What I really mean to be saying here is that when the best you can do for a Hall of Fame class is Dino Ciccarelli and a couple of chicks (mazel tov to all of you! well deserved!) why the fuck could the fucking Hall not add ONE of that group up there??? I don't fucking get it. They can have up to four MALE players. So they put in one? Good fucking luck now Dougie. If you can't get in alongside Dino and the chicks, you're fucked forever. Look at me, I'm fucking pissed about a LEAF (he's always a Leaf to me) being fucked over. That's how fucked this is. Who would you rather have on your team, Doug Gilmour or Bernie Federko? Or Clark Gillies? Exactly. Two of those are the Hall. Fuck the Hall.
We now return you to our regularly-scheduled off-season signing news.
I'd add Carbo to the list.
@moe: Was Carbo eligible?
As upset as I am that Burns didn't get called the the Hall, my understanding is that they (HHOF circlejerk board) would have had to "expedite" his entry. Can anyone confirm this?
@ezz, nope, Carbo ain't short or long listed. Weird considering his entire on-ice career.
Here's the committee (via the horrid dave shoalts, who thinks
"Let the longest-serving members of the broadcast and print media associations vote");
"Well, here’s who should be embarrassed, Gregory and his fellow committee members:
co-chair Pat Quinn, Scotty Bowman, Dave Branch, Colin Campbell, John Davidson, Eric Duhatschek,
Jan-Ake Edvinsson, Mike (Doc) Emrick, Michael Farber, Mike Gartner, Dick Irvin, Lanny McDonald,
Yvon Pedneault, Serge Savard, Harry Sinden, Peter Stastny and Bill Torrey."
Too old school and pedneault? Really?
WV = newhall, I kid you not. Screengrabbed.
Hey the hackey hall of shame is in the middle of toronto. Where there hasn't been a notable hockey decision in living memory. This is no outrage just toronto being toronto.
To be fair, Dave Keon was a hell of a fucking player. Drove Beliveau crazy. I woulda gone with Dick Duff or Bernie Federko.
When does Rogie V get the call, dammit?
And no Burns is a travesty. You put in a "founding member" of the Flames that no one outside of his own family has heard about, and not one of the best coaches of a generation? Bullshit. I hope the G20 protesters firebomb the shit out of that joke of a Hall.
Man that Adam Oates is good looking.
@10 - i actually had Bernie Federko in that spot originally, and changed it 5 times. changed it back on your recommend
i didnt mention Carbo because I didn't want to appear a Habs homer. but he should be in the mix for sure
The chicks should be in as builders, not hockey players. Beer league over 60 is more competitive and fun to watch than womens hockey. 5 plyons and a plywood goalie are more competition than the Canadian and womens teams face.
Should we also include best boys, the ladies train against a midget team, so how about some of those midget stars in the hall.
Gilmour beats Dino every day, and Gilmour never showed his dog in public. If you never won a cup, the hall should be only for exceptional people, and Marcel Dion is the only one I can think of. Fucking right on Pat Burns, what a bunch of stupid stupid fuckers, but they picked women for the hockey hall of fame, what about best waterboy?
@Steve, "what about best waterboy?", Messier is already inducted.
Also, plyons is a fun tyop.
Okay Gilbert Perault and Pavel Bure
Russian Rocket should be Hall of Famer!
More PleXXXe love.
Who knew he was so truCHulent.
Hey, who the hell is the GM of that team up top, Bobby Clarke? No way Lindros should be Captain over Gilmour.
What do you think of Captain TurtlePlexxx? Maybe not the right personality eh?
Just when you think you can settle in and get some work done, all of this unfamiliar off-season action is throwing me off.
I'd rank extending Gorges as pretty high on the list of things to accomplish this summer. And Markov, obviously. But I'd consider Gorges as Captain material too.
Bure was the 2nd best winger in the NHL over about ten years. The Hall's obsession with stats is utter garbage. Lindros should be there for the same reason.
Thanks for the rant, couldn't agree more.
Moeman, nice clip, just before Pleks bumped into him he forgot where he put his car keys, and all that thinking overloaded his circuits and he fell down, all Pleks did was help gravity.
Ah, nothing like a nice 15 seconds eathquake to shake up a dreary day. Felt like a 6.5er.
@moe - thank good for FHF for my weather news. i thought i dreamt it!
and you're in Gatineau? that's pretty wide
looks like the quake was in Toronto too. that's REALLY far
God / Mother Earth is pissed that Dougie didn't make it into the Hall
Let the HHOF now what you think of their shameful non-action,
Hall of Shame
To be clear, I'm in Pat Burns's corner here.
And here I thought it was that afternoon quickie.
@Steve - This is about your comment re: women's hockey players above.
I'm sure you're a really nice guy. You're funny and I generally like the stuff you post. I'm sure you're a great dude.
But on behalf of all women hockey players: Fuck. You.
5 pylons and a plywood goalie? I don't think so. Hayley Wickenheiser, Cammie Granato and Angie James would kick your ass in a heartbeat. And use the plywood goalie as a back brace to carry your ass off the ice afterwards.
They deserve to be there.
As does Pat Burns.
It wasn't an either/or thing.
The HHOF selection team sucks balls, no word of a lie.
But it ain't because women are getting into the Hall of Fame.
Got my rant on, so I forgot to give mad props to GG11 for that amazing photoshop. Looks awesome!!
@LG77: Right on! Chick power! It's not the fault of the Canadian women that the rest of the world sucks balls in hockey. The men went through the same thing in the early days of the game. Our girls are great players in their own right, regardless of competition. Also, they've done more to grow the game than most male players. I was talking to a national-level women's coach today who started in hockey as a kid because Angela James held a travelling hockey clinic in her little Newfoundland town. Good on her for her induction.
@moe: My boy Pleks is plenty truculent, and don't you forget it. If you dis him now, he'll beat you with his cheque book.
@GG11: Oates? Really?
I don't mind women getting into the hall but not over Pavel Bure. Or even Gilmour I would say also. They should have a separate entry for them or something.
No Pavel Bure are you fucking kidding? The guy invented probably half the modern highlight dekes players today use. That is important. You gonna sit there and tell me if Pavel was Canadian he wouldn't have been in in a heartbeat?
Ciccarelli? Meh...I don't know what happens in their minds. Burns is a travesty. And whoever made the point of the Lindros/Neely connection its a good point but Lindros didn't bash peoples skulls as effectively as crippled Cam.
When does hockey start if were debating HHOF inductees, ugh.
lawyer girl, Haley Wickenhesir may have been a better pick than her brother Doug. But still why just because she is a women should she be elevated to the Hockey Hall of Fame? Not the Canadian Sports Hall of fame, or the Womens athletes hall of Fame, but the same place the Flasher Dino has now by some Bush like election got in.
To be clear I did not say the US and Canadian womens team were pylons and that there goalie was no better than a Plywood cut out, or even a better plywood with only the 4 corners and the 5 hole cut out. I said the competition for these teams at the Olympic level was 5 pylons and a cut out. I watched a bit of one gane featuring only Euro players, I swear the only person skating was the person with the puck and the one expecting a pass. It was like slot hockey, the coach only had two hands.
I think its great that people like Angela have inspired girls to play hockey, Neil Armstrong inspired me to be an astronaut, but they are not going to put my wagon with roman candles attached in the Smithsonian.
And I am not nice, you know that guy that steals the money from charity boxes, thats my job.
In that picture, yes. I love the way his eye color matches his degree from RPI.
As far as women in the hall, I think it's great for everyone but I don't think that the playing field is equal. Maybe they should allow more players in each year. And why Granato over Wickenheiser? Hayley, not Doug.
My last comment about this:
@Steve sez: "But still why just because she is a women should she be elevated to the Hockey Hall of Fame? Not the Canadian Sports Hall of fame, or the Womens athletes hall of Fame, [snip]"
Where does it say that it is only the Men's Hockey Hall of Fame? Or the NHL Hockey Hall of Fame?
Your logic sucks, my friend.
It's for the sport as a whole, whether played by someone with tits or testicles.
And, as pioneers for the tits brigade, they have as much of a right to be there as anyone else.
You lost me with the Neil Armstrong analogy. Angela = your Neil Armstrong in that one, not you. And, buddy, you'd better believe that there is a section of the Smithsonian devoted to Mr. Armstrong.
@GG11 - I totally agree that Haley (sorry, put an extra "y" in my inital post by mistake) should be in there. I would have put her in before Angela, but I can see why they went the other way.
That is a much more interesting debate - which women were chosen, rather than the fact that they were chosen in the first place.
Lawyer Girl Fuck Betrayed by my own analogy,
Aside from the fact that the one place in Toronto that did not suck, (the Hockey Hall of Fame, which should be in Montreal, along with NHL HQ) is now dead to me, I am happy for the girls
I have to ad, I am the only one with a dangler brave enough, some may say stupid enough, or lacking in people skills enough to say what every ankle skater who ever lived thinks. I never even got drafted by a Junior Team but if I had been a women I could be immortalized in the shrine to the only true sport.
It's generally against my principles to argue over the tubes: impersonal, cold, and so easily misunderstood. Still, I feel I have to say something here.
I think that the Hockey Hall of Fame's purpose is to celebrate people who've left their mark on the hockey world - people who dominated the game, or who fundamentally changed the way it's played or seen. In fact, the HHOF says this on their page about eligibility:
"The following attributes are the basis on which the election of nominees to Honoured Membership is to be considered: Playing ability, sportsmanship, character and their contribution to the team or teams and to the game of hockey in general."
Furthermore, each year the HHOF can induct "Four (4) male inductees and Two (2) female inductees" in the "Player" category.
So, firstly, the inclusion of both Granato and James did not exclude anyone from being inducted, and certainly not Pat Burns. Secondly, both those women fit exactly the criterion required to be an inductee: they have "playing ability, sportsmanship, character" and "their contribution to the team or teams and to the game of hockey in general" has been admirable, if not outstanding.
As a guy, I proudly say that I admire those girls for doing what they love: playing hockey in a world that was largely dominated by men. I admire them doubly for helping change the world of hockey into one much, much more appreciative of the women who play the game.
Okay I surrender, I have applied for gender re assignment. The dream lives!
Folks, Angela James and Cammie Granato were essentially the ones who made women's hockey a viable tv/live paid sporting event. Without those two (and many others, including Geraldine Heaney, Danielle Goyette, Vicki Sunahara and more) Ask Hayley Wickenheiser who she looked up to as a kid and she'll probably name both of them.
The person who got screwed is Heaney, who was elected to the IIHF Hall last year with Granato and James, but gets shot down this year because this Hall only decided to take two women a year. Heaney was better than both of them and played defence. Talk all you want about the competition levels, but Heaney was as dominant as an athlete could be.
Everyone needs to remember: THE SELECTION OF WOMEN HAS NO BEARING ON THE NUMBER OF MALE PLAYERS OR BUILDERS THAT MAKE IT. It's a separate category and it's about time. Piss on the Hall for blowing it with Burns and (choose however many you want of) Bure Lindros Vachon Shero Oates Nieuwendyk Gilmour etc etc etc but for their contributions to THE GAME OF HOCKEY, James and Granato are worthy, even if every dipshit who ever laced them up thinks they could outplay them (FYI, you probably can't.)
@GG, "And here I thought it was that afternoon quickie.
Is Dr. GG's title Mover & Shaker?
That's what happens when you see 80 vaginas a day.
@GG11: Jeez, you'd think he wouldn't want to see another one!
@LG77: Totally agreed Wickenheiser should be in there, but I think she's not in yet because she's still active. NHLers have to be retired three years before they're eligible.
@10: Agreed on Heaney. And thanks for reminding folks that women getting into the Hall has nothing to do with the men.
Funny but he can as long as I don't say things like "It's impossible to park on Cote DES Neiges how 'bout doing a quick pap test first?" or "thank you so much, see you in six months".
Wonderin' if Dr. GG's fave tune is Bob Marley's stirritup.
On the Gals in the Hall discussion, maybe they limited the male entries to highlight/showcase the hockey ladies.
On the Pat Burns omission, hopefully a collective voice will shake up the old boys network and pound some sense into honouring Pat's career, now.
80 vaginas a day!!!
Steve sex change, PHuck ya this site is talking my language now baby.
Hawks trade Dustin to Atlanta?
@HF4: Deal is as follows, as per Jeff Marek, though Ek..nd apparently tweeted it first.
CHI trades Byfuglien, Sopel, Eager, Aliu to Atlanta for 1st, 2nd, Reasoner and Jeremy Morin
Am I the only one who thinks Chicago didn't get nearly enough in this deal???
He's a huge country music fan. His favorite is "Hurry up and have that baby your stinky feet are killing me".
Ok, that's not really a song but he did actually say that to a woman who was delivering.
@ezz, 1st+2nd picks = 24th overall, 54th overall
@GG, a CW fan? Really? I read some that 29's fave country tune is I Can't Pass the Bar, and There's One on my Way Home.
Not really, Moe, but I didn't think anyone would get "He's a huge klezmer music fan. His favorite is
ביטע האַלטן קוועטטשינג פרוי גאָלדבלום, איר 'רע געבן מיר אַ מייגריין
GG, no way I'm trying to translate that.
Please stop cvetching, Mrs. Goldblum, you're giving me a migraine
Can cvetching be sung with a twang?
More of a melodic groan than a twang.
"melodic groan", the sounds some birth-giving Mom's make. I typed 'some'.
NHL Awards are squirm-worthy. Hockey players love nothing more than musical theatre, right?
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! Ovie please stop talking or just speak in Russian. No one really cares what you're saying.
Ok, Getzlaf/Ryan post-Olympic bickering was hilarious.
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