Bit of a crazy day around my life today, so we're hitting the bullets to set this baby up:
- 730 PM start at the Centre Bell. Habs have lost both games to Pitt so far this year, including that 6-1 loss where Sid got the tossed hat treatment. Habs might actually be the hotter team coming in, with the aforementioned 3-game win streak, while the Pens have lost two in a row;
- Igloo Dreams is just the good hard facts about the Pens, game by game, without the attitude of some other blogs who shall remain nameless;
- Plenty of hot players lately - Squid, Pleks, Big Tits, TFS, Hamr, and even The Urologist!
- Not too many cold ones. Little Tits pointless in 3;
- Sid has 12 points in his last 4 games. That's not bad. Malkin 4 points in his last 3;
- Fedotenko pointless in 4;
- Bring on the injury news! Actually it's better than we expected. Jaro 2.0 will be playing tonight after being very questionable. Who knows what that means for Yannick Weber who got called up yesterday, while Ryan White went down to Hamilton after possibly costing the team a few bucks. I'm sure they can find a few bucks from the 100th cash grab. TFS gets the start, despite Jaro's brilliance Tuesday. Mara (aka Yukon Cornelius, lap dance to Ronan), also injured, won't play, and no word on how serious his upper body is, though he's listed as day-to-day;
- Interesting tidbit - Habs have only one D who has played every game this year. Care to guess?
- For your post-game adult entertainment, pleasure yourself with this Penguin sex toy.
I'll probably be banned from FHF for saying this but I don't find Megan Fox attractive at all.
@kevin - reasonable people may disagree.
but you're banned ;)
Re: D-man who has played in all games so far this year: I'll take Josh Gorges, for $1000, Alex.
He's so getting injured tonight - you know that, right?
And I'm still laughing about Mara as Yukon Cornelius. Genius, Ronan, Genius!
Not attractive at all? I can understand thinking she is not the most attractive woman in the world. I can understand saying something like that in front of your wife. But really? Doesn't wake up the beast at all?
@LG77 agree wiht you for gorges but am really upset with you cursing him.
all together now ptooh, ptooh, ptooh
goign to the game tonite.
if you HEAR expletives on live TV that will be my voice echoing in the rafters
Bea - I wasn't the one who cursed him. By bringing up his track record... I was trying to diminish the curse by acknowledging its potential existence. ptuh ptuh ptuh.
I'll be at the game too. Making sobbing baby noises every time Crosby touches the puck. Whiny brat.
@lg77 my apologies.
my f'ing ire will be directed to where it belongs HF29.
woman pissed off and all that jazz.
as for Crosby, can't make up my mind about him. he'll do the whiny thing then make a brilliant play either ias a forwadr or in D and then you can't help it but go "WOW! so that's how it's done"
Better Crosby, who has a bit of whiny baby in him (Gretzky and Lemiuex had it too) than that cheapshotting showboating Commie fucker Ovie, eh? Who;s with me? Eh?
Ah, fuck you people. Why do you hate Canada?
[Don Cherry approves of this message].
No love for Geno?
What's really cool is that though we see the glass half empty, the rest of the league just sees the W column. According to Igloo Dreams, "The Habs are hot, having won three in a row and only allowing one goal in each."
We're hot? It's like that girl in Seinfeld who looked great in the dark but horrible in the light. I wanna believe that we're hot but if we keep sitting at that booth with the light I may just have to break it off once and for all. The unpredictability is killing me.
That pic of the Whiny One makes me think he'd appreciate a Tossed Salad more than Tossed Hats.
I'm with you. Whiny beats slimy any day.
Sportsnet says the habs are shopping Halak. If/when Jaro leaves, this is going to be a sad day for the habs, and for this blog.
I'm hoping sportsnet is making this crap up.
Not That There's Anything Wrong With Sid
Do you have the time
To listen to Sid whine
About nothing and everything
All at once
He is one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No Reebok about it
Sometimes he gives Mario the creeps
Sometimes his pants play tricks on him
Awards keep adding up
The points he's racking up
Is Sid the Kid paranoid?
Why is it girls he avoids?
The Kid went to a shrink
To analyze his wet dreams
She said it's lack of sex
That's bringing Sid down
Sid went to a whore
He said Sid's life's a bore
So quit your whining Kid
Just have Megan Fox go down
Sometimes Sid gives Pens guys the creeps
Sometimes his mind plays tricks on OV
But IT just keeps popping up
I think Sid needs to come out
Unlike Tiger who should just pullout?
Not That There's Anything Wrong With That
Grasping, to, control
Sid better hold on
Did this song give you the creeps
Sometimes my words play tricks on thee
Parodies keep adding up
An excuse to type fuck
Habs better shoot the puck
4 and 0 this century!
FUCK YEAH moeman. I'm moshing as we speak. Fucking pants (the good pants, not the British pants)
Panger (the original) on TSN saying the Jaro trade discussion is bullshit
Barry Manilow on NBS promoting his new Xmas album
Did I say Barry Manilow... I meant, uh, Panger on TSN.... go habs?
Of note, the original bald Panger said La Presse's rumour-filled article is plein d'Ostie d'marde. Go figure.
moeman you owe me a three-minute late Coke
I would gladly pour you that Pepsi HF29 but I was just embellishing on your original English-only comment and I also typed a few extra words to deliver a jab at La Presse, home of RUMEURS! Next jinxed comment nets you a Joe Louis.
bien fait, MOemaN ami
Tré Cool reply hash heff vingt neuf.
bon match mes amis!
lively start
It's just a wee bit of a contrast to the Flyers game the other night. I think I'll manage to stay awake through this one.
that'll kill sergei's confidence
well that was entertaining at least
outplayed... but not dominated... let's see how we come out in the 2nd.
Little Tits is gonna get benched
atta way Pleks, stick up for your goalie!
Seems you're kinda talking to yourself there, 29.
who said that?
Hammer time!
wow Tits that was some fancy work there
whoops, was two minutes behind cause i paused the PVR
I don't know. We're in a pretty bright booth but she still looks kinda good.
hammers celebration was hilarious.
ahh, please enjoy The Pensblog bitching about the refs on Twitter
Nice target.
aw, FUCK
can't do much about a tip
very entertaining two periods of hockey
Outshot 26-15? Gotta shoot more.
im quite nervous for this 3rd
That is unpantsish HF29.
please hold on please hold on please hold on
it's like we're TRYING to tempt the fate of the good PK
i get the feeling we're tired
Pretty sure he got puck first there...
oh gimme a break
"gomez". there's something i haven't heard tonight
@29 - they didn't mention his pass to the pens that led to rhino's pen...
oh fuck me.
what do you see about the refs now Pensblog?
FUCK that quick whistle
well, we competed. that's something.
Un-fucking-believable!! Those refs must be so proud.
Bob Hartley on Anti Chambre
Just came back from the game. At the office trying desperately to get my poop in a group for a 4-day weekend in (don't laugh) New Jersey...
Thing that pissed me off the most (even more than the ref's quick whistle)? the fact that, out of all of the teams that I see play live, Pittsburgh is the one who still has BLATANT FUCKING INTERFERENCE plays as part of their playbook.
Why the FUCK don't they get called for interference? It's the same play over and over again - pass the puck and let the dude who didn't have the puck screen the opposing defender so that he can't get there in time.
THAT'S why I will always hate Sid and his fucking team.
Seriously, i didn't even HEAR a whistle from the ref, was there one? Anyway, Fleury clearly didn't have control of the puck, no idea why play was stopped...
But i'm not going to blame this loss on the refs, i'm gonna blame this on all those bad fucking penalties we got that gave them the momentum. Had we been more disciplined (Or god forbid, OUTSHOT our oppenents) we would've won it no contest.
WV: hotin... as in, i'm hotin my pants for Squid!
Look, I get it - bitching about reffing is about as loser and homeristic as you can get.
But I still think that it bears the question: had there not been so much goddamned interference tolerated by these douchebag refs, would the Habs have managed more than 21 shots? And would the Pens have had fewer shots because their illegal screens would have been called?
(The answer to both questions is yes.)
(In case you were wondering.)
/LG77 Rant
Yeah, i totally get what you mean. But fact is the habs have been outshot in nearly EVERY game since the start of the season and it's a trend i am NOT comfortable with. Jacques Martin, defensive genious... We let up 35+ shots every night. Okay, sure we're missing some parts, but you can't tell me the Florida Panthers were a much more talented team than our injury0riddled AHL 2.0 team. They still managed to keep their opponent's shots to a minimum. We seem to THRIVE on letting them fire at will...
Fucking prick always finds a way to fuck up a game.
Flying Toaster - funny thing is that we usually lose the games in which we outshoot our opponents.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again: look at where the shots are coming from. Most are without screens, shots that Price can clearly see (and usually, stop with ease).
Gill sucks less lately (and, in fact, has been pretty good - there, I said it) because he takes away the East-West (i.e. cross ice) pass on breakaways, leaving Price to follow the shooter and make the save.
That kind of a system does lead to more shots in the totals, BUT if you have a good goalie, it's actually an effective system.
No wonder the reffing was batshit crazy.
when is the NHL going to learn from the NFL and actually institute some kind of oversight system to avoid this shite?
WOW! I really hope chris lee is fuckin proud of himself. What a fucking fucktart. I mean when you look at it, what's the harm in not blowing the whistle on time... I dunno, maybe a comple of complaints, nothing devastating. Now what could happen if you blow the fuckin whistle when you aren't too fucking blow the fuckin whistle... ITS FUCKING DEVASTATING!! FUCK YOU CHRIS LEE!! MAF was still looking around for the puck, and the players were obviously hacking away at something. Chances are that something is the loose puck you fucking idiot. FUCK
im pissed
The worst part is that at first, it looked like he was about to call it a goal. It looked like he was about to point at the puck that was clearly in the net, but then started waving his arms like a fuckin moron, just to fuckin piss us off. I can just picture him talking to his friend refs after the game saying: "I FOOLED THOSE MOTHAFUCKAS!!!"
True, and i'm well aware of that fact. Which is why i'm glad it works. BUT! It still boils down to our opponents spending a lot more time attacking than defending. We can still defend the same way, leave them the pointmen to shoot, take away the cross-ice passes... But i don't see why we can't have a sustained threat in the offensive zone.
Keep doing what you're doing, but learn to keep control of the puck a bit more. Just try to take out 10 shots from the opposition's total and we should win a LOT more games.
And for interference, Rhino gets called for interference when people throw themselves at him. I mean, I know he's good looking and all, but not in the rink boys. But yea, when people actually do interference and they're not Ryan O'Byrne, they're free to go.
Actually... who the fuck calls a delayed penalty with 3 seconds left in a game?! Chris Lee blows.
Price isn't comfy unless the shots are over 30. And that 3rd goal bounced off his head. Assisted by Hammer.
FT - do we know what our time of posession was vs. theirs? If it's double what ours was, fair enough as an argument. But I don't think that it was double... In which case, the argument that shots are
LG - I'm looking throughout the internet to try and find out their TOP but i can't find it. Still, 41 shots VS 21 is still ridiculously stupid.
the second worse was gorges' holding penalty. He reached for the puck that was a bit ahead of him, i guy is skating faster, gets the puck first and runs into gorges' arm. Gorges swings his arm away to NOT GET A FUCKIN PENALTY... and he does. FUCK YOU CHRIS LEE.
Interference calls are the worst. Do you know whos the best at interfering on faceoffs, Dou$harek. Immediately, he puts his arms up and looks at the refs, while interfering, but the refs think that he is pleading innocent, when he is actually putting his arm out to interfere. fuckin douchebag
pandemonium in the blues and grqys at that fucking call on that last goal.
and this after a fight actually broke out between habs and penguins fans at the end of the 2nd not far from where I was sitting. apparently not about the game.
emotions were running high and hopefully the refs slunked out of the building with Lee dressed as Youpi.
fuck I,m still pissed
even fleury conceded that the puck was still in play when Lee decided to blow his whistle!
what a douche!!!!!! Lee not Fleury
WV supress: the fans could not supress their spite and disapproval rained upon the refs
Just got back from the game...
Total bullshit call, everybody was going crazy and booing...
The refs are getting ridiculous.
Such a heartbreaker.
Bored at work, did a little researching.
Habs have been outshot in 6 straight games and only outshot their opponent once (by 1) in the last 11. In those 11 games they have been outshot 365-251, so they've been outshot by an avg of 10+ shots PER GAME over that time.
The last time they outshot someone was the mighty Hurricanes of Carolina on Nov 17th, which was also the last time they recorded more than 30 shots (35), though that game did go into OT and they only outshot the CaneWhale by 3.
The game before that was the 55-20 debacle in Nashville, fyi. I stopped looking after that due to my therapist's pleas for me to reduce emotional pain in my life.
Whoa, whoa whoa. Just saw the non-goal on highlights. I'm not blaming the refs for the loss, but how is that not a goal? I paused it several times, and it's pretty obvious. Anyway, it wasn't even an early whistle, it was around Fleury, then it was loose, then they scored then there was a whistle. There was ample time to blow it dead (heh) when the puck was around Fluery (but not covered).
Well, according to Crosby "The whistle doesn't have to go, I think his motion to blow it, so..." (sic) Really? So I can call it a blowjob even if no lips ever touch my wang? I'll remember that next time I get fitted for pants. The motion was there!
Oh, and another gem from Crosby: "Flower (ugh) was going to cover it" Oh, well, why didn't you say so.
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