Yeah, it seems odd to me too that we need to talk about "turning things around" when the Habs are 8-2-2. But fuck, how much do I need to complain about the sucking? We can all agree that the Leafs game was an embarassment. But that BJ's game sucked too. Meanwhile, the Sens are all hotsy-totsy lately after stumbling out of the gate. Time to make a statement boys.
Waiting in line details - 7 PM start at The Phone Booth. You hear that - SEVEN P.M., not the normal 7:30 for a weeknight. That reduces my time to get drunk after work by half. I can still do it! The game is on TSN so HF10 can watch. While the Sens are coming off a 2-1 loss to the Canes, before that they had dominated the Flyers and had a 4-0-1 streak. After actually sitting in last place for a while, Sens have climbed to 10th in the East. As for the Habs, well, you know my feelings already.
Pay your cover charge to - if this is your first day on FHF, we'll direct you to Five for Smiting. If you've been here before, you're probably sick of us talking about how great a blogger SLC is, so we'll just shut the fuck up for once.
Hot sexy Habs to watch - Pleks and Kovy starting to come alive, and Tangy and Markov still going strong.
Skanky Habs to watch - I'm hoping to see Mad Max get a point again in my lifetime. I've given up on Gui! though. If I put TFS(tm) in this space (10 goals against in his last two starts), will the gods smite me? [ducks thunder bolt]
Hot sexy Sens to watch - Alex Auld leads the league in GAA. Let me write that again - ALEX FRAKKING AULD LEADS THE LEAGUE IN GAA. Fish, Heater and Alfie all coming around. And Filip Kuba is still leading NHL defensemen in points, albeit tied with 3 others including Markov.
Skanky Sens to watch - Spezza with only a single point in his last 5 games, though he still has 13 for the season.
Line-up du jour - Price will start. Hamr is ready to go. No word yet on the fourth line, but we're sure it won't include a certain winger of Greek descent who we shall not name for fear of sparking another debate in the comments.
Totally random note that has nothing to do with the game but I'm writing it anyway - As I write this preview, some guy is outside my window wearing a Colorado Avalanche jacket. I always found it fascinating how Nords fans embraced the Avs. Normally, when a team leaves a city, its subsequent incarnation is met with either indifference or derision (see: Washington Nationals), but Nords fans seem to love the Avs.
Early week post-game entertainment in lieu of a strip club - How about reading a book? May I suggest Men with Balls, by KSK'er Big Daddy Drew? I haven't read it yet, but if it's 1/10th as funny as his Thursday Afternoon Dick Joke Jamboroos, it will be awesome.
Let's hear your dick jokes in the comments
Waiting in line details - 7 PM start at The Phone Booth. You hear that - SEVEN P.M., not the normal 7:30 for a weeknight. That reduces my time to get drunk after work by half. I can still do it! The game is on TSN so HF10 can watch. While the Sens are coming off a 2-1 loss to the Canes, before that they had dominated the Flyers and had a 4-0-1 streak. After actually sitting in last place for a while, Sens have climbed to 10th in the East. As for the Habs, well, you know my feelings already.
Pay your cover charge to - if this is your first day on FHF, we'll direct you to Five for Smiting. If you've been here before, you're probably sick of us talking about how great a blogger SLC is, so we'll just shut the fuck up for once.
Hot sexy Habs to watch - Pleks and Kovy starting to come alive, and Tangy and Markov still going strong.
Skanky Habs to watch - I'm hoping to see Mad Max get a point again in my lifetime. I've given up on Gui! though. If I put TFS(tm) in this space (10 goals against in his last two starts), will the gods smite me? [ducks thunder bolt]
Hot sexy Sens to watch - Alex Auld leads the league in GAA. Let me write that again - ALEX FRAKKING AULD LEADS THE LEAGUE IN GAA. Fish, Heater and Alfie all coming around. And Filip Kuba is still leading NHL defensemen in points, albeit tied with 3 others including Markov.
Skanky Sens to watch - Spezza with only a single point in his last 5 games, though he still has 13 for the season.
Line-up du jour - Price will start. Hamr is ready to go. No word yet on the fourth line, but we're sure it won't include a certain winger of Greek descent who we shall not name for fear of sparking another debate in the comments.
Totally random note that has nothing to do with the game but I'm writing it anyway - As I write this preview, some guy is outside my window wearing a Colorado Avalanche jacket. I always found it fascinating how Nords fans embraced the Avs. Normally, when a team leaves a city, its subsequent incarnation is met with either indifference or derision (see: Washington Nationals), but Nords fans seem to love the Avs.
Early week post-game entertainment in lieu of a strip club - How about reading a book? May I suggest Men with Balls, by KSK'er Big Daddy Drew? I haven't read it yet, but if it's 1/10th as funny as his Thursday Afternoon Dick Joke Jamboroos, it will be awesome.
Let's hear your dick jokes in the comments
Awwww...and I didn't get you guys anything.
Nords fans only like Colorado becase of Roy and the Cup.
Will Gang Bang Lange show up at some point this season? I thought he was the better signing this summer as opposed to Tangy but he's been very quiet as of late. Pick it GBL or sit on the bench in Hamilton.
Reality Check:
On the basis of winning %age Habs are first in the East and second overall in the league behind the Sharks.
@LOLL (think you're missing an "f" today) - agreed. would have had him in the skanks, but he did score against the Leafs. Now Gui! is dragging him down
@Yvan - if there is one thing I'm disconnected from, it's reality. point well taken.
@HF29 - "LILL", not LOLL you fuck. make fun of someone's typo and you fuck it up too. nice
Laroque was rather quiet during the leafs game. I thought he would be out there sending a message after three goalie interference calls.
If the habs start getting pushed around tonight I hope they respond!
larawue was wuiet cause he was busy serving everyone elses penalties, noth TK's and little tits
ah man, you had to work today?
boy it's nice living in alberta sometimes
I have a feeling Kostopoulos will score a hattrick tonight. I don't know why. I just have a feeling man!
@gillis - you're gunning for Panger territory in typos there. or is there a joke im missing?
CJAD reporting El Dandy is in for Kosto. we're saved!
@bryan - really? Rem Day is a holiday there? I swear I had no idea. Panger here I come!
haha, no joke there, let me fix it:
George Laraque was quiet because he was very busy serving everyone elses penalties, both Tom Kostopoulos's and Little Tits
BBQ'd hoisin pork sammiches, check.
Cayenned coleslaw (creamy, not vinegar'd), check.
Case of Stellas, check.
Pecan pie, check.
Fave couch spot, check.
Gal pal a Sens fan, check.
Extra fun bet put down on winning team, check.
Make up sex required, film at 11.
Go Habs!
Hello? Excuse me...I was told there would be pie...
Bonus, the pecan pie will be warmed and served with vanilla ice cream.
alright salad made, wine poured, let's do it!
er, I mean, bacon double cheeseburger made, beer poured, LET'S FUCKING GET IT ON!!!
Mmmm......a la mode...
So SLC has Auld taken Gerber's #1 job for good?
Drop la rondelle!
Gord Miller: "an important statement game for both teams"
in early November. yeesh
HF29: It is the secret that dare not speak it's name. But I sure fucking hope so...
Marouelli. Great. Just fucking great.
well we had our chances. thats something i guess
TSN saying Jethro has been a Habs killer. No kidding.
could be in for a goalie battle...
higgins finally finishes a breakaway without hitting the post
short handed! neat!
Auld goes down too early it looks like. gotta go high
Q for TSN's Magwired;
Is Auld still the star of the game?
Moe: SOG are 8-2. Short answer, yes.
Lotsa speedy skating. moe likey.
Thnx SLC, cheers to ya.
Another Higgsian post. Merde.
well, we have some jump. let's see if we can have it for 60 minutes
Jebus boys, did Gillette line those boards with used condoms? Holy bouncy!
pierre mcguire keeps freaking out about his matchup on ottawas top line
his= carbo
SLC, maybe them condoms are Trojans.
Big diff when Hammerlick plays.
Moe: +1
Damn, I miss that logo.
fucking spezza
oh maguire, stop talking CFL. you are out of your league
great here comes a PP goal and a good first period by the Habs will be wasted
magwire never shuts up, unless his hotel roommate (chin-less) Miller yaks. They must really tire each other out.
Also, thnx for the +1 SLC. Keep them, erm, coming.
O hf29, ye of little faith, have more wine.
O to see Neil get into one with KRex.
Welcome to my ruttu, Carey!
entertaining period i guess
the tsn panel is going to have a debate of their own on the TK hit
When I inevitably drop dead of a busted aneurysm sometime in February, the M.E. will list "Cause of Death: Alex Picard".
get Mr Fabulous on the TSN panel!
The KTops debate has been overblown (EZ!), especially by the Big Smoke Media.
hell ya mr. fabulous.
tortorella would freak out
That 1st period was ribbed for SLC's pleasure.
Also, GO ALOUETTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
29: He's already on it. Second guy from the left.
Moe: Oddly enough, I derived very little pleasure. So, my wife was right. Huh, who knew?
Oh, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby...are YOU getting strongly worded emails from the Barilkosphere...
Da Fonz should shave.
Darren has a really neat family name.
Blob Mackenzie's tongue can't keep up with his brain.
Duthie is only good when a monkey is making playoff picks.
fat Bob MacK is blaming the obstruction rule for the hit. that's, er, inventive Bob
SLC, 'Barilkosphere' = +1
Dreger on my teevee = yuck.
Time for some rubber.
Go Habs!
TSN makes a good point (for a change) about the live boards
"Maxime Lapierre, more disciplined"
/Checks that off of my "words I never thought I'd hear" list
PoonTang backchecks Jethro, nice.
That was hockey!
holy turtle necks!
oh FUCK again?? how many over the glass penalties do we have this year?
HF29: Get taller glass? Just sayin'...
Dave getting a little too friendly with those Allouettes there
God...I'm going to be sick...
watta smile on Higgy's face!
Also, Koivu & Kovy on that PK were sick (not as sick as our SLC).
Oh, go ahead folks. Sing your song...there's only a whole period left.
this game is blessed if Gui! is gonna score
Tenderness makes it 3-0. These are the Habs we've been expecting.
Oh, bloody hell...
whats gui's special FHF nickname?
@gillis - anything with "suck" in it. actually, nothing really, just Gui! or Tenderness
that Pens Wings game looks like a barnburner. if only i had TSN2.
Hammerlick is my star of the game so far.
If the Habs #20 scores it'll be 'Auld Lang Syne'
I meant Auld, Lang, Twyne.
@moe: clever. that song was stuck in my head all day
two down, one to go
That might've been the Habs best period of the season.
Everybody is minus something, Bob! WE HAVEN'T SCORED A FUCKING GOAL!!
Duthie, close game.
Pang, Auld is Luongoish.
Blob, math is hard.
moeman, shaddap!
but they're better than benoit brunet though
alright please just close this
or let's play hang on for dear life
gillis knows, brunet is brutal.
Somebody needs to stick a cock in McGuire's mouth.
Yeah..we get it. Now go fuck yourself.
Not gonna gush but Habs are playing well so far in the 3rd.
seriously a cock in Maguire's mouth when he starts talking about TFS and "no goals"
that puck in the face has GOTTA hurt, mask or no
this game seems to be limping along nicely
ruutu's a dick
Gillis: Yep. But he's our dick. And we love him.
Higgs bags a hat. Nice!
Gord reversed jinxed him
miller and magwire, two condescending cocks.
Kovy needs a decent chin strap
gord has a lot of phlegm in his throat. Just sayin'.
A very good game by our Habs.
Build on it.
Stars of the game Higgs and TFS™.
awww yeee
still five more SLC.
G'night all. Good win. See you next Thursday. With any luck, we'll actually show up for that one.
Bonsoir et Olé mes ami(e)s.
nice win, nice jump in the standings. check the Habs Record box. all is right, for 24 hours at least
116 comments? Jesus Price.
fuck too many comments to read lol. uhhh... sens suck?
I had to miss tonight's game, so I come here & see one hundred and seventeen frackin' posts!?!?
P.S.: I love Sci-Fi profanity.
How are there so many comments. Wtf.
All is right in the world tonight :)
Jarkko is still my favourite idiot.
Ruutu is a douche.
TFS is awesome.
That is all.
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