FUCK YEAH. And by "fuck yeah," I mean FUCK YEAH. There is just some serious fucking energy when your team comes home for Game 3 in a series tied 1-1. You get FUCKING PUMPED beyond all recognition. Sure, it's all out the window as soon as Sid pops 2 in the first, but for now, FUCK YEAH. HOME ICE ADVANTAGE BITCHES.
Oh, I should warn you. I'm about to lay into a string of expletives THE LIKES OF WHICH THE INTERWEBS HAVE NEVER SEEN. Ha, I keed, I keed. The interwebs have more swearing than a sub full of sailors on leave in the Philippines. I don't even know what that means. HF29 is on vacation BAYBEE!!! And by "on vacation" I mean GETTING FUCKING DRUNK AND HOPEFULLY FUCKING WATCHING THE FUCKING HABS CRACKING A FEW FUCKING PENGUIN SKULLS.
/deep breath
You see, as my vacation started yesterday, it was all full of sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns. But then moeman pointed us to this article, wherein Matt Cooke says PFK's play is "suspicious" because he has sharp skates or something. Matt Cooke? GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK YOU PIECE OF SHIT. GAH. I don't even know where to start with that. All I know is now I have a ridiculous hatred for the Pens that I didn't have before. This was egged on by Sid and his petulant assholery in Game 2. Breaking his stick and tossing it like the whiny little bitch he is. Breaking a stick right next to our hot goalie and then tossing it without regard to anyone's safety or anything? Sound like an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty to me. Oh, no mention of it anywhere? Well, THERE'S A FUCKING SURPRISE. SID CAN DO NO WRONG.
FUCK IT WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THAT GOLD MEDAL-WINNING PIECE OF SHIT. Habs are coming home and it's gonna be a fucking madhouse. Here's my plea to you Habs fans if you're there: go ahead and boo the shit out of Sid, Cooke, and anything else you feel like. Except the anthem, that's just rude. You're a polite Canadian for fuck's sake. MAKE NOISE NOT DIPLOMATIC INCIDENTS.
And here's my plea to you Habs. FUCKING KICK THOSE FUCKING PENGUIN PUSSY ASSES 'TIL THE WHINING MAKES YOU SICK. Show those pieces of shit Pens no one has more heart than you. Hal Gill, continue your irking of Sid. Josh Gorges, continue your relentless D. Mad Max, shove your stick somewhere great. PFK, put the fear of god into those fuckers with your sharp blades. I AM NOT CONDONING VIOLENCE THIS IS SATIRE. Jaro, continue your relentless frustrating. You have the powa! DON'T LET THIS FUCKING STRING OF FUCKING CUSS WORDS GO TO WASTE YOU FUCKING HABS. GO OUT THERE AND FUCK UP THOSE WHINY LITTLE PENGUIN BITCHES.
/two deep breaths
OK, that's enough. 7 PM at the Bell. I don't know how much more CBC I can take. Go read The Pensblog to get you as fired up as me. Squid is hot hot hot, Big Tits is not, not, not. Métro is back in, while Little Tits continues to chew Milk-Bones in JM's doghouse. Morning skate lines were GMC, Pleks-Squid-MOEmaN, and Big Tits on the 4th line with DarCHe Vader and Métro. No word on Jaro 2.0 and still no official word on Vodkov to my knowledge. Willis Reed, anyone? Let's FUCKING DO THIS THING.
Take three deep breaths and tell us how you feel about Game 3
On a proud horse we ride...back to our cheering fans.
Do we bring the rope-a-dope tactics or just go batshit from opening bell till close?
3 goal lead...then rope-a-dope.
Needs more PK Fucking Subban.
Anyone else confused by how a country that was founded on the principle of freedom of expression can then complan when others do just that? I say boo their fucking anthem if you want - or cheer if you feel guilty about the booing. Besides, booing is now a diplomatic incident? Then what do you call invading soverign countries whenever the fuck it suits you?
Just me? Okay then.
But it's not only okay but encouraged to boo Sid, who won a gold medal for Canada? I'm confused. Did Quebec separate and no one told Alberta?
Fuck you Cooke, little piece of shit Crosby lap dog! You too Adams!!
PK "Slicer" Subban....hmmmmmmmm, I like it!
Sid grew up supporting the Habs. It's not his fault he got drafted by those tanking losers with their bandwagon fans.
Matt Cooke on the other hand ...
Sidney Bettman took most of tghe Olympics Break off, rocked up in overtime and swatted a flukey goal in to make himself a hero. I can't stand that little pussy and I Gill and PFK continue to push their gloves into his puny face and bash him into the ice on every occassion. I say, wait until the end of the game then give hima little hit from behind into the boards. Apparently it is permitted in the playoffs...or is that just for the Pens? Still - worth a try.
wv: rednec - as in - here's hoping we don't have a Bell Centre full of Rednec muther fuckers in black face tonight.
No Go You Fuckin' Pants Habs Go!
Jesus my typing is bad...it should have read...
Sidney Bettman took most of the Olympics Break off, rocked up in overtime and swatted a flukey goal in to make himself a hero. I can't stand that little pussy and I hope Gill and PFK continue to push their gloves into his puny face and bash him into the ice on every occassion. I say, wait until the end of the game then give him a little hit from behind into the boards. Apparently it is permitted in the playoffs...or is that just for the Pens? Still - worth a try.
Now Go You Fuckin' Pants Habs Go!
You giant 4HF knobs:
Sorry to be neg, in fact I was feeling really good about things until I read JT's blog on how we should all feel better because though Kosty's a f-uckup, we, to paraphrase: ‘Lucked out on Gorges’.
My comment to JT is below. No I don't feel better because we lucked out on Gorges. The way we're playing, we coulda won the fucking 25th cup this year if Timmins hadn't crashed his car in the 2003 draft, like August 11, 1956 at 10:15pm when Jackson Pollock the first and only fucking brilliant but sadly badly alcoholic modernist action painter died in a single-car crash in his Oldsmobile convertible while driving under the influence of alcohol, with a 13 year old girl Edith Metzger in the passenger seat and, I wish : Andre fucking Kostitsyn in the back seat. But NO. AK had to be born like 30 years later, the same year as Jeff Carter, who wasn’t in the back seat trying to dick Edith Metzger, HE, unlike ANDRE, was playing bantam AAA and getting ready for the NHL hall of fame. Fuck.
I’m gonna die in even worse shape than Pollock soon because I’m a bad drug addict and I got huge pressure at my middle class bourgeois ‘professional’ job like you guys. So I want that fucking 25th cup now. I’ve been around for about 14 of the others, so I’m lucky, but I want that 25th fucking cunting cup, but NO, Timmins had to crash the fucking car.
He’s worse than Stalin, or Mao including during the great leap forward when 100 million people ate their children.
Stalin would have drafted Getzlef, I swear.
So here’s my somewhat more moderate reply to JT:
No no and NO.
JT I like your blog and your passion for the Habs, but the Timmins Kosty f-uckup was MAJOR. M A J O R.
It may go down as one of the worst Habs drafting errors ever, given who else was still available.
Did they interview Kosty? Did they check out his obvious stupidity and lack of motivation? No, clearly not.
Smart players are the best players. Do you think Getz is a dummy? Parise? Carter? I don't bloody think so.
Every team lucks out with throw ins, late drafts, and non drafted tryouts.
But you must NOT f-uckup on top ten picks, ever. Interview them, understand them. Don’t take a guy top ten on a chance, ever. BE SURE.
The Kosty error by Timmins may seriously have cost us a cup, now. I'm not joking.
Can you inagine this squad minus Kosty, and plus Getz, Parise....?
That draft breaks my heart. It killed us, and I'll never forgive Timmins for it.
According to Team 990, Markov is done for the year with a torn ACL.
Meanwhile, Jordan Fucking Staal has started skating again.
Why, hockey gods? Why us???
Anon needs a map of the interwebs.
markov is minus one ACL.
pfk/primetime/slash has gotta be money. please make this hurt less.
somebody take care of cooke.
guerin a game-time decision.
That wasn't just any Anon, that was the mythic JH fuckin' K. I feel the p(l)an(e)ts aligning...
Just wow. I think you need to make yourself available as the next pantscast special guest.
Can someone please tell me what the fuck this virus that Spatch has?
Jesus, was he sticking things where they don't belong or what????
Just a picture to sum up how I feel about Cindy Crysbaby.
@Don - He has some sort of inner ear problem which causes vertigo.
My mom has that and it's just awful. It can strike at any time.
to think I will miss out on the blog swearing.
FUCK ME they better trash the FUCKING Pens so i can have another round to scream myself hoarse at when I get back from my holidays in the NON-hockey world (what was I thinking planning a holiday in May? no really!)
WV I lothm Pens an dthat Fucking Cooke
@Riri - Thanks...actually my wife is suffering through the same sort of thing right now.....RUN, it's an epidemic!!!!
I hate the vague shit from teams sometimes. Like the Pens can exploit an inner ear thing!
JHK popping in can only be a good omen
bea, dont blame yourself for booking a May vacation. who woulda thunk it?
your decision to vacation away from the internet (Borneo? Antarctica?) makes sense to me these days.. on mental health grounds anyway.
Rhino had his eyes on that Cooke biped the other nite. Watch him do some slappin tonite
@ Panger:
Americans are a wee touchy about their national symbols. It's in their DNA. All that rocket's red glare and bombs bursting stuff. You should see them get worked up about Ole Miss flying the Confederate flag at football games, or someone not standing still during God Bless America in Yankee Stadium.
Although I agree with you in theory, booing the anthem is pretty stupid, since all it does is piss off Americans and make Montreal look shitty. Of course, if the anthem is being performed by System of a Down or Celine Dion, all fucking bets are off.
My most sincere fucking apologies. Your clowns tonight will be the same shitty officials who turned game 2 in San Jose into such a penalty-fest shitstorm.
I hope no one gets a penalty for breathing too hard on Sidney Crosby, or blocking the light from reaching his annointed eyes, or something.
Good luck and kick the penguins' asses right back to the Southern hemisphere where they belong - but you can't kick them in the nuts because they have no external genitalia.
Go Habs Go!
Fuck fuck fuck. No Spacek. No Markov. MAB needs to grow a pair, or at least rent them somewhere. If PFK wasn't trying for Pens blood before, I hope he is now. Sharpen those skates PFK!
Seriously, does that fucker Cooke ever even think before he speaks? Someone needs to plow him into the boards a few dozen times. The repeated blows might loosen up whatever's wound too tight between the ears, so he might form an intelligent thought before he speaks. BWAHAHAHAHA! Ok... that was fun.
fingers crossed old man guerin is out. he's been a habs killer this season.
i still can't get over the fact that markov is gone.
can't we fucking catch a break???
the past couple seasons we've been hammered with injuries.
fuck you human body.
Non-hockey world. You must be going to Boston. I was there on the weekend..couldn't get Game #1 anywhere.
ESPN 2 had Divsion II, Women's Softball on the tube. seriously. fuckin' joke.
somebody punch Cooke in the throat tonight..Bob Cole too...and McSplooge for good measure. Go you dirty Habs go.
Did you guys see the fucking CBC poster for HNIC? No joke, it has Sid on the cover, looking over his shoulder while a beam of light from the heavens illuminates him in a beatific glow.
I shit you not. Light from fucking heaven.
Good Christ on a Cracker I fucking HATE Hockey Night in Canada.
JHK - that rant was epic. EPIC.
I can totally see a scenario unfolding with you, me, a DeLorean, a temporarily incapacitated Marty McFly and a Trevor Timmins stuffed into the trunk of Panger's old car (which, trust me, had a teeny tiny trunk)... and a do-over of Saggy Tits' draft year.
That, would be fucking sweet!
Big Tits sucks beyond anything I've seen. The guys's taken a too-many-men-on-the-ice penalty because of his coasting back to the bench...in the third period of game 1 of the playoffs. How little heart can you have?
The answer came in game 7 : actually, Big Tits has negative heart value. He coasted back to the bench from the far side of the ice in the third period of a one-goal game 7.
Clearly, he is far beyond repair.
No one will ever cost us more for those stupid 25 goals in one season.
The guy has three playoffs goals, which were all scored in the same game...that we lost! How utterly useless is that?
God, throw in those two loser brothers for a fifth rounder and let's move the fuck on. Getzlaf or no Carter.
Go Habs! Markov was sucking anyways, long live PK!!!!
WV: Mentr. As in : Sharpskater could be the Urologist's mentr.
Fuck yeah 29 & GG!
BTW, is that Moey's Vegas bikini top floating away?
Uh guys, the puck drops in 3 1/2 hours and I'm freaking out with the excitement.
WTF is wrong with me??? The overwhelming feeling is giddiness, not worry or impending doom or nervousness... I mean, don't get me wrong, they're all in the mix, but still - I'm mostly STOKED!!
That can't possible end well... can it??
Fuck, that 2003 draft is a shitshow for the Habs. Big Tits 10th overall instead of:
Jeff Carter
Dustin Brown
Brent Seabrook
Zach Parise
Mike Richards
Ryan Getzlaf
Corey Perry &
Ryan Kesler
Wait, it gets better.
2nd round, Corey Urquart five picks ahead of Patrice Bergeron and nine ahead of Shea Weber. And for good measure, Mad Max in the second round ahead of David Backes and Jimmy Howard.
Fuck. Fuckity fucking fuck.
Of course, it could feel worse. The Oilers drafted Zach Parise and TRADED him for Marc-Antoine Pouliot. Oops.
WV: You have to be pulling my legig. The Habs drafted Big Tits over all those guys?
HF10- aaaand there go all of my happy positive feelings of excitement.
Thank God. I was getting worried for a minute there...
Someone hold lg77.
You never know who is hiding what - or whom - in the locker room. Looks like BGL even forgot one of his tofu pizzas.
Picking AK46 isn't even in the top 10 of mistakes for this franchise.
We traded freaking Patrick Roy. Not early on, but at a point where everyone knew he was the greatest ever at his position.
We traded freaking Chris Chelios (Norris trophy winner the previous year for fucks sake) for a player who was no longer the player he'd been. Had a great career mind you, which brings us to ...
Denis Savard. We traded up precisely to get the 1st pick in his draft year. Then we failed to select him, and instead picked Doug Wickenheiser because of his size.
We traded John Leclair.
We told Scotty Bowman to take a hike.
AK46 over Carter? Puh-leeaze! That's nothing.
Black Velvet, S'il Vous Please
Fucking Alannah Myles, GorGeous CHap wearin' Canadian Gal
Bob Cole on the Victrola is always fucking high
Sid's cryin' like baby who lost his fucking pacifier
The roof is blowin' like a Farm Film Report
Our boy can skate, knows how to move, every fucking thing
Always wanting more, PFK leaves WE longing for
Black Velvet and that little boy's smile
Black Velvet with that sweet smoov style
A new religion that'll bring WE to our knees
Black Velvet, S'il Vous Please
Up in Montreal the hockey's like a heatwave
Squid's lighting it, bound to drive WE wild
Gu:('s baby in the oven of every sCHool girl
"Love my Tender" leaves 'em cryin' in the aisle
The way PFK moves, it's a sin, so slicin' and true
Always wanting more, he leaves WE longing for more
Black Velvet and that beautiful boy's smile
Black Velvet with that sweet fucking style
A new religion that'll bring our Pants! to our knees
Black Velvet, S'il Vous Please
Every shot off every post that Vodkov rang is now for not
In a flash he was gone, it happened too soon, look what he got
Fucking cooke needs to be sliced and diced and made to rot
S'il Vous Please , S'il Vous Please , S'il Vous Please
Bonus Farm Film Report Recap ;
CHicken elbows are out of joint,
the last Metro,
fertilizer has hit the fan,
shakin', shakin', shakin',
every man for his self, I like to walk out of that one …
@ Boob:
Don't forget Napier over Bossy in 1977. Or Terry Ryan over Jarome Iginla. Or Jason Ward one ahead of Marian Hossa. Christ, we could do this all day.
Problem is, most of those other mistakes, if changed, wouldn't be helpful in this playoffs. But you could argue that any one of Brown, Getzlaf, Parise, Carter or Richards would be our best forward, and Perry and Kesler would be close to the top. Seabrook would easily be our second best D behind Markov. Andrei and Timmins have to live with that as long as Andrei continues to suck. (Let's not even get into Iggy and Hossa.)
Nice pic GG! It warms the cockles of my heart to see the wee penguin survive the blast, by hanging on to his beer, cool. We only want to kill human penguins. Right?
Sid needs a lollipop and a hug to cheer him up, but that'll have to wait until the series is over, after we beat these fuckers.
Going out to the bar with the boys tonight to watch the game, I'm the only chick in the group. Excellent.
Jaro makes the big Times .
“It’s great for us, and the crowd is going to be on our side from the first face-off,” a typically understated Halak said.
Holy shit!
Since when does the NYT give a flying about hockey??
Jaro, your powers are truly magical...
Awesome lyrics, moe.
Go You Fucking Habs Go!!!
Just heading off to the game. Unfortunatel will have to wear pants! GO YOU FUCKING HABS GO!!! THAT INCLUDES YOU TOO AK46!!!
Moe - I will now be sooo tempted to sing those lyrics at karaoke... heh. Stellar job, as always!
Shed the pants, don the dirty laundry, get the beverages that work, make the sacrificial offerings, go out for dinner, dont post, post a lot, sharpen your skates, use the herbs that help..everything!
GO HABS GO!!!!!!!!
wv: Dress BGL, give him drugs & have him remove Cooke's ingalspa
@JHK: Jesus, man, I think you missed the point. All I was saying was occasionally, some of the little things work out in the Habs favour, with a few examples.
In no way was I intending to undermine how truly wretched the 2003 draft, and in fact, nearly every bloody Trevor Timmins-directed draft ever since has been a colossal waste of overlooked talent. I think Andrei Kostitsyn is the biggest waste of hockey talent on the planet, and I'm pretty sure he's got at least one learning disability. He's a gigantic douchenozzle who's a disgrace to the heart and passion shown by the rest of his teammates. I can't believe any human being can sit in that room with his pristine white skin and look at the welts and bruises on top of welts and bruises rising on the carcasses of the twenty guys sitting in there with him without feeling some kind of guilt, or at least awareness that he's not fit to lick out the insides of their cups because of his outright lack of effort or concern.
@moe: Nice one.
@LG77: Just remember, you never walk alone.
@29: YOU might not be condoning violence, but I bloody well am. Slash and burn, Habs!
Speaking of help in these playoffs from the 2003 draft, Joe Pavelski went in round sevenm 205th overall. Those 14 points would be pretty sweet.
it's comments like that about condoning violence from mothers like us that ultimately embarass the hell out poor innocent kids. Way to go!! make Cooke suffer! Mama needs a new penguin skin coat for mother's day!!!
And your Pens-fellating refs/cunts tonight:
Kevin Pollock and Brad Watson.
Have fun with that.
Go you fucking Pants!
heh, realizing millions and millions hate his fucking network and supposed national hockey broadcast, ron mclame tries to lead with some Français. Mange de la merde cbc/hnic, bande de crosseurs.
i likw the pocket Pocket Rocket with the flame
Crap...what happened to Fix You? They used this lame-ass mix in Games Three and Four against the Caps and they lost. Fix You for Game Seven and they won. I don't love Coldplay, but you can't break the luck, you dummies!
@GG: I have no issue with violence executed by our guys in the playoffs. It's not like the rest of them aren't biting and spearing people.
I like the Montreal anthem singer. He has a wonderful voice.
Aw! PFK stick-taps the flagbearers!
N O I S E !!!!!!!!!!!!!
heely and cold are useless.
Gold at the end of the rainbow...
Holy shit!!!
Thats Habs hockey.
That PP was pretty sweet, except for the no goal thing. But so far this game is very encouraging.
O'Byrne makes me nervous
Even better O'B makes bobcole nervous.
bettman called.
Bettman doesn't have to call far - he's at the game in Montreal.
bettman called Daly, who called some MHL schmuck, who called, wirelessly to Pollack's huge helmet ...
I can't believe we haven't scored yet.
decent play, no lead, so we'll have to keep pressing / working. that's ok
Very nice period, can't believe the shots are only 7-3. Hopefully something the Habs throw at the net goes in soon.
heh, Squid! looks at Crysby straight in the eyes and says (OK, it looks like he says), 'gonna cry?'
Squid rules!
Despite no goals, i thoroughly enjoyed that period of Habs hockey.
bobcole says 'Montreal is a hockey city, to be sure'. Hey bob, the pasture is thataway.
So some kid got tased at a Phillies game? The traged is every single Phlyers fan walked away unharmed.
bobcold "they will not get it out cleanly", as they (the Habs) do. Retire already.
key save Jaro, thx
This is obvious, but I love the crowd in Montreal more because they not only just cheer their team, they react to every play. Like that offside, the whole place helps the linesman do his job. Every dump in, call, non-call, offside, icing, save, shot, they're always in it.
Big Tits seems to have had a heart transplant.
O'man knows.
WV = mefl
heely "Montreal will be lucky to get out of this".
Yeah right you fucking asshole.
Now that they killed the penalty I can say, "Take that Cooke, you whining piece of shit! You want some ketchup with that elbow, slut!"
WV: tryst. Too easy.
O'Byrne out of position again...pls keep him on the bench in the 3rd
horrible call ref,,christ,,did Bettman give you a blowjob and the promise of a raise?
fuck that penalty.nwhiny pens got that one
as if that wasn't obvious
Penalty to #75, Hal Gill, for touching Gary Bettman's cashcow.
Seriously, that pressure by the Pens was a result of an obvious non-call in the Pens' zone, then Crosby holds onto Gill's stick for 30 secs, then this call? Fuck you Bettman.
Holy shit, Crosby better get something here after that fucking display.
I'd like this on the record: I would fight Crosby. On or off the ice.
Thank you.
Dive, fake highstick to the face, slash on Gorges after the whistle, crying to the ref. Let me guess, a penalty to the Habs?
I don't get it? Crosby has great skills, he's a solid all-around hockey player. Why the bitching and complaining? Makes me want to run over him in my car.
on the bright side..solid 40 mins for the Habs
ESPN box score has only Gorges getting a penalty at 20:00. knock me over with a feather
Lost: I agree. I enjoy watching him play (not against the Habs of course), but man he's a crybaby. It's embarrassing, especially for a captain. I guess it's a combination of age and the fact that he's used to getting his way in this league.
Cherry: "I still dont know whats going on with Crosby, the way he's acting"
acting like a petulant asshole pissy boy?
TSN says both Gorges and Letang got penalties. But who knows.
Dick Irving...classic..
listening to him again just reminds me how brutal bobcold is.
No disrespect to Dick Irving, but the CBC looks like the legion's basement. Anyone over there that didn't witness the Archduke Ferdidand's assasination?
Gorges & Letang both get roughing, so Gill & Gorges in the box for the PK.
Nothing for Crosby's punch to the back of Hamr's head while he was involved with another Pen and nothing for Malkin for dropping his gloves and jerseying Gio.
Erin Andrews just knocked off Pam Anderson from DWTS. how will i masturbate now?
"Anyone over there that didn't witness the Archduke Ferdidand's assasination"..beauty...
speaking of other TV shows, NO LOST SPOILERS in the hockey thread pretty please
No penalty for Malkin dropping his gloves: Bettman, your puppets are showing.
@29 "how will i masturbate now?" kate gosselin pics?
... and bettman ejaculates.
And Bettman jumps up in celebration. That one was signed, sealed and delivered by thte league. Garbage.
Bettman should get an assist on the score sheet.
i can't masturbate, bettman is stuck in my head
And Crysby is still whining... Fucking little bitch.
That was offside? No replay and Cole repeating it desperately before commercial = pretty sure it wasn't offside.
They need to make one of those histroy will be made commercials with Bettman.
"What if he just let the better team win?"
Get on it, interwebs.
"The two Russians go at it!"
Belarus re-joined Russia? Thanks Bob Cole, you had the jump on CNN on that one.
bobcold is frozen in time.
time is seriously ticking
slow on the whistle ref,,,,bettman must have speaking into his earpiece?...
heh, bobcold says Habs fans got us that penalty, good.
Halle-fucking-llulia! The pens get a penalty. Of course Cole thinks it's just because the crowd reacted (as opposed to the previous 5 obvious non-calls that the crowd reacted to).
Now capitalize, fuckers!
Muller doing all the talking. Chocula is too busy looking at his feet and squinting.
JM is Count von Count from Sesame Street
Well I only got to see the 2nd and the 3rd but the Habs looked really pathetic out there.
And VS. is starting to get fucking annoying with all their salivating over the Penguins and the refs. Disgusting.
They better not be this pathetic on Thursday.
crap crap crap
The Pittsburgh Bettmans 2 The Montreal Canadiens 0.
Well, I'm not going to blame the complete loss on the officiating, but it's pretty obvious what's going on.
meh, undeserved 'win'. Pens can go fuck themselves as they fuck the corpse of bobcold.
I could tell it would be a hard night for goals when they couldn't capitalize and hit the post twice in the 1st.
Oh well, hopefully things turn around on Thursday night.
So reffing wise was this as atrocious as Game 2 of the Habs/Caps series? Maybe the refs have to get it out of their system once per series
This, my friends, is the difference between the Pens and Caps. Also, nobody to blame but themselves for a tiny shot total until we got to the end of the third period.
One lame goal on a cheap Crysby penalty. cbc/hnic tries to make it seem like it is 1971 Habs/Bruins. Fuck em'.
Well I have refrained until now commenting during the game because they had always won when I did that before...guess that superstition is busted.
typical bad habs game. Great pressure first 10 minutes, don't score. sleep for 45 minutes, play again for the last 5 don't score.
One of the worst goalie pull I'd ever seen...what? pull the goalie and go for a change at the same time?
please please please MAB only on PP!! he is exhausting the whole team covering up for his mistakes, completely incompetent ugh
everybody else played ok even AK showed he cared a couple of times
CHicken was lame. Pens have figuredout our offence. HEOTOP help tell Kirk Muller what we did wrong
WV spear, that game was a spear through my heart
I was going to compare it to Game 2 vs Wash, but then I remembered the ridiculous 15 minute delay after the Habs scored. Nothing short of the ref getting on his knees and blowing Crosby (on ice, anyway) will equal that.
Chicken needs to be scratched or something. He's a disaster out there.
That fucking penalty with 9 seconds left? Are you fucking kidding me?
So I just checked the boxscore and Darche Vader has zero TOI. WTF?
That can't be right, can it?
Surprisingly, I thought the Habs didn't play a bad game there. Nor was the officiating anywhere near as questionable as what we saw in the Washington series.
The one real frustration was when Pittsburgh turned into a Jacques Lemaire team from minute 6 to minute 14 of the 3rd and the Habs couldn't cross either blue line...and when you realized the two scoring lines had been completely burned out when the power play ended.
Ah well, 24 hours of moroseness...then 24 hours of PUMPINATIONING!!!!
Yeah,the only real problem I have is the Gill penalty and the offsetting ones at the end of the 2nd. But I don't think it was an accident Habs' best 2 D are taken off the ice, and how Malkin doesn't get anything for dropping gloves and starting a fight and then he's the one who scores. But it wasn't the refs who stopped the Habs from scoring, and if they can survive what happened in the 1st round they can handle this nonsense.
In an interview post-game Gorges said the ref told him either he or Hamr was going to the box. The PK expert won. Coincidence?
Pens played possum... our own rope-a-dope really, turned back on us. Get a lead, sit most of the time, clog up the neutral zone, etc etc etc. When Habs don't score in the 1st, they shut down, cause they don't take shots on goal in the 2nd a 3rd. Pens know this. So they weather the onslaught and then they're golden.
Pens got our number, and JM is a shit coach so don't expect quick adaptation here, unless Muller pulls something out of his ass. Our PP setup and passing has become predictable, along with everything else. Our offense is easily discouraged when they don't score quickly.
Positives - in order to beat us tonight, Crosby et Co. had to draw penalties against our 2 best penalty killers, without facing the usual matching minors (even TSN acknowledged this, but there's no favoritism though says Gary Fucktard Bettman). Jaro is still on his game. Fleury only faced 18 shots, and is still nothing special, so still highly beatable. Fuck, I can stop only 18 goddamned shots, especially when over half are in the 1st period.
Habs need to learn how to come from behind and not be so goddamned predictable. Also, rope a dope only works when YOU ARE THE FUCKING ROPE!
And a belated pet peeve here....
Why is it Habs home ice is never an advantage for the HABS, just for the other teams, especially if they are icing a French-Canadian goalie?
Habs talk about their fans at the Bell Centre and how great they are, then constantly kick them in the teeth. Yo, boys, try winning in front of them for a change. No wonder every single fucking opposing team just LOVES coming to play in Montreal, especially during the playoffs. They never feel the pressure - the Habs do.
I guess it's good for us that if it goes to 7, 4 of the fuckers are not in Montreal. So now we need to win the next 2 in Pittsburgh (doable), but because we dropped one there, we have to win one in Montreal also (unliikely).
Fuck. That was annoying.
Wish I'd had the seats the fucktard Pens fan behind me had though - apparently he could see penalties on us even the four zebras couldn't, so they must have been equipped with free LSD injectors in the seat cushions.
There is one good thing about all this shit today though...
Crosby got some bad press at home here in NS - called outright for being a whiny crybaby - and that whole stick thing. Surprised there was no actual lynching of the reporter or burning down of the local television studio, but hey,
I LOVED IT! Also, Don fucking Cherry even called him out. You know it's bad when...
WV - onisti, you'd think the fucking Habs could win more than 1 fucking game on home ice every few years.
Got nothing better to do here (it's a holiday) so I've been lurking on some other sites getting a sense of what people think about this game.
Pens fans seem to think that they owned the game and Montreal was completely outplayed. Not only that, but there were at least 5 penalties that should have been called due to hurting Crosby in some way. The strangest part is that while the Habs sucked hard and didn't have any offensive chances, at the same time Fleury was Conn Smyth trophy quality out there and schooled Halak, who also sucked hard. Also, every single Canadien is a diver and the fans forced the refs to call imaginary penalties on the Pens (all 2 of them).
Of course the Habs bandwagon is getting roomier now, too. Fairweather fans, urgh. I may personally lash out every now and again, but at least I stick with them no matter what. Like family.
Just to remind everyone, it was 1-0(with an EN), scored on a questionable PP with MTL's 2 best D off the ice. Fleury did make some big saves late, but yeah they should have pressured him more earlier. It really could have gone either way, so I'm excited to see the game Friday morning here (another holiday for me. Yay!)
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