If the old-timey references in the title have you asking "WTF, 29?", scroll down to read Panger's historical epic recap of last night's Columbus mess. Here's your "preview" - Habs suck, TFS tries to right Jaro's ship tonight at 7 PM at the ACC.
Pension Plan Puppets is your go-to blog for Leafs info, and
The Brass Rail will be packed with horny Torontonians after the game. Make sure to boo Grabs when he scores that winning goal.
Let's all be polite in the comments, eh?
you know i just realized that the Maple Leaf flag was only invented in the 60's so the photo really doesn't fit in with the whole history thing. ah well, nice ass
With all due respect for my flag-on-ass waving compatriots here at 4HF, the Brass Rail? Really?
Whilst in the Big Smoke, head here for some elite entertainment (yes most of the talent is bused in from Montreal, oh wait, I'm making my point).
Where's the ATM?
Also, if the game gets boring, read the menu.
@moeman - no question, the Landing Strip is better than the Rail. the issue is having to go out to the fucking airport
hf29, the Toronto taxi service is quite good and its a bee-line to the beauties. Montreal is sans-pareil but if one has the time (to get there), one will enjoy the class and quality of the Strip. I recommend the combo plate.
Congrats to Glenn Anderson. Its about freakin time he gets in (pun semi-intended).
... and classy guys like Larionov and yes, Scapinello, one of the few respectable refs/linesmen.
k kids tragically i have to run out to various parties and bars and parties and such. i hope to check in on the way, but in the meantime be excellent to each other
van ryn set himself up for that one
Tom K. with a game misconduct.....5 minutes Leaf PP.
It was a bad hit, what was he thinking?
And as I type, Leafs score.
@ james gillis: Kostopolos had more than enough time to pull out of the hit. Awful positioning by the leaf player on the boards or not, Kost. should have just left it go.
van ryn was about to circle the net and all of a sudden he decides to ditch that idea and go the other. meanwhile he sticks his head between him and the boards. Did you see tom k's reaction? im sure if he had more time to react he would never have done. he stayed in a straight line the whole time
usually its the very young players that do that but hes been playin for almost 10 years.
and have you ever seen somebody pull out of a situation like that in a space of less than one second?
what is he supposed to do?
(this is not a rhetorical question?
lang finally hits the open net
boarding call on Markov? What the hell man?
What sucks more? The Habs' defence sans Hamrlik or the fact that I will have billed close to 30 hours by the time this weekend is over? Discuss...
(It's a tossup for me - both make me want to toss my cookies)
Grabs is a bitch. I can see Sergei punching him in the face next game.
fuck me is grabs a pussy or what...cant wait till the next time they play in montreal...
i will call it now he will miss the game with a yeast infection
@LG: if the 30 hours fast track you to partnership, then Hamrless Habs.
Otherwise, 30 more hours in The Man's pockets and the Leafs beating the Habs soundly makes for an all 'round shitty weekend.
Okay...lets just put it out there....the Habs are OVERRATED!! Their D, rank fifth in the league?? BULLSHIT - they looked aweful tonight - and their offense?? Do they need some sort of alarm clock to wake up on the bench? Evertime I watch them this season is looks like they sleep through half the game!!!
At least the Bulldogs beat the Marlies. YAY CHIPS!
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