Welcome to our little psychic gymnasium - 19h30 au Centre Bell. Habs on a one-game winning streak! Phlyers on a 4-game losing streak. This is our first meeting this year.
I'm going to suck your brain dry - our good friend Kristin at eager to go psycho can suck our brains dry any time.
And yet an assassin managed to infiltrate this group - Squid's Friday night hat trick gives him 15 goals, way ahead of anyone else on this team. TFS has the eyes of a cold-blooded assassin these days, and we like it.
Why are you such a derelict? Such a piece of human junk? - We'll just say after Friday night there are no cold Habs. Enjoy that while you can.
You and your brothers and sisters can bring a glory and a brilliance to our society that has never been seen before - there is no one bringing glory to the Flyers right now.
They're all pathetic social misfits. Unstable. Unreliable. - All the following Flyers are listed as 0 points in their last _ games: Carter, Richards, Giroux, Pronger, Timonen. Ray Emery is in his own stratosphere of patheticness, instability, and unreliability.
Bring the world of normals to their knees - Speaking of knees, or lower-bodies, or ankles or whatever, Little Tits is a go for tonight. TFS gets the start. Pouliot might be ready to go for the weekend. Ryan White is back to Hamilton. For the Flyers, Simon Gagne is still out.
I drilled a hole in my head. Where? Kind of obvious, isn't it? - Your post-game adult entertainment is educational. Learn the drill sex position with handy computerized graphics (sorta NSFW).
Let's see if we can scan each other in the comments
The death spiral mantle maybe seems to have been passed from the Habs to the Flyers (knock wood)
I'll see your 'knock wood' and raise you a 'poo poo poo'.
also NSIYHASKAT (not suitable if you have a sick kid at home).
If a Flyers loss would result in a Jaro post, I'd be a happy girl.
I think Montreal is a perfect opponent for the Flyers to turn things around against... it's gotta happen sometime right?
Kristin shouldn't you be bargaining FOR Flyers wins instead of against them? :(
But kmart, have you ever read a Jaro post? It'd be well worth a Flyers loss!
I read it... I dunno who Jaro is otherwise I'm sure it'd be much funnier. And right now, I would trade anything for a Flyers win...
Whats up guys?! Its Matt from the Orange Army. First time checking out your blog....GREAT stuff! Hot women & hockey, you cant beat it. I dispise everything about the Canadiens, except your blog. Very funny & insightful. Keep up the good work, & I hope we beat you guys down tonight!!
K-Mart, would you trade... YOUR SOUL??? MOUHAHAHAHAHA
oh right, you're a Flyers fan, you don't have a soul.
welcome back to FHF! please stay for the game. we'll have pie!
I'll check in around period 2. I have class til 7:45 and it's hard as shit to post from an iPhone.
Also yes, I sold my soul to Ed Snyder years ago. Hasn't quite worked out :(
I call Bullshit on the pie, 29. You've been promising me ice cream for almost a fucking year now...
Topic? I thought I had rehearsal tonight so I sold my tix last week.
Now they just cancelled it. Watchin' da game from my couch. siiiigh.
thx Matt. please be aware the comment about Flyers fans having no soul applies to you as well :)
good luck tonight! well, not really
Where does Kristin fall on the soul scale?
LG that's only good news for me, because I get the pleasure of your company throughout the game, instead of just your intermission updates
what's for dinner?
@K-Mart - the part of her that's a Habs fan (the smart part) is loaded with soul.
though my anti-sports bigamy stance is severely tested with Kristin. I like her so much, but grrrrrrr PICK A FUCKING TEAM
Her not picking a team has been a point of consternation amongst some of her readers... I just say a little prayer for her every time she makes a Habs comment. To the devil, obviously.
29 - dindin is leftovers seeing as the fridge, she needs to be cleaned out.
But it's homemade butter chicken, palak paneer, and vegetable biryani. I'll pick up some Naan on my way home... yum!
"anti-sports bigamy stance"? There's gotta be an easier way to say that...
@Kristin - how about TRAITOR!!!!!!
to which team, I dont know
@LG - that's some kind of leftovers. yum
Yeah, traitor would work. or douchebag.
@krisitn - can women be douchebags? i never know, always for some reason think it's a term for asshole guys only. as is found in one of my favourite sites on the interwebs
C'mon Habs Shake!
Hommage To My Local High School Rock Band
Flower Give Me That Opener, Knuckles Pass Me That Beer
Viggo Move Your Ass, On Out Of Here
Well I Guess You Know, Carcillo's Out Some Money
And Traitor Brière Is, Short, Fat And Ugly
C'mon Habs Shake
Ohh Habs Shake
C'mon Habs Shake
Yeah! Baby Habs Shake
Well Josh Can Dance, Can Block And Beat
Well That's Because, He's Got Size 12 Feet
Cammi'll Make Them Run. He'll Make Them Blush
He's Now Our Guy, He's Got Squid TouCH
C'mon Habs Shake
Ohh Habs Shake
C'mon Habs Shake
Yeah! Baby Habs Shake
Well Habs Shake!
( Bop! - We Do The Bop - Go! Push Down - Woo! -Yeppy, Yeppy, Yeah - .. Bleu, Blaaaaaaaaaa, Rouge !!! )
Every Time I Saw Price Save
In That Fucking Cool Mask
And Those Great Big Pants
Bs Shoulda Played Rask
Now Year 101, 100's Gone By
With a 25th Cup, Like Messier I'll Cry
So Habs Shake
Ahh Habs Shake
C'mon Habs Shake
Yeah! Baby Habs Shake
( Bop! - We Do The Bop - No Early Olé's - Just Act Fucking Proud )
So Habs Shake!
Ahh Habs Shake!!
C'mon Habs Shake!!!
Yeah! Baby Habs Shake!!!!
Well Habs Shake!!!!!
Thnx for the tip HF29, now Shake!
im shaking it TWICE as hard now moe
"like Messier I'll cry"
+1994 tears for that one
Basmati rice on stove? Check!
leftovers heating up? Check!
Mr. LG77 playing Call of Duty 2 on the PS3 until the last possible fucking minute before game starts? Sadly, check as well...
I was just about to say that I don't feel right watching the game without Moeman's song. I refreshed, and Voila!
Great as usual. Game on!
WV: Swanch. I'm not sure what the fuck it would be, but it sure as hell sounds dirty, doesn't it?
@CH13, SwanCH, probably the sound of lg77's wiffing her Naan by Mr. Lg77's PS3'd ears.
@HF29 I tend to use the term douchebag rather liberally, and I'm sure I've used it to refer to women. Nice site by the way. Those are some douchebags of the highest order!
Aaaaah, life before kids.... All in place here as well. DrGG reading newspaper on the sofa, 15, 13 and 10 cleaning
kitchen or will be locked in their rooms, 3 writing on furniture, walls, body parts and generally turning my hair grey.
RDS - "Hal Gill Ă surveiller" because he played so well Friday. why does that sound wrong?
wait, the Flyers have a Laperierre? shouldn't he be playing for us?
for a heavyweight tilt, that was pretty lame
A staged dance. (Not what my song suggested BGL, you punk).
Caps may have busted 8 in the Flyers ass but its now being reported that Tiger is up to 9.
@moeman - heh. but Deadspin has it up to 10
on their first shot no less. jebus
brunet gets all moist, fans boo, I'll take the fans thank you.
we have 100th anniversary party hangover
Blame VigGoHabsGo?
Lame start by both teams. Hopefully the powerplay can punch one in. And if Rhino was going to jump all over Briere on that play, why not take him out completely to make sure he doesn't shoot?
this game's going nowhere fast
So are the refs.
Woah the Flyers are winning! This is great news to come home to.
nice PK
@K-mart - no one should be winning this crapfest
This might have been the dullest period of the season. Shots are 4-1? Really?! Well, hopefully the second is a little more interesting.
4-1 SOG after 1
I, uh, have no words
aside from brieres goal with the entire habs organization hanging off of him.... pretty much a stinker all around.
When you've lost 6 of 7, I don't care how ugly it is if we win.
I realize it's stupid and Homerriffic to shit on the refs and claim they're biased.
But JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ON A CRACKER, PEOPLE!! How was Rhino's call justified, meanwhile the gang bang on Patches down low in behind the Flyers' net was clean? Oh, my bad, the ref was kind of twitching towards his whistle (had it up at his mouth) but never blew it. So he was thinking of blowing it.
He blew it all right.
@anon- I'm gonna go with Colby Armstrong.
Scott Hartnell looks like his family tree don't fork. I heard banjos in the background when they showed his mullet-mug on my teevee.
Scott Hartnell is an ugly ugly man. However, he's been one of the most consistent Flyers this year.
*does a quick google image search*
meh... lol
On the plus side, Plekanec is 88% on his faceoffs. Baby steps.
As ugly as Hartnell is... Briere still gets the brunt of my hatred. Overpaid, whiny, dirty little fuck.
I actually need Plek and Cammelleri (there are far too many consonants in that name)to have good nights... I have a big fantasy matchup this week :)
lol @ the banjos
God, score already. Please don`t tell me Boucher is going to shut us out tonight.
@Ronan- Briere is definitely not a typical Flyer... but when he's scoring, I love him lol.
Mr. LG77 hasn't switched the TV back over to the game...
"Relax, we're taping it... I'll switch it over as soon as this round is done"
*silent scream of frustration*
Tomas Gretzky?
TITS!!!!!!!! *crickets*
vw= nower.
as in we better get that go ahead goal nower.
I don't like this whole "Montreal taking shots thing" stop it!
Squid shakes it up!
What. A. Goal.
Beer me LDude.
Also, WV = cruse, as in I'm glad Viggo is a Hasb fan and not tom cruse.
Beauty play by Max too!
I was about to ask whether anybody else feels like.......this......game......is
Hasb = Habs
There's those Flyers I'm used to seeing.
BGL gets his 100th NHL assist. Congrats. Now GTFO.
I think the flyers coach looks like Al Pacino in the court scene in And Justice For All.
Crank up the PhotoCHop GG.
@GG More Eddie Munster, no?
I swear I was going to write Joel Bouchard's anglo twin (a while back I called Joel a grown Eddie Munster) but I went with Al instead. I think he also has a Boris of Boris and Natasha thing happening only he's taller. Hey new coach guy who's name I don't know, it takes a lot more effort to frown than it does to smile.
k cmon boys i'll take a "hold on for dear life 11 shot win", thank you
Habs will get a cheapass penalty soon.
Lovin' Pax's game tonight.
aw fuck me
have we hit double digits in shots yet, btw?
and there we go! Urology!
Juro has a funny accent when he speaks in English.
Price is happy to have something to do
gotta make it interesting
well, it wasn't what you might call "entertaining", but it got us to .500
/small victories
I'll take .500, thank you very much!!
Patches played one heckuva game tonight. He was the only one hitting and *gasp* shooting until several minutes into the 2nd...
First thing I see on L`Antichambre: trade Gomez for Briere!
I`m not exactly a fan of Gomez but c`mon...
*changes channel*
Pleks and Squid are on fire!!!
Just checking the score, shots 15-13? I think I fell asleep just looking at the stats. I'll take the win, however. Go Hab......zzzzzz.
A regulation win! A regulation win! The second in a row! Woo-hooo!
Still unbeaten in the second century!!!
@Sonia - I like your "Glass is half full" mentality... please tell me more.
The mouthbreathers on L'Antichambre make me almost as embarrassed to be a Quebecker as the Bouchard-Taylor Commission did a few years ago.
Riddle me this: Brière didn't want to come play here because of the pressure he would have because he would be playing at home.
So why are his best games at the Bell Centre? Hmmmm...
Sorry, LG77, that was actually "Glass full of Sarcasm".
Want more? Here you go:
A record night! Fewest shots in a Canadiens game - 28 - beating the old record of 31 set in 1993!! Hey - wasn't that the last year we won the Cup?!? Yeah, baby!!
@Sonia - Heh. It wasn't sarcasm... I prefer to think of it as senseless, er, constructive boosterism. Much like the not-sarcastic-at-all-no-sirree cheering that took place after the Habs' second shot tonight.
Yeah, i can't keep that up, either. We played a hella boring defensive game, but, hey, 2 regulation points are two regulation points.
Even better - everyone has been talking about that 1993 stat... too bad it's from DECEMBER 1993 (the 31st to be exact) vs. Calgary.
You know, the year after we won the Cup.
Just got back in to see the shots total, 28. For both teams.
Well, I'm glad that we won at least!
Why has no one mentioned Andrei Markov will be back in about a month? He skated at the optional skate on Friday, full contact in a couple of weeks. How's the for optimism? I saw it all, I'm the oldest Kostitsyn!
Jaro post?
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