The 110%'s and BR's will not be happy, because while Benoit Pouliot sounds as pur laine as they come, he was born in Ontario. That's worth, like, 1/4 of a real Québecois.
Oh, and Benoit is currently listed as day-to-day with an upper body injury. Already he's fitting right in!
Rumours that Gui was napping and missed the announcement are currently being investigated.
Sort of related UPDATE - Little Tits has been called up. Tits mania baby!
@Boob (from the previous thread), the simple fact that bergeron went out of his way to label Pouliot not a pure Québecois is a slag as he's denigrating French-Canadians as lesser Francos. Is there a reason to mention Pouliot not as pure as them?
Oh Gui. I will always remember the moments you actually made me happy that you were a Hab. Mainly because through 209 NHL games, I can count them on one hand.
Gainey must have looked down during the snorefest flames games and saw Gui in those unis and thought "Hey, he looks good in Red and Green. I should give Minny a call!". Good luck in the future, Gui. May you nap a half hour prior to all of your games.
Bergeron is not one of the bigots though. He may have coached the Diques, but he's usually pretty reasonable.
I would assume that he was just stating a fact. Pouliot was born in Ontario a stone's throw from the Quebec border.
Obviously things were not going well for Gui, but he's still very young. I hope he does well. Seemed like a good gui.
Pouliot looks like Trouble.
With a capital T.
@Boob, yes bergeron is a milder, less dyed in the wool bigot but he went out of his way to make note of it, for comparison sake.
There is some major McSplooging going on right now on the Team 990 about Gui. If McSplooge was a chocolate biscuit he'd lick himself.
Moey - He's splooging over Guimauve? I didn't think he liked him much...
And I'm reading that Pouliot was drafted 4th over all in Price's draft year. Is he that much of a bust?
And I'm VERY happy that Little Tits is back with the big team!!
HAHA!! I can just imagine what the next anti-chambre is going to bee talking about:
"Gui! le Merveilleux est echanger avant que gainey lui donne la chance de se prouver. L'echange est la plus pourris de Gainey de tout sa carriere. Et maintenant il rapelle cet esti d'russe."
while watching the french news, you would think we just traded lafleur... god what is wrong with these people?
He was McSplooging over the fact that he was right about Gui. "See Mitch, didn't I tell you he was rushed into the NHL, this is all the management's fault this failure is on their heads"..yada yada yada.
I think the trade is basically one problem child for another.
Moey - probably, but I'd rather deal with another problem child for a while... see whether it will be possible to reach him. With Boucher down in Hemilton (tm Jaro), it might be possible.
I'm also hoping that this move is good for Guimauve. He needed a fresh start after all of the personal shite he's gone through. He may have a professional rebirth after this, à la Little Fuckitty Fuck.
And then BG will have HELL to pay from the French media.
Just watching Gu:( on rds and all I've got left to say is good riddance and enjoy the bigger, badder, rougher, tougher West division. Oh and I feel sad for Miko.
apparently the fans are in majority happy to see him go.
well theones who e-mailed. of course RDS is milkin git and presenting only fan interviews who say they are goign to miss him and how he was not given a fair shake.
McSplooge may be right about the fact that Gui needed to be seperated from his Siamese twin Max, could be the wake up call Yappierre needs. He's been crap too.
They're slowly seaming their story that gui never got a career chance to play big minutes on the 1st and 2nd line. Never. Got. A. Chance.
Boo fucking hoo.
@Moe/Moey - that's exactly what the sheeple in my office have been saying. That he didn't have enough of a chance and that he's going to be another Little Fuckitty Fuck.
WV: viagi. As in "Buon viagi, Guimauve!"
This trade should send Bob Sirois' bogus book sales skyrocketing!
this just in on ctv news: BGL gets 5 game suspension!
Enjoying LG's multiple uses of the term fuckity fuck.
GG11 - it comes from HF 10's BRILLIANT rant about Mike Ribero right before the All Star game.
Worth the read.
anon - just heard that. OH HAPPY HAPPY DAY!! I figured it was for at least a game or two when they recalled Little Tits, but 5 games makes me very happy!
@lawyergirl77 - I say Bob Gainey spends the next five games figuring out a way to get rid of BGL FOR GOOD!!!
I can't believe the Habs traded John LeClair, twice!
@Anon - God, I hope so!!!
Has Bob has started La Révolution Tranguillaume?
So a knee injury gets you more games than a head injury.
Spoken like a true doctor. You need your knee for hockey. Head is secondary.
Anyone seen Gui:(`s interview on rds.ca? What an unprofessional little bitch! he said "maybe I`ll call Maxim in a month and tell him how good I`ve got it here and he`ll want to move too!"
Take him with you!!! (just kidding... not really... yet)
Yea, his interview is a little pathetic. He wasn't Martin's favorite, Boo hoo. He got his chances with Pleks and blew them. Does he really think that he was going to play with Gomez-Cammy? Please.
"Mon cerveaux etait deja ailleurs."
Yea, it was up his ass for most of the time. Later Gu:(, it's been a slice.
If anyone has a direct line to the 110%ers who don't like Gui! being traded for an Ontarian, let them know that St. Guy of Thurso spent most of his formative years playing in fucking ROCKLAND. That'll get them asshats in a lather.
I'll miss Gui! Gui! Gui! if only because he coulda shoulda woulda been something. No offense to the kid, but I hope he never is now.
Pouliot - His development has been hugely hampered by injuries. Might become a player yet. Here's hoping.
Gui(?) - Should have started the 2007-2008 season in Hamilton. Believed his own press clippings. Development hampered by his inability to understand that his role was to be the immovable object in front of the net. You didn't need power skating lessons for that, Shitferbrains.
Lil' Tits - Welcome back, C-Cup.
I'd thank Gui for his time here but I don't really remember anything he did, besides fighting Dennis Wideman at one of the games I went to and scoring the winning goal during the first game after Gainey's daughter disappeared. Good luck to him, though, and maybe a big lug like Owen Nolan will show him how he should play.
As for Pouliot, I was expecting much worse when they slowly announced the trade on the Blue Jackets/Rangers telecast. He has some potential, we'll see how he does.
Moey mentioned how this trade may affect Lapierre. Lapierre, unlike Gui, has shown the ability during his career to get his butt back in gear. Remember when he thought he was assured of a spot on the roster and was the face of the kids fan club or something but started the season down in Hamilton? He worked hard down there and looked a lot better when he came back. He's my favourite, so it's sad to see him suck this year but hopefully he'll get the message from BG that BG won't hesitate to trade any Pure Laine "superstars"
Last but not least, glad that SK is back.
FYI Gui couldn't have started in Hamilton. He was too young.
@Boob - Gui was too young in 2006-2007, his first season, but not in '07-'08, when he could still be sent down without going through waivers. Would have done him a world of good.
So long Guimauve. May your departure save Lapierre. But really, I don't think Gu:( was mismanaged. I mean how hard is it to park your ass in front of the net after telling us about it every day...?
As for Benny Pouliot... thank GOD the Wild grabbed him with the 4th pick or we wouldn't have Price. Now we have both. Can't be any worse than Guimauve now, once his hand heals. Though hopefully he doesn't pull that DWI again.
RDS is stunned. I'm laughing.
Seriously, I need to get a life. I'm actually super excited to see the reactions on 110% tonight. Like, giddy.
After 235 games Gui still hasn't figured out how to play in the NHL.
Problem is Pouliot appears to have an attitude problem. Is Montreal the best place for a player like that to find himself?
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