hopefully it's minor.
actually looks like this team has been inspired by a ceremony or could they be celebrating thge end of the cash grab?
fuck now I have to watch the game
Metro from Gill. It is a new century bitCHes!
I...I can't describe my joy.
Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us...
Additional gift coming up from Claude Julien: Pulling Tim Thomas (hopefully).
You know what I've really enjoyed this season? That Patches is actually developping into a serviceable NHLer. He's been consistent and solid most nights and is making some really smart plays.
S Q U I D ########3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus Squid. Save it for the next games!
Wow wow wow WOW!
Hat trick Mike!
FUcking right.
Plan the parade!
I have no semen left. My meth dealer is making his third trip over and I want to destroy my loins over the performance of this team but there is nothing left. I think I might give myself a hernia.
holy fuck !!!
hat trick !!!
bring in the new century
This has to be our first Hat Trick in like...3 years.
Sweet CHorizo from the Mex.
Hat trick on shabbat. Or make that yarmulka trick.
The only thing missing is a reverse stan jonathan-on-Pierre BouCHard.
Ice cream!
Woo hoO!
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