Waiting in line at the honky-tonk bar details: Live from Nashville's Sommet Center at 7:00 pm, on RDS
Hotter than a Taylor Swift/Carrie Underwood "duet": Pleks continues to lead the team in scoring with nary a dependable winger to be found. Squid and Gionta still scoring. Price stopped everything that didn't involve an illegal kicking motion or a spear to the throat. The Urologist made one of those plays we all hoped he would. For the Preds, JP Dumont is scoring at almost a point-per-game and Shea Weber and Ryan Suter are the stud defenders all Habs fans can cast envious glances at.
Colder than the corpse of Tennessee Ernie Ford: Same old song and line dance for the Habs: Gui! Max, AK46. When do we stop giving Gomez chances and turn on him? Nashville is 29th in goals scored and dead last on the powerplay, so let's just assume their cold side is everyone else.
A hurtin' kinda feelin': Jaro 2.0 limped off to possibly join Markov, O'Byrne & Gill in the defence infirmary. Other than the fact that they have stone hands, the forwards seem healthy. Colin Wilson is the only long-term Predator injury.
Between the fence posts: Win and you're in should see Price play in the spiritual home of that crap music he loves so much. For the Preds, Dan Ellis and Pekka Riine have almost identical records. Whether Nashville trots out Brooks or Dunn, the results seem to be the same.
Fussin' and a feudin': Wait, there's a Predators blog? Yep, and it's called On the Forecheck.
Post-Game Country Bear Jambaroo: Check out some of these hee-hawtees, then hit the nearest bar with swinging doors and a hitching post out front.
I'm not sure whether to be amused or uncomfortable.
Sommet Center? You mean it isn't the Gaylord Entertainment Center anymore? That might have been the best WTF arena/stadium name in pro sports.
Dagnabit. Hoochie of a preview.
Let me put this out there right now, I hate that whale-eating midget Tootoo. Fuck him.
Best photoshop yet - genius!
All 10's genius.
Enlarge the photo by clicking on it so you can read the tattoos on those Dixie Chicks. Worth the click.
Great pic, love da Chicks.
WV = cousn, as in Hey Pa, kissin' mah cousn is fun no matter wat Ma sez
How did this show get on the air and how come I know this by heart?
latendresse finally benched!
"TooToo SucksSucks" made my day.
OK, Gui might not be playing well, but what exactly is the point of Max Pacioretty?
"I miss Elvis' Tennessee hockey sideburns"
Live blogging information game's in Nashville, Tennessee
Help me find the FHF party where you'll get innuendos from me
Today's HF left his number and its 10 who placed the call
GG's CHicks loaded with messages are written on the blog wall
Live googling information to searCH about that Dude Carey
He's the only one who knows singers here from Nashville, Tennessee
His home is on the westside, high upon the Rockies' ridge
Can't figure out how the kid grew to like a Garth Brooks' bridge
Live streaming information cuz on HNIC Habs cannot be had
Only fucking leaf on their channel, pray El Flamos don't end up playing bad
But I'm pulled apart because its RDS on my teevee
Stupid fucking woolneck comments from Benoit in Tennessee
The last time I saw Nashville was before the tech boom buhbye
When Nortel was my best customer, bonuses are now just tears in my eye
Tonight's moonCHine is a '03 vintage, the label does tell me
Fuck don cherry and Go Habs Go! in fucking Tennessee
Our boy CHips is in!
I miss Misty Rowe.
What? I thought nashville pussy was your favourite band and it's not mentioned through out the whole post.
I sense massive Benoit Brunet Brutality now that Guimauve is benched. Might also have to wipe the screen clear of spittle from the inside during the intermissions.
I'm feeling some Taylor Swift country lovin' for this preview.
suck it gui:(, you suck.
Peter Pfuck says we should all have strong wrists (even Carrie Prejean).
Brilliance, GG11!! Loving the Dixie Chicks preview!!!
Topic? God, it's good to be home... in my comfy couch of death-by-lazy, blankies up over my feetsies, laptop in my lap... oh, yeah, and Mr. LG77 playing EQ on the teevee while waiting for the game to start.
Methinks lg77 has a Snuggie.
What's with the late start? Making me watch the CBC game for an hour or so before my French lesson.
The Mpnster isn't.
brunet says (whilst comparing Kyle to PressboxedTenderness) that because of his lack of skating ability that CHipCHura's days as an NHLer are doomed.
I need to see the Quebec City Mayor? PourQuoi RDS?
The Monster just got scared right back under the bed.
@CH13, heh and funny to hear all cbc/hnic'ers out-splooging themselves in monstrous praise. They are not hockey fans but just leaf fans.
rds'ers generalizin' about Gu:(,
but he's big, biG, bIG, BIG, BIG!
Gu:( is playin'
Laps on Line #1
Pikka Rinne is net for Preds, sounds like what I had for dinner.
Gui;('s a lucky bastard
i don't understand who's the 2-4 lines here
Is the Uroglogist a forward tonight?
@HF29 Gu:( is the new Geezer.
have we had any sort of offensive chance yet?
ooh, just as i say that. close tits
So what did I miss? Explosive scoring chances? End to end rushes? Oh wait that's in hockey. This appears to be curling.
Gionta Scratched?! They say why?
Shots are 16-2.
Maybe our D-men should stay on their fucking feet, calise. Price must want to kill them.
Price coulda been better on that goal, but seriously - 16 shots in 10 minutes by the second-to-worst offense in the league? Really?
@ LJ
Lower-body injury or something. Fucking yay.
WV: "cosign". What the fans do when the Habs lease the defensive zone to the other team for 60 minutes.
Jacques Lemaire wanted to coach the Habs, but Gainey said no thanks.
Devils are in 2nd place, 2 pts behind the Caps.
"cosigh" that should be
MAB hit someone!
So this is the part where the Preds have the other team on their heels when the puck comes back the other way and Rinne lets in a fluky goal, right? ...right?
i guess the strategy is to put their goalie to sleep...working so far.
Halak's agent must be shtwitting himself.
the worst period i have watched so far this year. This team keeps getting shittier.
Is 24 shots a record?
Is this the low point of the season so far?
This team is going nowhere. I think we should tank and get the 1st choice.
At this rate, Price is going to get his SV% back up to a respectable level real quick. Also, he might beat Ron Tugnutt's single-game save record. So there's always that to look forward to.
@Boob, "Is this the low point of the season so far?"
Markov going down hurt more.
i think if lafleur were asked the same question tonight he'd respond, "we have 4 AHL 4th lines..."
It seems like the Habs are picking up momentum. It's just bad luck guys...with a positive mental attitude they can win!
Our team is so good that a throw in on the Gomez trade, and recent AHL call up has already made it to the second line
Mr. Moey can't take two periods of RDS, he's left me for another TV. Too much pure laine for a former east end anglo (spent his formative years in anglo/franco gang wars) to endure.
WTF is up with the boys tonight, a bit of warm weather and they're having a bloody siesta.
i am sure cube is havin a good laugh on the other end of this shitfest
Shots are 38-9.
even the most optimistic moron over at HIO couldn't put a positive spin on this one. if the team looks like shit, and smells like shit, its shit. of, and the nashville coach looks like a pumpkin
this is making some of the houle designed teams look half decent
at least tuesdays game against carolina is a sure win right? right?!? anyone?
If Price is a thoroughbred, then somebody better call PETA...
Rinne's stealing this game.
this team is so fucking shitty it makes my fucking blood boil. I hate watching their games, and that really fuckin pisses me off. I am a Habs fans, and I HATE watching Habs games, there is something wrong there. The team is unwatchable. Please fire Gainey soon, a message needs to be sent, a new directions needs to be started. I know gainey changed the team in the summer, but he brought in more of the same shit we already had. Let's get a GM who actually has a CLUE.
54 shots...alright, this is my last night watching the habs this season...see you in 10/11. hopefully the habs don't use their top 3 pick to select a swiss, a belorussian or a fuckin american.
What are we paying Gomez for? Number one center my white kraut ass. This seasion is gonna hurt.
decided to watch paint dry rather than this game. seems like the right choice now.
At least we got Carey Price. Now...if someone could get him to shoot more...
Just got back from the bar, saw that we allowed fifty five shots on goal and thought I was drunk.
KC: I'm still drunk and can't understand giving up that many shots. I mean, really. Where'd we be without Carey?
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