The 2009-10 edition of the Montreal Canadiens does it like it's 1993. Take it to the extra frame and win it there. The Habs won 10 of 16 playoff games in overtime to capture the Stanley Cup. This year's Habs have won 7 out of the first 16 games of the regular season to solidify a firm grip on 7th place in the Eastern conference (watch out for those 8th place Flyers who hold 4 games in hand on the Habs). So, sure, it's exactly the same thing.
It starts in goal:
1993: Patrick Roy
2009: Carey Price or Jaro Halak: Both are Roy's equals and both could make the "I'm going to Disney World" chant confusing. One would say it in an impossible eastern european accent while the other wouldn't offer sufficient decibels to make himself understood. Roy invented the butterfly, Price invented the jellybutt.
Top forwards:
1993: Kirk Muller
2009: Scott Gomez - just as Kirk is work as Muller. Call him Scott is work. Just as shifty a player, a better skater and makes a far more convincing taco than your assistant coach. Would never let Don Cherry kiss him on the face.
1993: Brian Bellows
2009: Brian Gionta. The better Brian. Much denser hairline. Capable of scoring goals at a better pace and will often do so on one leg. Could play in the NHL even if one of his legs were amputated at the knee. Bellows needs all four limbs to operate which reveals a striking weakness.
1993: Vincent Damphousse
2009: Mike Cammalleri. This guy takes Damphousse out to lunch and sticks him with the bill. Not in the same class. Can probably score 40, just in overtime.
Supporting forwards:
1993: Stéphane Lebeau
2009: Andrei Kostitsyn: Far more mature and focused than Lebeau. A natural leader and a great role model to a younger brother who is really blossoming under his brother's guidance. A much better influence than Stéphane was on Patrick who spent most of his days with bikers.
1993: Gilbert "The King" Dionne
2009: Tomas Plekanec: Shedding the "supporting" tag by the minute. Would point to himself to gain credit for a goal more rapidly than Gilbert, thus avoiding long delays at the scoring table. When he plays like a little girl, his facial hair doesn't offend as much as the one on Dionne's rabid face.
1993: Mike Keane
2009: Guillaume Latendresse. The real leader on this team. A single parent which is something Keane will never accomplish. Allows his baby to be breast fed by strippers that lap dance for him at strip clubs, allowing him to care for himself and his child at once.
On the blue line:
1993: Mathieu Schneider
2009: Roman Hamerlik. A much better Jew than Schneider despite having changed his name from Roman Hamerlitz.
1993: Éric Desjardins
2009: Marc-André Bergeron: Impenetrable force on the blue line. Can back-check better than any defenseman the Habs had in 93. Versatile and able to play in numerous situations. A perennial plus player. A great guy.
1993: Patrice Brisebois
2009: Patrice Brisebois. He'll come out of retirement after the remaining 4 Ds on this team come down with H1NI or some sort of groin pull.
The comparisons with the 93 squad are totally accurate. This team is just as good and it's a good sign for things to come. Now, if we can just get Jacques Martin fitted for a nice pink suede jacket.
yes but there is no Benoit Brunet equivalent on this team. we're screwed
I think you mean "Disneys World".
Agreat Friday afternoon review.
Also, both Coach Jacques are/were Senators and Michel Bergeron is still on the outside looking in.
1993: When the Habs would have lost to the Leafs if it weren't for Kerry Fraser.
(IT HAD TO BE DONE. Even though I know there was no stopping that 93 Habs team. Not even the Leafs. Fucking hate you guys!!!!!1)
And btw, excellent! Just mentioned obnoxious Dionne yesterday. It made me a little ferklempt actually. That spring was so much fun.
I'm listening to Pierre Maguire on the Team 990 now. Heh.
There are several people that I love and respect very much who give McSplooge a ton of respect.
I just don't frickin' see it sometimes...
peeair: Max has a league-wide rep for taunting and not fighting.
Max: peeair never dropped the gloves cuz he never played in the NHL
peeair: I played pro Euro-league hockey in the 70s
Max: Did you have hair then you bald fuck?
peeair: I've also coached in the NHL
Max: Nice record in Hartford
peeair: I have Stanley Cup rings
Max: Thanks to Mario Lemieux, BTW, what did you actually do?
peeair: I was a scout and ASSistant coach.
Max: Of who, the water boys?
peeair: I know Scotty Bowman.
Max: Give it up you loud-mouthed ugly fuck.
peeair: Mommy!
Forget Brunet, where's Paul DiPietro?? Maybe Metro?
Ha, I'm listening too. I love Melnick but I don't get why he thinks McSplooge is so great. I wish McSplooge would quit calling GMS the little three, it's insulting.
Wasn't Carbo on that 1993 CHampionship team?
He was the captain.
@Moey, good one as Carbo cpmpares to our current CH 'C'-wearer.
You've lost me, who's wearing the C? I know Metro was in camp, do you mean Gionta?
@Moey, my original question about if Carbo was on the 93 team was sarcASStically rhetorical. I can be vapid at times.
I think he means nobody. Loved Carbo. Nobody threw themselves into a puck like him.
@Moeman & GG,
Duh....forgive me, my brain is fried, I suffered an attack of the psycho boss today, it'll take the weekend to fully recover.
@Moey, have some Malbec.
@GG11, yup I too liked Carbo, then.
My kids like to wear my Carbo sweater to the games. They like the retro look. Only thing is it comes with a bunch of "back in 93" stories which they know by heart. I'm more partial to Muller.
Yup, Muller was way up there too. Might be the happiest guy in the NHL. always smiles, never a bad word.
the better jew haha thats amazing! i like mcsplooge though...
At the Bulldogs game at te Bell Centre. Mixed cheers and boos for Sergei. Interesting. I don't think it's cool to boo the little fucker. He still technically plays for us. Shrug.
Good game - great energy!!!
I brought my (then) six year old to the habs blood drive last year. He met big and little Tits (neither of whom could manage to summon the ghost of a smile for a photo with a starry eyed kid, assholes), Jarvis who was polite and pleasant, and Muller, who was so cool with the boy it was amazing. Great guy.
I heart Neilson. What a scrappy little mofo.
And for those of you who give a fuck, it's 1-0 for the Baby Sens. Go Dogs Go!!
Someone remind me someday (not when I'm typing with my iPhone at a game) to tell the story of Muller and my stepdad/grandpa. CLASS. ACT.
I also have a story about Christmas Carolling at Muller's house... And arriving for the Habs Xmas party in 1994...
Go, Dogs, Go...even if it's not tonight.
Was at the Dogs game. I fucking hate Koharski Jr. Darche looked ready to kill him too... Going to the Ottawa Sunday. Let's have some revenge!
How about that PK though? :D
Lawyer girl, I always enjoy your posts. saves me from saying what I am thinking..we agree on most everything. I've been a habs fan since Dryden upset the bruins. I liked that they were underdogs and didnt know at the time about their history. My son turned 10 yesterday, same age as I was whne I became a follower. Go Habs Go..and by the way I was at the Halloween game and cringed when everyone started up with the Na Na song. It always leads to trouble..5-1 with 5 seconds may be the only safe time to sing it. Should have gone with the Ole Ole instead.
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