If this can't inspire the Habs, I don't know what will.
Waiting in line details - 7:00 PM start, TD Banknorth Gah-den, Boston MA. On TV: RDS and RDS-HD in French. It's on NESN in the U.S. Montreal English radio CJAD, Montreal French radio CKAC. Habs have won all 3 against the B's this year. That's about to change.
Pay your cover charge to - The Spoked B. Any blogger named "Doobie" who randomly quotes The Simpsons is alright by us.
Hot sexy Habs to Watch - Please note this feature has been suspended until further notice.
Hot sexy Bruins to Watch - Marc Savard has an 11-game point streak, the longest in the NHL this season.
Skanky Habs to Watch - Markov. Komo. Breezer. Bouillon. Hamr. Gorges. Koivu. Ryder. Dandy. Streit. Tits. Tenderness. Greek Lightning. Pleks. Smolinski. Bégin. Carbo. Muller. Jarvis. Pierre Gervais. The athletic therapist. The asistant to the travelling secretary. Did I miss anyone?
Skanky Bruins to watch - Tim Thomas fell awkwardly while trying to snare a deflected shot in their last game, so look for Tuukk Raask in net.
In the VIP Room - Habs look to shake things up by inserting Ryan O'Byrne and Maxim Lapierre into the lineup, just off the bus from Steeltown. Both have some size and grit. But we agree with FHF regular lawyergirl77 who ranted the other night that we are "playing an ass-backwards style of hockey for the talent we do have on the ice." Shit yeah. Stop attempting to play D Carbo, open things up for a change. Call up Little Tits and let the kids loose.
Post-game adult enetertainment establishment - The Foxy Lady looks pretty classy. If you like classy.
K so every comment tonight should start with "Habs Suck."
Breezer in the stands to make room for Obyrne.
I can see the daylight.
Smolinski on the 2nd top line.
Was I that drunk, I taught Guimauve did pretty good with Captain Kangaroo and Higgins.
I guess old habits are hard to brake.
Habs Suck.
"Guimauve". Nice. Yeah, i thought he did OK too
Breezer needs to be benched for the season
Well if they don't want to put Tenderboy on the top line, atleast pair him up with Chips Ahoy and Mad Max. The three together seem to me like they'd just burn down everything with their level of energy. And for God's sake where's my Tits-Plek-Tits line already?
Habs (sometimes) suck! (like lately)
I can’t get used to the Habs suck.
It usually goes with Gina or the Leafs…
Guimauve, Chips and Max could be an interesting mix. With Guy the juggler we could even see it tonight. For now lets just hope Slowinski gets injured (not to bad) and joins Breezer in the dog house for eternity.
Bruins suck. Habs rule.
Yeah, I said it! I hope you bastards all broke an ankle leaping off the bandwagon ... not HF10, baby! I'm all in. Tonight, the B's get an old fashioned whuppin', then we're dishing one out to the Whalercanes on Saturday, and to everyone else from here on in. [Insert Ric-Flairesque "whoooooo!!!" here].
The tailspin ends now, for the love of Guy.
Buncha no-faith pansies, that's what you all are.
Is there any chance of accidentally getting your foot stuck with a rope on the wagon and still being dragged forwards?
I hate the feeling that you can almost predict a Habs loss - most of the time. Come on guys, I need something happy to post about.
Habs Suck.
Hate to disdagree with you HF10, but if we blindly pled alleggance to the Blue Blanc Rouge no matter thier level of play, we'd be something else entirely - Leafs fans.
That being said, I'm feeling good about the game tonight. Back-to-back games for the Broons, the Franchise Saviour (TM) is posied to prove he's a hulluva lot better than what he showed against the Hot Wings, and I think it's time for Saks and Higgs to break out.
habs Suck
OK Jordi, post about Ryan O'Byrne and how he tonight will begin his long illustrious career as the core of the Habs blue line for the next 20 years
Habs suck.
This isn't me hopping off the bandwagon, this is merely an empirical truth. Lately, we be shit on skates.
I actually have a bad feeling about tonight's game, if only because the ass whuppin' we gave the Broons last time may inspire them to stick it to us tonight. Plus, it's the law of averages - they're due for a win against us.
Besides, I'd rather not set myself up for disappointment. I thought we would rise to the occasion against the Red Wings. *snort* Silly me...
LOL to whomever coined "Guimauve"! Classic...
P.S. Thanks for the shoutout, gentlemen! :-) I didn't think anyone noticed the head explosion that took place after the last game...
Habs suck.
This isn't me hopping off the bandwagon, this is merely an empirical truth. Lately, we be shit on skates.
I actually have a bad feeling about tonight's game, if only because the ass whuppin' we gave the Broons last time may inspire them to stick it to us tonight. Plus, it's the law of averages - they're due for a win against us.
Besides, I'd rather not set myself up for disappointment. I thought we would rise to the occasion against the Red Wings. *snort* Silly me...
LOL to whomever coined "Guimauve"! Classic...
P.S. Thanks for the shoutout, gentlemen! :-) I didn't think anyone noticed the head explosion that took place after the last game...
Habs suck.
That is all.
Doh! Double post... Blame it on my haunted work computer...
Oh LG of course we noticed. that was some quality bilingual ranting, very difficult to forget.
I personally love HF10's optimism, but only 'cause it came with the Rick Flair-esque WHOOOOO!
Actually, that was a lie. HF10 is right and Panger is wrong. You can be frustrated with your team but you can't abandon it or else you're no better than the fans in Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver that abandon their team during tough stretches.
Habs suck
PPP I dont think Panger said that. He said you can't blindly plead allegiance. recognizing the level of suckitude should be an integral part of being a fan
if you want to be always positive, hang out in the Official Habs Forum. here we speak the truth baby
PPP - If I read it correctly, Panger's post (and mine) are not about us abandoning our team. It's about calling a spade a spade, and expressing our frustration with the ridiculously poor product on the ice right now.
Bottom line, that's what the Habs are - a product. And they're playing like a cheapo dollar store product, instead of as the high quality product that their price tag and pedigree would indicate.
I can't abandon the team - it's too embedded in my DNA to be a Habs fan. I cheer like a nutcase when the team is announced at the beginning of the game, and I always have that little bit of hope that they are going to put this shitty stretch behind them. But I will admit that I did boo them in frustration during the third period of their past two home games.
Habs fans are passionate, win or lose. To that end, see HF33's brilliant post yesterday.
(Fuck, man, I've really gotta work...)
Didn't see this posted anywhere (it may be old news), but RDS is reporting that Ryder, Breezer and Gorges are healthy scratches tonight.
While I'm thrilled that Ryder and Breezer are finally getting their asses nailed to the bench, Gorges has been steadily improving to the point where he looks better than Markov on some nights. I hope this doesn't fuck with his confidence too much - it would be nice to have another (somewhat) young defensive prospect...
Going back to work any minute now...
While I was forced to abandon MTL for the West, I moved across the country upon the express condition that Mrs. Panger allow me to get RDS, then subscribed to XM Satellite radio so I wouldn't miss the first period (and often second...and sometimes 3rd) while stuck at work, and started writing for a Habs blog after exchanging daily email with my buddies in MTL about the Habs. I play with a Habs pattern on my goalie helmet, own dozens of Habs memorabilia and plan my trips back to MTL around Habs home games.
Yeah, I abandoned my team, PPP. Whatever, jackass.
It's about calling a spade a spade, and expressing our frustration with the ridiculously poor product on the ice right now.
Fair enough. And that's why Leafs and Habs fanbases are better than the rest of Canada's. Do they bitch and moan like everyone else? Sure. Do they abandon the team? Never.
That DNA-embedded love for a team can be painful eh?
Yeah, I abandoned my team, PPP. Whatever, jackass.
Takes one to know one I guess ;)
Seemed like you were on the verge of returning to your previous level of apostasy during the Houle-Tremblay Era.
Alright enough chit chat. Drink in hand, let's get this show on the road!!!
Stat on screen: Markov 4 assists and -12 in his last 10 games
Ladies and Gentleman, starting for the East All-Stars!
My god a PP goal! I thought I would never see one again.
Hig from Hamr and Streit. Nice...
What did it look like? (I'm at work - listening on CJAD until I head off for a farking dinner at 8:00)
LG total classic PP goal. moved the puck around well, Hamr found some room, crowd in front of the net, Hamr shoots, Higgins pops in the rebound easily
O'byrne wearing # 3. It looks weird to see a single digit on a Hab!
O'Byrne looking GREAT.
K we need a nickname for him.
See, I've always had a soft spot for O'Byrne 'cause that was my number when I used to play D. *sigh* Good times, good times...
Is it just my imaginative interpretation of the CJAD play-by-play or are we actually playing with *gasp* effort tonight??!!
Granted, it's early and this could change very quickly. See especially Third period on Dec. 1st against Panthers.
HF29 - Why not Wee Laddie? (Irish... He's big... okay, I got nuthin'...)
LG Wee Laddie is a start. But we've got work to do on this one
Habs are playing GREAT. all 4 lines working and playing hard. D solid.
man we're having fun now!
And shut. up. CJAD - it may have been an 18 game scoring drought for Chips, but the guy has been one of the few Habs playing his ass off every night.
Also, if I remember correctly, he's more of a playmaker and leader than a goal scorer...
O.B. (Burn? Burns? Burnsie? Monty Burns? O'MY!) now our #4 defenceman.
Plan the parade.
Nobody puts Franky in a corner
Atta way! Stick up for that shit
Anyone sick of CJAD - lisken to CKAC - much, much more entertaining. Even better than RDS.
Che i LOVE the CKAC broadcast.
nice first period. back on the bandwagon now! (yes HF10 im a serial jump on-and-off'er)
we had some help from B's Finnish Goalie with many K's in his Name, but overall just fine. for now.
and we're jumping off the bandwagon...
Yarrrgghh!!!! It's on tonight, folks. In the B's rink, left for dead in the standings, pilloried in the press? Tonight is the first of a twenty game FU to everybody in the league from this team, I tells ya.
F.U. And F you and you and you and you ...
And Robert over at Eyes on the Prize has already coined Burnsy's nickname. Just say it quickly:
Rhino Burn.
Okay, that's close enough, Broons. Roll over like a good whipping boy.
Rhino Burn is good but it's too long. Nicknames need to be shorter for us bloggers dammit. Burnsy it is. Eeexcellent...
Habs Suck.
Started watching in the 2nd, I hate when I miss all the good stuff.
Panger, do you play in the NCHL?
Habs suck. thanks for getting in the spirit fezworth. the first period was AWESOME. sorry you missed it
yeah baby
k let's put this away for a change
wait am i hallucinating or did we just win a hockey game???
Burnsy with two assists! nice debut
Yeah 29, that wasn't just a 'pull it out of your ass' victory, either. It was actually a solid win. (I'm ignoring the 2nd period) It's been ages since we've seen one of those!
Noticed how we improved with that slow-poke Smolinski in the infirmary?
Habs don't Suck!!
Chips is the MAN. I think just "Rhino" might work for Mr. O'Byrne. And I love that we have him and Komo wearing single digits - old school style!
Fezworth - last year I did, I'm in the HNA this season.
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