Renown for their superior hunting skills, the Panthers always bring down their prey. After several days enduring the harsh Canadian winters, the Panthers are hungry and weakened by the cold. For this famished feline, time is precious.
In these northern parts, nothing is certain. The Panther must draw on all available resources to survive the long arctic days spent pacing around in five-star hotels.
On the ice, an always tricky surface for the maligned cat, the Panther must use instincts far better suited to the southern terrain and the far more agreeable southeast division. Alas, here, the Panther is a victim to its maladaptive ways. When opportunity appears, the Panther must pounce on the enemy and convert it to eatable flesh. It must recognize opportunity.
Yesterday, as a young Canadiens squad tried to keep up with the new wilderness of the NHL, inexperience was a decisive disadvantage, The young Habs were barely walking and yet the hopes of an entire city were laid on their feeble shoulders. The Panthers smelled the possibility.
Early on in the game, a young Canadien was separated from the herd, and became an immediate target for these ferocious Panthers. From then on, panic ensued. The pack was determined to get the young one out of immediate dangers. Unable to outskate the Panthers, and down 2-0 the Candiens turned to face their attackers. It would be a match to the death. The young Pacioretty, lost in the furious confusion, fights to stay close to his mother, that and her ruse, the only defense while she does her best to hold off the pack. She wages a brave battle while keeping him at bay, unable to lose another child to the Panthers’ carnivorous desires.
The unrelenting onslaught continued. For a moment it appeared the struggle would be over quickly. Down two, the young Canadiens were reeling in bewilderment and fear. But in a moment’s notice, as is often the case in this volatile platform, the fate of the mighty Panthers turned.
Panthers are known to easily break down younger prey, and so such difficulty with these young Canadiens was unexpected. The Panthers tired, tired to a point of mental exhaustion. One Panther was heard telling another “Fuck! Lorne Greene told us this would be some easy shit! But these guys are all up and over our big fat asses!”. The Panther took no time in responding “Yo, Lorne don’t no shit.”
The Canadiens found resolve in their own weaknesses. Because sometimes, in life, one’s weaknesses can be the most beautiful thing about that person. And so they accepted the following. We, Canadiens, can’t play defense for our lives against Panthers that can’t walk on ice. We Canadiens play with consistency only seen in a baby’s diapers. But they accepted it. They loved it.
2-0 became 4-2, and then another surge would soon be upon them and the score would be 5-5. Until, finally, the exhausted cats called off the attack.
The laws of nature are at times unpredictable. And here on the plains of the Sereng..., eh,.. the Bell Centre, a young team rife with eagerness and determination, almost certainly doomed to die, returned home victorious with the crappiest shootout win one can imagine.
PS Ed's note - this is your WJHC open thread. Go Canada! PK rulezzzzzz!!!
despite the tag, i am fucking crying with laughter.
/golf clap
wow. Hats off to that one. I read it in a Richard Attenborough voiceover, which was awesome also.
GOOD ONE, seriously. Thanks!
Plan the parade bitches. T.J Kemp is in the house.
oh jeez Stephen Harper on TSN
Ohmigahhhh. Toka's stats aren't cute.
fuck im nervous
i got a good feeling about him tonight Wrap, no worries
spirited start!
The Habs PK can score!
Though not entirely challenged thus far Toka is looking crip and sharp.
Wrap i was just about to use the same word - sharp. i think your L.A. gang reference may have been a typo tho
Hahah. Wow I didn't notice.
LOL@ the Swede goalie getting knocked down.
no joke my word verification was realize
So regardless of outcome of the game, will Canada riot?
no no we'll peaceably register our joy or disgust
Habs could learn a thing or two about being active on the PP
What the hell is a big crunch at KFC? Is that like the snacker we have at our KFCs?
WOOOOO. End of the first.
never had a big crunch or a snacker so i cant say. damn me and my no trans fats
so TSN said that the Swedish goalie Markstrom is second in the Swedish Elite League in save %. i couldnt believe it. but it's true. SEL gotta be the 2nd or 3rd best league in the world. your boy's in tough Wrap
but so far so good!
Oh no, I know he's got quite the workload ahead. Any idea what the first period SOGs were looking like?
12 SOG by Swe, 13 SOG by Can I think
Pierre Macguire I wish I could hate you to death.
WTF is wrong with Swedens goalie?
brain issues, surely
Wrap i just found ANOTHER blog of yours. do you ever sleep?
Dana Tyrell is pretty. Sorry I had to girl out there.
HF29; I have about 4 of them. And no I don't really sleep. I have WAC, Nifty, Shirt Skirt, then an unnamed one elsewhere. The unnamed one I have been writing in for 6 years.
@moeman - jinx
i knew typing the "@moeman" would take too long
What's with the weird neckband thingy?
@hf29, I was gonna type Beer Me ! but Jinx! was shorter.
on Lorne Greene? or did i miss something?
Torp = another Trevor Timmins' find.
No I meant the players.
Word verification cramps my style.
Gord Miller's wife must get tired really fast.
+1 for the gord miller line
i see what u mean about the players necks. it was the style at the time
woohoo! chippiness again
Goddamit Markstrom I am sick of your shit.
Another Del Rov penalty...
Oscar Mayer?
Wrap i expect you to kill someone after that shove
Like you have no idea the violence a chick who is 5'2 is capable of.
Markstrom= Giant Douche Fag
Whats the deal with fighting in the juniors?
@gillis: Depends on the W. Pretty much totally allowable in the WHL. From what I understand the W is the roughest league in terms of fighting and such.
Word code: mandiets
i need a mandiet after the holidays
@HF29; It also made me laugh because there was a commercial on for Iron Gym. And I am shoving ravioli in mai face.
Dive! Dive! Swedish goalie in the zone! Someone throw the kid some floaties before he drowns.
PK Subban: Future captain of the Canadiens.
Loved Espo's goal of justice.
Maguire just orgasmed over your boy Wrap
Markstrom is definetly better than Alexandre Despaties
Macguire's fawning over the bo'fren is just awkward.
Has Sweden crapped it's pants yet?
No but their goalie might have drowned.
I am still pinching myself Hodgson is a Canucks draft pick. I heart that little guy.
He is totally rad.
Pat Quinn is not rad.
knew it couldnt last
Shit fucker. Sorry for your boy toy, wrap. He's having a hell of a game.
It's ok Alix, he is hanging on. And is showing he can stop pucks when challenged.
Erm. Shouldn't Kane get a penalty shot...?
31; that's what I thought...
PK laying out!
Me too...
I'm also glad we're finally seeing the Tokarski I saw in the Memorial Cup. Hurrah!
no jinx, but GAME OVER!!!!!
I am so excited, I am gonna rip all m clothes off.
woo! nude open thread!
and icing on the cake!
Mwahahaha. Eat that divers. Justice.
Thank You boys!
wrap wants in on that pile
This is like the only time I'm patriotic. Heh. YEEEESSSS!
pileup on Toka!
Ohhhh yeahhhhh
31: I am American! And I am thrilled!
gotta love PK's message to the scouts
WOO Toka!
look at that smile wrap!
LOVE the hugging PK
call him up now Bob
Markstrom is a cunt.
Yeah I said it.
Don't break it, guys ;D
its dusty in here
@HF29; I am totally weeping tears of joy. I fucken love that Tokarski.
Aren't you glad I am not wild about a shitty one?
I have a new crush and his name is Peekay.
there were moments against Russia i questioned, but in the end you done good wrap
Peekay is the new TFS
Alright, seriously though. If PeeKay played like this in the NHL, would you have him play D? Or as a 2nd/3rd line winger/PP specialist?
Shutdown - all of the above?
Nah, he's an offensive defenseman. Let him Bobby Orr his way to the net and then smack their sticks as they try and enter the home zone.
he better be paired with a heck of a defensive defenseman.
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