Friday, September 23, 2011

Sexy Friday is handing out some discipline

Bullet points for what you missed while dreaming of a whole new set of Kate Upton bikini pics...
  • Habs have four games in four nights starting with the Sens tonight. We're tired already;
  • Tonight's game will include the appearance of The Mexican, whose lower body is ready to not score goals;
  • NEVER touch a Leaf, you will pay. Shanny the punisher hands out five pre-season and five regular season games to Jody Shelly;
  • Shanny also handed out 4 + 1 to Letourneau-Leblond, who didn't hit a Leaf;
  • THERE IS A BANANA ON THE ICE! THERE IS A BANANA ON THE ICE! Actually we shouldn't joke because this looks like it may be a disgusting racist incident. Ugh;
  • MIke Modano will sign a one-day contract so he can retire a Star;
  • PJ Stock feels bad;
  • For the ladies today, Cosmo puts together a slideshow of 64 hot guys without shirts.
As you can well imagine, "discipline" videos are pretty out there. So here's some random artsy fartsy strip tease video (no nudity, but close, so close your office door). Happy Sexy Friday everyone!


    HeadHunter said...

    Could Stock feeling bad about that comment mean he is actually realizing that he is a giant turd? I guess he really is that big so we will go with just a turd. It is just like him to put his foot in his mouth when a serious issue that demands respect comes up.

    HeadHunter said...

    Damn early morning comments..."isn't that big..."

    HeadHunter said...

    Gotta love being the only one at the office. I am pretty sure I have seen Shelly shiv someone prison style before and get away without a sniff of discipline so perhaps this is a good sign?
    Or I could stop being delusional and realize that a hit against rando-Leaf is much more egregious than hit on face of hockey Crosby and as such much be punished. Much worse than the mushing of a charming, hard-working 4th liner's face with an elbow pad. Much, much worse than, oh I don't know, BREAKING SOMEONE'S NECK! It is a different head honcho but the same cronies so I guess it is wait and see time.
    The league could save themselves some time and just put Shelly in the Hannibal Lector straight-jacket because he will kill someone before his career is over.

    HeadHunter said...

    I am no Steve (there can ONLY be one) but do allow me one more consecutive post. Is there a point to suspending a player for preseason games? Unless you are Lindy "Assface" Ruff and decide to play your actual team against prospects, most coaches wouldn't use the same guy that frequently in pre-season matches anyway. It would make more sense to take a player out of more games when it actually matters.

    Steve said...

    @Headhunter keep up the great work.

    Lots of talk that the Banana was a poor man octopus. Regardless who the fuck takes a banana to a hockey game, if not a racist fuck a very lame fuck. If I took a fruit to a hockey game it would have to be my boyfriend.NTTIAWWT.
    In the immortal words of George Carlin. " You show me a tropical fruit and I will show you a cocksucker from Guatamala(NTTIAWWT)"
    This is the fruit they should throw on the ice at every laff game and especially into the coaches cornhold.

    Speaking of scary old pedophiles.
    A priest and an alter boy are walking through the dark scary woods.
    Alter Boy says: Father this is very scary.
    Priest says: You think your scared, I am going to have to walk of of here alone.

    Mr. natural said...

    @Steve, shame on you for using a Hollywood "controversial" joke.


    - It's the same old NHL!


    - PJ Stock is a PHucking Asshole!

    That is all.

    P.S. @29, artsy fartsy or otherwise, where the PHuck are the striptease vids?!!

    Young HF29 said...

    @Mr n - uh, whoops? Refresh, all good now.

    HeadHunter said...

    Didn't Kevin Weekes get the banana treatment as well? I am all for waffles but to waste that potassium rich fruit, for shame. What will BGL eat now?

    moeman said...

    Your lines for this evening:



    Max Pacioretty - Scott Gomez - Brendan Gallagher
    Andrei Kostitsyn - Andreas Engqvist - Erik Cole
    Mathieu Darche - Gabriel Dumont - Alexander Avtsin
    Brock Trotter - Philip DeSimone - Mike Blunden


    Alex Henry - Jarred Tinordi
    Hal Gill - Raphael Diaz
    Alexei Yemelin - Yannick Weber


    Carey Price
    Nathan Lawson



    Nikita Filatov - Jason Spezza - Bobby Butler
    Milan Michalek - Stephane Da Costa - Daniel Alfredsson
    Mike Hoffman - Zack Smith - Erik Condra
    Derek Grant - Jean-Gabriel Pageau - Andre Petersson


    Filip Kuba - Erik Karlsson
    Chris Phillips - Brian Lee
    Patrick Wiercioch - Mark Borowiecki


    Craig Anderson (full game)
    Alex Auld

    moeman said...

    Fucking homer;

    moeman said...

    No TV of tonight's game.




    Young HF29 said...

    I finally understand rugby thx to that video!

    Mr. natural said...

    @moeman & 29:

    G'night, going to sleep now.

    .....& Proteau, he has his head up his ass, notice how he reminds us of the two he kinda got right, only leaves 28 wrong.

    *YAWN* (rolls over and falls asleep).

    moeman said...

    proteau, despite his non-apology, is a leaf-loving hack, just like many of his TorontoHockeyNews colleagues. They should be renamed the Professional Parade Planners (bonus innuendo).

    moeman said...

    Pursuit of happiness?!/petitions/popular/0/2/0/

    Anonymous said...

    was it the priest joke,or did time just say, you have reached your comment limit mother fucker.
    Cant log in, cant express myself Harpo, is this how you want to punish me FUCK YOU.
    What I really wanted to say is that it is very classy of the Habs to give Henry a chance.

    moeman said...

    1-0 OTT

    moeman said...

    2-0 OTT

    moeman said...

    Not hockey-related but TSN, not tsn2, is replaying their hackfest and putrid ode to the argos, for like the 1000th time. People need not wonder why all things toronto are hated?

    Go Als!

    moeman said...

    3-0 OTT, eesh

    moeman said...



    juce said...

    3-2 Ottawa 2goals by Patches inthe pp
    near end of 2nd period.

    iRiRi said...

    Now if that doesn't put a smile on your face...

    moeman said...



    moeman said...

    BTW, fuckface chara can fuck off!

    juce said...

    Shaved Ape will really be fucked off this weekend.

    Number31 said...

    "Pacioretty a force for the Canadiens!" Yep. Fuck you Chara.

    juce said...

    36.5sec to go and now tied

    juce said...

    going into ot thansk to the mexicant

    juce said...

    penalty to Habs with 37secs left. Now going to shoot-out.

    juce said...

    PatCHes scores 1st shot
    fuck Chara

    juce said...

    Cole scores 2nd shot and wins the game.

    Yeah Baby!

    juce said...

    The 3 stars
    3rd Cole
    2nd Zach Smith
    1st PatCHes

    Watch out, Chara! You are going to be totally fucked on Sunday

    Public Domain said...

    yeah it's pre-season yada yada

    but FUCK YEAH

    max, gomez & cole are stars - how could that have been better?

    Mr. natural said...

    I will celebrate with a brew at your watering hole tomorrow evening as Shane Murphy is playing upstairs.

    Patches & Cole, He-he-he, sweet!

    Number31 said...

    It's tough knowing Gallagher is going back to Junior. Damn that kid is good. If the Habs were the Oilers he would probably stick. Oh well, it's all for the greater good.

    I don't think Chara is even playing Sunday. Last I heard he had leg contusions or something. Whatever. Asshat.

    More Sens tomorrow.

    mr. gillis said...

    "Right about now, you’ve either jumped up and cheered me picking the Maple Leafs to make the playoffs – or more likely, you’ve blown whatever you were drinking through your nostrils and are wiping off the computer screen while noting I live in Toronto and drawing the false conclusion I’m a homer. That’s just not true."

    What a tool. He says this and his main point to putting them as 8th is "I’ve got a hunch"

    Thanks for your expert analysis procto

    Number31 said...

    Tallnordi vs Smith

    Stick to goal scoring, Smith. Or fighting non-giant 19-year-olds.

    juce said...

    We should consult with Dr. Recchi to find out if Chara is really injured or is just embellished. Well, maybe he is, the thought of facing PatCHes is probably making him ill.