No, but seriously... Was Paul Mara the inspiration for this character??
When I heard the news that the Habs got Paul Mara (a.k.a. Yukon Cornelius) back from the Ducks this morning, I expected to hear Sonny and Cher playing on my clock radio on a never ending loop, with the announcers chattering obnoxiously about Groundhog Day.
Mercifully, I've already done the time travel thing at FHF, so this is the *image that I saw instead.
Gosh, am I ever relieved that it wasn't Bill Murray's reflection staring back at me.
Anyhoo, tonight is the Habs' first game of their Western Road Trip. Much like this year's edition of the Habs, this road trip is either a fucking disaster of epic proportions... or it solidifies the team's standing and gives them a solid push towards the playoffs.
I've read lots of comments saying that the Habs "have" to win against the Oil because, apparently, they'll have a harder time against the red-hot *rimshot* Flames and the 'Nucks.
Obviously, the people saying those things haven't watched this team this year. True to form, they often shit the bed against crappy teams that they "should" beat and rise to the occasion against the elite teams.
Will they break the pattern tonight?
The Game: Puck drops at 9:00... ugh, stupid Western time zones. Seems as though they're trying their level best to ignore the fact that Toronto is the center of the universe as well. Broadcast on RDS and the CeeBeeCee. I actually find the CBC more objectionable during the weekdays, even without Don Cherry, but maybe that's just me. Still waiting for my feed with only rink noise, dammit.
The Sweet Bird of Youth: Long live the kiddie corps!! DDD, Patches, Chickendude are on fire with some pretty nice consecutive point streaks going.
The Underachievers: [shift+ F5] Gomez, AK46, blah blah blah. Although I will admit that they were playing like they gave somewhat of a shit in the first period of the Islanders game. Until they stopped caring, along with the rest of the team...
Collateral Damage: Thank God Gill is coming back tonight. I can't decide whether or not Spacek's injury helps us or hinders us... He's the most Jekyll and Hyde player on this whole Jekyll and Hyde team. Squid is still out, but reallyreallyreally wants to play on Sunday (duh). Oilers seem pretty healthy overall. Grreat.
Showgirls: I'm writing this at work, so I have no link to any good sites to share with you, my dear readers. So I will leave you with this query: was Showgirls taking itself seriously, or is it a satirical masterpiece regarding the fact that everyone in Hollywood is a whore?
* I may still have been dreaming, or I may somehow have infiltrated Mr. LG77's dreams in a Matrix-like way. Apparently, my big problem is that I watch far too many movies.
Comments? Déjà Vu? Dreams? Hallucinations (drug-induced or otherwise)? Other visions, revelations that were revealed to you on a Red Letter Day in the History of Science? Talk about it in the comments!
was Showgirls taking itself seriously, or is it a satirical masterpiece regarding the fact that everyone in Hollywood is a whore?
I don't know, but it had Gina Gershon making out with Jessie from Saved by the Bell, so I didn't care
shift+ F5
Showgirls was just an excuse to make a titty movie, and why do they need an excuse. Best titty movie in a long time and maybe forever, The American, you heard it first here.
Haven't seen Showgirls so I will go with whatever 29 says...
9.00 pm start makes it a 2.00 am start for me so I'll read all about in the morning!
BTW - Yukon Cornelius!! Some things just always bring a smile to your face
Stripper movies are fun.
lg, shift+F5? Say it ain't so!
Nice work LG. One thing, though. You infiltrate other people's dreams in by Inception, not the Matrix, unless you're implying our reality is a dream. In which case, carry on.
Going through facebook and Toronto media today you would swear it was June and Game 7 is this weekend. Seriously, two wins in a row in the CotU=Lord Stanley is within grasp. It's sad, really. Hey, only 6 points out of 8th is alright, but you've got 2 other teams to jump over as well and you're tied with Florida. But hey, I'm going to T-dot this weekend and I'll reserve my spot on Yonge Street just in case.
Holy fuck, is that Mrs. DDD?
heh @ mathew
did the game start yet? man, these west coast start times are killing me already
The censored version of Showgirls that they broadcast on cable television is amazing stuff.
According to the last Habs TV bit, I bet most of the guys in the locker room were hoping it was Kelly Kapowski in Showgirls and not Jessie.
Goat how about a three way, Dustin Penner,for Tits and Mex and Edmonton flip Tits and their first round to Nashville for Shea Weber.
Make it so
I feel like the goat got the wrong ex-Hab from the Ducks.
Weren't there 2 Hab scouts at a couple of recent Preds games recently? Did I read that here? Did I dream that? Is my meth habit affecting my memory?
So is there a game tonight?
BTW, Showgirls is also a strip club in Edmonton. Coincidence?
Men. Pffft. They can't get anything right. It was supposed to be Koivu, not Mara. Since that trade was announced so late last night, they must have grabbed him in the dark. Shit, I suppose it's all up to us now, what else is new.
I like Gainy and this is still his team and its the best its been in a long time. Why he had to throw Saku under the bus is a mystery. In cap we traded Saku for Mex.
To stay within the confines of todays preview, it is like trading The American for Showgirls in tity magnificent.
Man...today brought out all kinds of stupid on this Mara thing eh? Though it was rather refreshing to hear the TSN guys completely squash Tony Marinaro.
fucking Islanders.
@Orangeman - Yup. They're all out of goons and all out of hat tricks. And what's next for the Bs? The Senators.
Take solace FHFers as the Bs will fuck up come the playoffs. (For you PuckDaddyers reading this, your leaf won't make em').
And goaltender Carey Price, a B.C. native who has been known to play road hockey in the summer but hasn’t played outside “for over 10 years, probably,” is making special plans for the occasion.
He’ll debut a new piece of gear: a goalie mask he says is “going to be a bit of a retro look.”
“I’ve got something coming. I’m meeting up with the artist out there and I’m sure it’ll be pretty neat,” he said.
I'm not sure the B's can surpass fucking us over for the final last year though. That was epic, even for them.
Very true Moey. When the Bs suck hard it is a joy to watCH.
The good news is that the guys won't feel the need to lose seeing as every time they sniff 3rd they find a way to collapse. So there's that.
I've been up since 5 and just made a pot of coffee to keep me awake for this game. The Oilers are 30th in the league. They better win. That is all.
@iRiRi - enjoying a rare evening Habs game, I am smug enough to suggest that Kmaxx gets the lion's share of 'time zone sympathy'
Paul Mara will be eating steamies in the Bell Centre press box before he reaches 6 games with the Habs...mark that. Oh and ppl say we gave up nothing to get him...bull shit, even a 7th round pick 3 years from now would be too much. I think gainey had his hands on this one.
I'm unemployed so I'm just happy to have something to watch late at night besides Star Trek reruns.
@Bill 101 - Don't mind me, I'm just cranky.
AK46 = tits on a bull.
@0-man, rent 'Showgirls'.
Oh fucking super, another injury to a Dman. Yet Gomez skates away in tact.
Sloppy hockey, Habs system can't handle sloppy hockey.
@moe: Trust me, Showgirls got some airplay in the Orange teenage bedroom. At this point I'm more embarrassed to rent it than an actual porn.
Sigh...that was a shitload of standing around.
And another one bites the dust. Can't we go through one game without losing a defenseman?
Know what? Could have been 2-0 right there... Eberle made Hamr look so silly.
I was trying to figure out what looked so weird (besides the small rink). The cameras are on the same side as the benches. That's not normal, right?
Getting outplayed by the last place team? Sounds like our Habs...
huh, I didn't know DDD was born in a metro station!
(Laurier Station, QC).
garbage team. can't wait till the goat (aka gainey incarnate) makes his 'big splash' and gets kovy for a first and second round pick...then we can be a true laughing stock
Always bugged me about this rink. Cameras on the wrong side.
I really don't like how they're playing right now.
cbc does.
The only team playing worse than the Oilers tonight is the Habs. What a terrible period. Can't use the AHL defence excuse against these guys.
The AHLers aren't the problem, it's what's left of the vets. Hamr looks like he's drowning. Hell even Gionta looks slow! How is any goalie supposed to work behind this mess? It's disgusting. They're lucky it's only 1-0.
This was supposed to be the easiest game of the trip. They're making it look so hard.
I really hope this is the last season of 'big tits'...whenever the Habs are on a winning streak you hear fans and reporters in a drunken euphoric state talk about how 'if he ever got his confidence back he would be a huge asset...' its like they forget about how much of a bust this guy has been for 95% of his time here.
yes...big tits is 95% bust
vw= farmin heh
Forget BigTits...Get a real fucking defence coach instead of Mr. Rolling The Lines.
So Gomez does shoot, but lets up halfway through.
When the wiz went down, there was a quick camera shot of Hammer. He looked like he wanted to slit his wrists. Can't blame him. This is getting ridiculous.
That was U-G-L-Y but I'll take it.
Yay for dirty goals!
Clutch'n'grab is alive and well. Good to see the refs understand the post-lockout NHL.
Eller, my hero.
Love it.
Hamr is killing me...
orangeman may be schizophrenic
Wiz in hospital.
n31, wait until mara hits the ice...
@B. cold AKA lehab, might be schizo? Are you serious, o'man is as nuts as they come, I should know.
Price might have sprained an ankle there...
Oh. And here I was thinking these refs weren't going to call anything all night...
Well that was pathetic.
Wow that was bad.
Oilers have the worst PK in the league and they were barely able to get into the o-zone. This is going to end well.
@the poster formerly known as lehab: I was only quoting the crowd in Edmonton.
@orangeman: shut up
@orangeman: go to hell
@orangeman: talking to you, already there
What is interference?
@ all of the oarngemen... heh heh
Mazel Tov!
Even Price wants to lose tonight.
Seriously, fuck this team.
Fall asleep on Hall and Eberle, that's what you get.
Fall on your asses all over.
Geez this team is too slow against these kids.
Mex finally makes a good move and he finds a way to fuck it up at the end.
Of course Gomez is all alone and...misses. Did Higgins return?
"Hey guys, how did we score our goal?"
"We crashed the net on a goalie who's having problems with rebounds."
"Cool. Let's try giving him a 10 feet cushion. You know. Just to try something new."
Oilers having a feast.
I'm still watching. Don't wanna miss the comeback!
Did you EVER think PK and Weber would be killing a 5-on-3 together?
Oil are allowed to have 8 guys on the ice apparently.
When PK misses like that IT'S FUCKING BAD.
Besides how pathetic the guys have played tonight, the reffing has been atrocious. I just saw 3 major offences against EDM and MTL got the penalty.
Oilers are allowed to do everything. Two trips in a row and a crosscheck into the boards. Fuck you too, Van Moustache.
What's the point of pulling Price if you're going to skate around like that?
Well, you could tell 1 minute in they had no intention of winning this game. Whatever place their opponent is in, that was an embarrassing performance. It would have been better for them to have just forfeited, at least then we wouldn't have lost yet another Dman.
This is exactly what I was afraid of: The old Western no-show trip of DOOM. Are they going to hang Price out to dry and embarrass him in front of friends and family again in Vancouver? Even if the D is mostly Bulldogs, that half-paced half-assed effort was inexcusable.
And Don Van Massenhoven should be fired.
Fuck it:
Ow. That's one nasty gash on the face, Wiz... It's like the Grand Canyon just grew on his cheek.
my bud ced was at the game. he said 60-40 sea of red. o,man not that crazy. sorry o,man.
without carey, there was no hockey game
@zdog;bruins game is so last week
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