Whew I'm getting hot and sweaty. Not sure why. Many lap dances to FHF good friend Robert over at Eyes on the Prize for the photo. In case you hadn't heard, EOTP is well-deservedly getting the coveted Official Habs Blog status over at SB Nation. As a last free and liberated act before he heads over to be edited, Robert has given the Habosphere one last Habs Girls Pictorial. Not to worry though, Robert has shared his Habs Girls secret with us and we hope to have the series live on. Or get beaten up by psycho meth-head biker boyfriends while trying to take pics.
Oh right, hockey! Habs played an amazing game Tuesday. That was Tuesday; this is Thursday. See what I'm saying? On with the preview.
Waiting in line details - 7 PM start in the Boston arena named after a Canadian Bank. B's are as hot as the chick in the photo above, winning their last four against quality opponents like Buffalo, Dallas, and Chicago last night. I guess this game is for first place in the Northeast, if things like that matter in November. Habs have already beaten the B's once this year, in one of those games we managed to win by playing only about 20 minutes of decent hockey. Habs have beaten the B's in 12 straight regular season games. That's gotta end sooner or later.
Pay your cover charge to - the aptly yet long-titled Cornelius Hardenbergh and the Hockey Blogging Adventure. While I enjoy the irony of Cornelius' initials, it's high-quality Bruins reporting and opinion. HF10 will be featured in his game preview which should be up around 4 PM. Given HF10's, uh, distaste for the B's, it promises to be a good read.
Hot sexy Habs to watch - lots of players had their best games of the year Tuesday - Higgy, Rhino, Gorges, TFS. Even Gang Bang and Little Tits had solid games. Can they keep it up? Pleks and Tangy also taking two minutes for looking so good lately.
Skanky Habs to watch - well, Gui! got a goal Tuesday but I don't think he's out of this space yet. I'd like to see the 4th line get a goal sometime. Big Tits is still not the Tits from last year.
Hot sexy Broons to watch - Tim Thomas, 5-1-0, 1.15 GAA, .965 save % in his last 6 games. Yikes. Marco Sturm has 5 points in his last 4 games, and Savard leads the team with 16 points.
Skanky Broons to watch - ah, it's nice to see Milk Carton Mike here again. Pointless in 3 games. Pshaw, 3 games? He went pointless for dozens of games last year. PJ Axelsson also pointless in three.
If ain't broke, yada yada - Carbo keeps the exact same line-up as Tuesday. Carbo's best coaching moves are when he does nothing.
FHF discussion topic du jour - big debate here at FHF intergalactic headquarters whether the All-Star Balloting is a fucking joke or not. All six Habs are leading at their positions, all of them by ridiculously huge margins. Discuss.
Post-game adult entertainment establishment - Centerfolds Boston seems like a classy place. Be sure to sign up for the golf tournament!
K, let's get hot and bothered in the comments
Oh right, hockey! Habs played an amazing game Tuesday. That was Tuesday; this is Thursday. See what I'm saying? On with the preview.
Waiting in line details - 7 PM start in the Boston arena named after a Canadian Bank. B's are as hot as the chick in the photo above, winning their last four against quality opponents like Buffalo, Dallas, and Chicago last night. I guess this game is for first place in the Northeast, if things like that matter in November. Habs have already beaten the B's once this year, in one of those games we managed to win by playing only about 20 minutes of decent hockey. Habs have beaten the B's in 12 straight regular season games. That's gotta end sooner or later.
Pay your cover charge to - the aptly yet long-titled Cornelius Hardenbergh and the Hockey Blogging Adventure. While I enjoy the irony of Cornelius' initials, it's high-quality Bruins reporting and opinion. HF10 will be featured in his game preview which should be up around 4 PM. Given HF10's, uh, distaste for the B's, it promises to be a good read.
Hot sexy Habs to watch - lots of players had their best games of the year Tuesday - Higgy, Rhino, Gorges, TFS. Even Gang Bang and Little Tits had solid games. Can they keep it up? Pleks and Tangy also taking two minutes for looking so good lately.
Skanky Habs to watch - well, Gui! got a goal Tuesday but I don't think he's out of this space yet. I'd like to see the 4th line get a goal sometime. Big Tits is still not the Tits from last year.
Hot sexy Broons to watch - Tim Thomas, 5-1-0, 1.15 GAA, .965 save % in his last 6 games. Yikes. Marco Sturm has 5 points in his last 4 games, and Savard leads the team with 16 points.
Skanky Broons to watch - ah, it's nice to see Milk Carton Mike here again. Pointless in 3 games. Pshaw, 3 games? He went pointless for dozens of games last year. PJ Axelsson also pointless in three.
If ain't broke, yada yada - Carbo keeps the exact same line-up as Tuesday. Carbo's best coaching moves are when he does nothing.
FHF discussion topic du jour - big debate here at FHF intergalactic headquarters whether the All-Star Balloting is a fucking joke or not. All six Habs are leading at their positions, all of them by ridiculously huge margins. Discuss.
Post-game adult entertainment establishment - Centerfolds Boston seems like a classy place. Be sure to sign up for the golf tournament!
K, let's get hot and bothered in the comments
Classic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfqhg9E1IMQ
And yes, the All-Star balloting is a joke. But that's not going to stop me from voting 5 times a day!
i could watch that commercial a million more times after already seeing it a million times.
It's Assinine, with a capital 'A'. While I love seeing Saku have every good thing he deserves, there is no way he should be first on the ballot. Price on the list? Maybe... if he wins tonight.
Whatever. I'm still voting. It'd be awesome to have an all-habs lineup for the All-star game, and this is the year to do it.
I'm voting 5 times a day for the Habs. But I still think it would be nice to see Koivu and Kovalchuk or another quality winger.
Sweet Jesus that girl is amazing.
Also, it's stupid but it's the all-star game so who really cares? The league will probably step in and fix things anyway.
It's mid-November already. Question is, how much time do we give Gui?
All-Star ballot system is a joke.
I've posted EOTP pictures on my beer league hockey site..great pictures.
I hate the B's but its good to see Savard playing well.
Don't know how you guys could have overlooked this hot skank for your post today.
@areav16 - [shiver]
Are the Bs starting The Mexican in net?
alright whiskey in hand, let's do this!
@moeman - no idea. we'll find out soon enough
that's a yes!
Wow, congrats on your win tonight. I was hoping the B's weren't dumb enought to start El Fucktard tonight.
@araev - happy now?
that was embarassing
Wuwhoo! Price is playing like Manny.
Those 129,795 people who think he's an all star starter must be wrong...
@araev16 ...
Thanks for the reminder, make that 129,796.
Those 129,795 computer bots who think he's an all star starter must be wrong
egads Lang!
10 years ago Gang Bang would have buried that
that was a dirty hit by lucic
Please. The only thing that makes that hit dirty is the fact that Kovalev is a dirty old man.
And if it was infact, "dirty", shouldn't Komo step up and actually do something more than talk it out with Lucic?
"power" play my ass
Lucic has a huge Tim Hunterish honker.
Despite the Bs winning squat since just a few years after 1967, they are still a fun and formidable rival. Easily our biggest rivalry.
is this game over yet?
Lotsa time left. Habs know Bs fans are masochists.
Another mistake. Another goal.
Cue the comeback.
you were saying, moeman?
CHip away. The Mexican can be beat.
Anyone wanna drive to Bahstin with me?
You get Price, I get the lynchin' rope.
can we trade coaches at intermission?
moeman your attitude is fantastic. i need some of what you're smoking / swallowing / snorting
Barolo and chicken parma lightly dusted with meth.
Hey guys! I just wandered over from the Sabres' blogs. This game sounds kind of painful.
Painful it is.
Did I mention a comeback?
Now I know the Bruins far to well to be too hopeful right now, but I must admit if feels good to be a fan of the winning team during a Habs/B's game for once.
let them score two more so that when the habs come back, it will beat what they did last year against NYR
A 7-6 Habs comeback means the Bs have to get don cherry back behind the bench.
this game is going nowhere.
kovy punished to the 4th line?
Maybe they'll get a nice shorthanded goal to motivate themselves.
this is becoming an embarassment worse than the Leafs game
There's 1.
The Bs our the Habs' (our) biggest rival but nothing is more embarrassing than losing to the leaf. At least with the Bs we know we'll somehow meet up in the playoffs and odds are ...
alright something better happen early or im REALLY giving up
ok, i give up already
Not. Gonna. Happen.
When Quasimodo scores like that she's done.
is that the something you were looking for?
is it just me or is it starting to smell like defeat?
So when is Koivu getting that extension contract? Losing him will SUCK...
I guess that is why Komo never fought Lucic.
heres some things to be happy about: all three habs on the allstar list have at least eight times more votes then marc savard.
and komi and markov both have around 100 000 votes more than chara
did i mention that price has 120 000 more votes than thomas
meh, fate says chalk it up to unlucky 13th game in a row the regular season Habs don't click. A truly lazy-ass game by the Habs and the Bs have taken advantage. A rare win is a win nonetheless.
gillis those vote totals are really a joke now
Soooo...does anyone actually think the Habs can win the cup with this line up?
What a joke...they beat Ottawa and everyone gets excited again....bull shit...there are still many GLARING weaknesses on this team.
Babs'll make the necessary changes. No excuse for this kind of lazy play.
Also, the Pats are losing to old man Favre, so thats nice.
i know but its the only positive thing i can think of about the habs right now
Wow.. 29, I think it's almost time for the male strippers.
well fuck this shit... i'm gonna go download some porn.
Sorry, I muted Habs radio for The Office. Could be worse. They could have lost to the Panthers.
Off to toss n' turn.
A la prochaine.
Sweet Dreams Boys!
@araev - nightmares
@fezworth - no more incredibly hot, sweaty blondes that's for sure. tragic
That was uglier than Sam Pollock (RIP).
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