Breezer has 53 games to go before he reaches the 1000 game milestone. We're hoping someone Giloolys him long before then (20 bucks! no, make it 50!).
Lap dances to HF10 for naming Breezerpalooza and FHF stalwart Fezworth for the awesome graphic whipped up during the playoffs last year. In case you're confused, "Breezerpalooza" refers to the act of Breezer scoring two goals in the same period - into his own net.
53 bucks and you've got a deal.
Lots of anger there boys.
Gettin a bit concerned here. We must be detached and ironic at all times.
Do not worry my tender spring Cicadas, all will be Zen.
Habs will have many good shifts and score many cool goals.
And I meanwhile will take Kate Moss's skirt off in a motel room in Kenora.
Again. As I do every year after the corn is harvested.
My boys we will float in universal rythms, and overdose on lonely motel bathroom floors together, while Kate takes our stash and wallets and catches her next ride.
Whatever the fuck.
I seriously watched EVERY single Habs game last year and don't even remember Breezer playing.
Moral of the story: Copious amounts of alcohol, FHF prescribed Meth and 2 tickets to The Amazing Kreskin can work magic at forgetting atrocities of the past...
Saw Bob Gainey on your header, so thought I should tell you about my Bob Gainey piece on my blog: www.crashingthegoalie.com.
Keep up the good work.
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