GG11 is still on vacation so we tought we'd give her a break. However, we're too busy watching Canada-Switzerland at the WJC to google image something interesting, so lame excuse to post hot chick/Mike Fisher's main squeeze, Carrie Underwood it is!
Boxing week shopping has evaporated any brains cells the last week's alcohol consumption left behind, so can't think of any interesting theme - here's some smart ass hockey "analysis" (allegedly) instead:
Details: Puck drop at the "insert name of financial giant"Place in Ottawa tonight for game 5 of 7 on this holiday road trip for les Habitants.
Hot: Jaro owns this paragraph. In fact, the NHL named Jaro The Younger first star of the week. Why? Um, he was pretty good last week - outright stealing at least 6 points (maybe 8) for the Habs. If the Canadiens do sneak into the playoffs, keep that in mind. Oh, and Jaro asked us to pass on a message to his teammates:
Jaro seez: play some fucking defence tonight.
Someone had to score, though: SuperPleks is still on a tear, plus Gomez has a goal and three assists in the last 2. We're still going to remind you of how great it is to have Markov back.
For Ottawa, it's probably not a good sign that Anton Volchenkov is their hottest player with 2 points in 2 games. Kovy probably has dual motivation this week: not only playing Montreal, but an Olympic snub, too. Mike Fisher is having a monster season, and can take solace in the fact that if he doesn't need a ticket to Vancouver in February he can spend the week banging his uber-hot future wife on a beach somewhere.
Not: Mad Max and Dagger seem intent on punching their tickets out of town, but after the second and third periods against the Leafs, they're not alone in this category. Milan Michalec has no points in 3 games and Pascal Leclaire has given up 4-and-a-half goals a game in the pair of games since his return from a broken cheekbone. As with Benoit Brunet back in the day, history says it's just a matter of time until he's back on the IR after he trips and falls through a glass coffee table, or gets his hand stuck in a snowblower, or his dog bites him or something equally bizarre.
Lineup notes: it's officially a game time decision, but looks like Little Giant and his huge heart is back tonight - and we just heard Gomer splooge again, all the way from Calgary. If he's back, Saggy Tits probably can pick himself up a bag of popcorn cause he'll be in the press box - if not in his agent's office demanding a trade again. Snore. Hamr might go too, meaning The Urologist may take Dagger's place in the lineup. If they both go, only Mara is left in Dr. Mulder's waiting room. Well, until Squid breaks his leg or something equally bizarre fucks over the Habs' playoff chances again.
Ottawa is hurting right now, with Alfie and Spezza on the sideline. Didn't they make up 2/3 of a great line just last season? What ever happened to the left winger on that line? Someone should look into that story. Far too little media coverage about that.
As usual, go checkout SLC: there are probably other Senators blogs, but we don't care.
Post-game entertainment: The NuDen (NSFW, duh) had Nikki Benz on stage back in November. Sorry we missed that. We'll definitely pay more attention to the schedule from now on.
Comments go here:
BGL's a Burden
You'll never be our beast of burden
Your back is broad, but it's a hurtin
All I want is for you to lose the NTC
You'll never be our beast of burden
You've logged some miles, as a Hab you're nuthin'
All I want is for you to not play on line 3
You're not hard enough, You're not rough enough
But you're rich enough, We're not to blind to see
You'll never be our beast of burden
BGL go home and make some curtains
You're good on the radio
Come on BGL make a sweet move and flee
You're not hard enough, You're not rough enough
But you're rich enough, We're not to blind to see
Oh little sisters
Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty girls
You're such pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty girls
Pretty, pretty, such pretty, pretty, pretty girls
Come Octane baby please please please
Sing it BGL;
You can put me out...on the street
You can put me out...with no skates on my feet
And you can put me out, put me out, put me out with no meat
All your suckness, we can't suck it up
Throw no more punCHes, we can shrug it off
There's one thing BGL, that we don't understand
You keep telling us, you're part of JM's plan
You ain't rough enough
You ain't tough enough
Yes you're rich enough, but its enough
Ooh, ooh, please leave
You'll never be our beast of burden
You'll never be our beast of burden
Never, never, never, never, never, fucking never be
You'll never be our beast of burden
I've liked your smile but now you're nuthin'
All I want is you to say goodbye to me
Conboy could be our beast of burden
FHFers need no fussin'
Some like the nursin'
This parody needs some lovin'
Never, never, never, never, never, never, never be without pants
@Moemen: I beg to differ insofar as BGL's contract is already a burden. Does he have a NTC? I hadn't heard that.
Let's hope Jaro took his vitamins again tonight.
I thought about starting a contest to name the new top line should Gio join Gomer and Pouliot, but I see that's already stated in the Game Day Skate post. So far:
- Giant-Mexican-Poo
- Giant-Mexican-Chicken
- Franco-American SpaCHettiOs
I like the chicken one so far. Seems to fit Pouliot's style of play, too.
I'm back bithces! And rested! And hungover. The HF29 clan can drink, I tells ya.
That said, I think I'm going out soon so I'm not too sure how much of this 5-game win streak attempt I can watch. It's ok though, I barely paid attention against the Leafs so i'm hoping tht'll work again. Halak's luck has to run out sooner or later
+some girls to you moe
Comments go here:
i had run out of decent lines in that space. nice job Panger
@HF33, BGL has a NTC/NMC;
WV = homsento, I remember that wintry day that Kovy was homsento by Bob to mull things over. Bob should take a walk with BGL.
my 2 favourite words in the French language: "absents: Laracque"
Squid bags the 20000th!
Beer me you hungover bastage.
YAY! Always bet on Cammy! \o/
Price got hit in the face with something...a puck? a stick? Maybe the stupid Sens should put a fucking piece of glass up in their crap building? (Sorry SLJ, I hate Scotia Bank Place).
Oh Oh SpaCHettiOs!
a second line!
Pouliot! That's the kind of goal Tender would have been scoring if he'd known where the front of the net was.
And Price is back. Something hit his ear.
moeman, BoB might be the best yet.... it's meta-funny even.
Is there such think as Turkey withdrawal? honestly I plan my meals based on how much fridge real estate I cn free up in one sitting. Sofa king happy to see the Habs keep on winning... Thanks Baby Jesus!
Once Gionta gets his timing back, look out. I'm liking the chicken quite a bit too.
Kerry Fraser can choke on my sweaty nutsack.
That is all.
Kerry Fraser can choke on my sweaty nutsack.
@SLC, that sounds like the title of a Nicklesuck song.
Kerry Fraser has his hands all over this game...
Now that our fucktards got this huge break, can they stay out of the freakin' penalty box?
Kovy, the artful diver. Fucktard.
Looks like Clouston's whining is paying off.
That has got to be the worse reffed game I have ever seen!
Anybody catch the chick in pink show off her boobs to Gionta at the end of 2nd right up against the glass? Her back was to the camera so I don't know if she was wearing her supporting cast or not. Where's the reverse angle when you need it damn it?!
Even the Sens announcers were amazed that the Sens weren't penalized at least once, and Galley said he counted at least 3 occasions where he figured they'd be gone.
McCreary and Fraser, just tie an onion on your belt and GET THE FUCK OUT OF REFFING!
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