Sad news to for the entire Canadiens family, as
TSN reports Canadiens great and all around superb person Jean Beliveau is in hospital tonight after suffering a stroke on Wednesday. Apparently Beliveau is not in danger, but we at FHF will be thinking of the Greatest Living Hab until he makes a full recovery. Suddenly, petulant BGL and scrappy Cammi and Mad Max take a back seat.
Get well soon, Gros Bill. Losing games we can deal with. Losing legends is much harder.
It's Monsieur gros Bill
Well put.
Hear Hear. I'll be wishing #4 a speedy recovery.
I raise a glass (well, a cup of tea is all I got now) to his health.
He signed an autograph for me the year after he retired. I was 12 and he was a very nice man.
Get well soon.
Amazing Canadiens, amazing Canadian. Santé Mr. Beliveau.
Well said 10 and Godspeed to Mr. B.
May he make a full recovery, and may it be many, many, MANY more years before he leaves us. And even then it'll be too soon.
I blame myself. Two nights ago I had a choice of buying a retro 'jersey' t-shirt of Beliveau or one of Howe on the Whalers. I went for the Whale. Damn my sense of irony! Damn my sandy Arab skin that looks great in green!
It's been a rough start to the year, personally, internationally and hockeyly. My thoughts are with everyone who needs them, including M. Beliveau.
Godspeed Mr. Beliveau.
Perhaps our listless current Habs team can use this as a point of inspiration. Win one for the gipper type of deal. Win one for Le Gros Bill. I think #4 would be OK with that. I'm sure it saddens him to see this team play the way they have.
I like that L Dude. Win one for Le Gros Bill. Cmon boys.
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