Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Stanley Cup pissed Michael Ryder won it as a Bruin
Whilst displaying the Stanley Cup in his native Newfoundland today, Michael Ryder watched in horror as the Holy Grail said "No, I don't think so."
lap dance to FHF Nfld correspondent ncbeets for the tip
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Sexy Friday is working out with vampires and balls
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A little something for the ladies today with a nod to our summer fling and its pathetic season. Via. |
Bullet points for what you missed while dreaming of being on vacation with Bar Rafaeli...
- The new spinner of the NHL's Wheel of Justice met the media and said nothing of relevance;
- Your Crosby concussion update du jour says even less;
- Your Habs website puff piece du jour is Lars Eller.Did you know he's been working hard in the off-season?
- Though the Habs website did something interesting for a change and is allowing readers to leave predictions for the season with comments via their Facebook accounts. Man that "Allen Mendelsohn" commentor is stylish and handsome;
- We never mentioned this week the announcement of the Habs new English radio play by play guy. Consider him mentioned;
- Buffalo will have a new arena name this year.We miss The Aud;
- Because there is really not much hockey and we need bullets, here are Victoria Silvstedt's massive tits in a bikini.
sexy friday
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Goodbye, cocknockers
It came to my attention yesterday that myfo, aka melt your face-off, has shut its doors forever. Now, the fact that I only found this out more than two weeks after the fact might tell you something about how far myfo may have fallen in notoriety and influence, but that's neither here nor there. In its heyday, myfo was the best hockey blog on the internet. Period. In fact, I've long considered them FHF's spiritual brothers. Or at least some long-lost relative. So let me put on my serious hat (I swear I have one) for a moment to give LeNoc, Weed, Rask, RD, and even that PHucktard-lovin' Hex the tribute they so deserve and seem not to have received from anyone.
It's hard to believe now in an age when every idiot out there has his own hockey blog, but there was a time when the sports blogosphere ignored hockey. Both FHF and myfo sprang up to try to fill that void. And we did it in the same way - a group of guys who loved the game but would write anything, skewer anybody, and not be beholden to things like "facts" or "journalistic integrity." And just like the best of FHF, there were so many times when you finished reading a myfo piece and you would say to yourself, "wow, did those fuckers really write that? You can't put that on the internet!" But they did, and they did it every day better than anyone else, even us. At their peak I lived in the myfo comments section because I lived on that site because everything they wrote was gold, Jerry, gold. Even when they wrote about us. They set the standard for what every funny hockey blog on the internet should be, and for that, they must be remembered.
[removes serious hat] Goodbye, cocknockers.
melt your face-off
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The Afternoon Skate is looking stylish
Helloooooo, handsome.
Bullet points for what you missed while you've been stuck at work with an IT department that blocks every interesting site on the interwebs...
- In light of TFS' stylishness, Squid Tweets his fashion preferences and offers fashion tips;
- Sid's agent is denying all this crap about his client not being ready for the season because of the return of concussion symptoms. Because agents (fucking lawyers) tell the truth all the time, we of course believe him. And Steven Stamkos has weighed in for some reason;
- Ovie is hawking chocolate bars now. There's videos and everything. We'd bitch, but as any 420'er knows, Mr. Big is a fine product. Chewy and crunchy all at once;
- Here's a nice puff piece on PatCHes' upcoming season. Even the Canadiens website is bored;
- If you've got nothing to do at 4 PM today, turn on TSN2 and root for 12-year olds. PUMMELL THE SHIT OUT OF THOSE JAPANESE IMPERIALIST ASSHOLES. Sorry, the LLWS is the only baseball we watch anymore, and we take it way too seriously;
- Over at our summer fling, we've got the weekly True Blood recap and as a special bonus, TMS singing. Don't judge;
- Anyone feel the earthquake this afternoon?
Monday, August 22, 2011
Anticipavacation ~ things to do and to look forward to on 08/22
Its been a long, lazy, sometimes hazy summer with almost no real hockey news for what seems likes months since the Broons were handed a fucking tarnished Stanley Cup. Even the Canadiens official site is bored to the point of main-paging a July story about the contractual status of players. I could easily replicate the daily links Habs, er Hockey i/o puts out, that would be too easy but I do like this BR (Bleacher Report, not Bertrand Raymond) story. Feel the ice creamy optimism about contending for #25!
Bits of tid and other things to look forward to;
~ iPhone5 ~
~ The original Fred Flagstone clip ~
~ 'The Waiting', its the hardest part ~
~ Back to sCHool ~
~ Vodka 101 ~
~ Great end of Summer bonking, er reading ~
~ The End ~
Friday, August 19, 2011
Sexy Friday is playing with the size of the nets
Bullet points for what you missed while dreaming of a Candice Swanepoel and Lily Aldridge Lingerie Sextacular...
- The NHL's R&D camp has come up with the awesome idea of making the nets four inches narrower. This will give Big Tits an extra 4 inches of space behind the net to lose the puck;
- Also from R&D camp (one time, at R&D camp...), something about curved glass stanchions between the benches designed to protect the players. A little late, assholes;
- Here's your HNIC schedule news for the coming season. It includes the Habs on a couple of Thursdays and a Friday. Hockey night ain't what it used to be;
- We also count about 15 Habs games on the TSN schedule;
- Looks like Sean Avery is getting off scot-free in his police battery case, because he didn't actually push the cop. He just stood there and waved his stick in his face;
- Lap dance to N31 for pointing out video of Alex (Y)Emelin skating in Brossard. He looks big and mobile. *wipes drool from chin*
- A preview of 2K's NHL 12 video game, which includes a new "legends" mode so you can be Gretzky, Howe, and... Börje Salming?
- Your bonus Sexy Friday bullet is an Emmanuel Chriqui gallery, a Montrealer we can all be proud of.
sexy friday
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Funktastic Summer! ~ babes, ice cream, fresh tomatoes? I need a FuckinHockeyFix
Feel like CHompin' on a puck? Miss the sweet, salty smell of your favourite jock? Tired of Googlin' for PatCHes in a tuxedo pics? Still bringing up bile over the sham Broons Stanley Cup 'win'? Didn't dump your RIMM stock fast enough to buy gold or better yet Apple? The wait ain't over. Still a few weeks before some serious hockey talk and some fun puck news but never, ever forget that we have the fabulous J.T., the informative Arpon and of course the never ending stream of leaf, laughs.
~ ~ ~
For Steve.
~ ~ ~
Nice scarf, NTTIAWWT. Oh and Dr. Fuckface Recchi.
~ ~ ~
Its tomato season!
~ ~ ~
Parliament that doesn't suck.
~ ~ ~
Beam me back to California for this...
~ ~ ~
... and this
~ ~ ~
G Y F H G !
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Tweet this bitCHes for 08/16 ~ Proud Papa edition
Thanks for the nice tweets. My girlfriend and I became proud parents this past weekend. We now have an amazing baby girl.
Congrats Squid!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Sexy Friday is a little late. It was working out.
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Padma has a new ad campaign. We approve. Via. |
Let's see what's going on. Hmmm, right. Well, more Big Tits - JM fallout I guess. Who's up for a Martin firing? I should write a post about that some day. I almost wish the Habs would start the season 0-5 or something so we can toss CHokula for good cause. Elsehwere, it was 17 years ago today that the 1994 baseball season was suspended for a strike. 'Spos World Series dreams dashed. Here's a little vid for some memories of the O.
But you didn't come here for memories of CHampionships that didn't happen. You came here for sex. So besides Padma up there, take a look at Candice Swanepoel in a bikini, then see her come alive in not one, but two new Victoria's Secret "sporty" commercials, to make up for our lateness. Happy belated Sexy Friday everyone.
sexy friday
Thursday, August 11, 2011
WTF!? a fresh new post to lick on 08/11!
Hey FHFers, how's the dog days of summer treating you?
Not muCH goin' on in Habs (can I still, legally, type, that word?) land,
so a few parting head shots.
~ ~ ~
Is Fuckface chara headed to the clink? (Warning, lots of Habs/Montréal haters).
~ ~ ~
Cool rockers with head's full of nice hair.
~ ~ ~
Are Ernie & Bert headed to the altar? NTTIAWWT.
~ ~ ~
Look up, its a Kate Upton headshot.
~ ~ ~
Everyone shake to some Teenage Head.
~ ~ ~
Érik Colé is headlining the August calendar
~ ~ ~
Even covered in mud, Bar's head is pretty.
~ ~ ~
Head over to NYC for some amazing zzas.
~ ~ ~
'Hold Ya Head' high Bob.
~ ~ ~
Headin' out bitCHes.
there's a theme
Monday, August 08, 2011
Friday, August 05, 2011
The Morning Skate for extra-Sexy Friday, August 5th
Bullet points for what you missed while dreaming of Miranda Kerr's cleavage...
Let me keep the sexy going ... you know I've always wanted to be under Kate Upton. Here's my CHance, the other guy is birthday boy Boston GM, Peter CHiarelli (50!) receiving a respectful rival's handshake. (click to embiggin') ~ moeman
- Als end their losing streak, AC gets another record, a Montreal team beats a Toronto team;
- Sean Avery was arrested last night for shoving a cop. Sean Avery is just a complex character;
- Let's wrap up all the hockey news form this past week in one bullet: Owen Nolan may be returning to the the NHL, to Vancouver; Shea Weber cashed in at arbitration; Patrick Sharp signed a five-year extension; Charles Wang says the Islanders aren't going anywhere, but he had his fingers crossed behind his back when he said it; Zherdev back to the KHL;
- This week's True Blood recap is all kinds of sexy.
Let me keep the sexy going ... you know I've always wanted to be under Kate Upton. Here's my CHance, the other guy is birthday boy Boston GM, Peter CHiarelli (50!) receiving a respectful rival's handshake. (click to embiggin') ~ moeman
Chiarelli lifts,
sexy friday
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Hey look, hockey!
Peter Budaj gets in some work this week at Brossard. You can just feel the playoff-like atmosphere.
backup goalies
Monday, August 01, 2011
Tweet this bitCHes for 08/01
Habs have 5th-best goalie; pic via official Habs tat gallery. #augustbitchesmaybewe'regettingclose
~ ~ ~
Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. PatCHes.
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