Monday, April 20, 2009

If we flame out, let's at least do it in style - Bruins Game 3 Preview and Open Thread

I see your calls for Marisa Miller, and raise you four other Victoria's Secret models

"Jesus, I hope they win tonight, if only to salvage some pride. And enough of the cheapshot bullshit; you're the Montreal Canadiens. Act like it."
-HF10, in a morning email

I hope 10 will forgive me for using his email without permission, but it so perfectly summed up my feelings going into this game tonight. The Montreal Canadiens are not playing like the Montreal Canadiens. Have some fucking pride. Skate. Work. Follow Métro's example. Play hard, play fair. DON'T FUCKING TAKE STUPID PENALTIES. Well, unless you want to jab your stick in Chara's neck. Then feel free. Some very very quick bullets to set the table:
  • 7 PM start at the Phone Booth. Over / under on the sound of the first booing from Habs fans? I've got 7:24;
  • I think by now you should know all the B's blogs to read;
  • Habs have come back from a 2-0 series deficit five times in their history, most notably in 2004 against the Bruins;
  • Bob was totally silent after the morning skate today on his line-up. No mention of goalies, Tits, Daggers, or anything. Maybe hiding the surprise return of Lang?
  • Post-game adult entertainment has been suspended pending the Fucking Habs ability to show they can actually win a hockey game.
You've got 7 hours left to get drunk before the game kids. Make 'em count.


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L Dude said...

I will take 15 seconds into the American anthem for the booing. This being by those typical idiot fans who also boo Koivu and other undeservings.

Can we sign those models and insert them as our first line? Might work out pretty well. Distract the B's. Except for Savard. We saw you plant one on FrankenChara in game 1!

Sure would like some lineup news. Well, guess I'll go do some work for a couple hours and check then.


Unknown said...

Lang will only return once all the barber pole unis are burnt and their ashes spread all over the Canadiens marketing dept.

lawyergirl77 said...

I need a drink. Badly.

So I lost at the Court of Appeal today. We were in a pretty bad position, so it's not like I was surprised, but I was still holding out hope like the optimist-in-pessimist's clothing that I am (see all of my comments for the past week as proof of same.)

But, as I said in the middle of the lawyers' lounge after the loss: "Well, perhaps the Universe only had one miracle up it's sleeve and it's saving it for the Habs."

See - at least we can laugh about it all, right? RIGHT?

*pours herself a drink*

Unknown said...

It's Marathon Monday in Boston, so the red sox are playing right now and half the city has the day off. The other half are cutting class for 4/20.

I am of course cooped up at work and will probably make it home just in time to start watching this game.

I still think Montreal will take tonight. What I hope for is that Price starts and has to get pulled again, this time after 1 period. We might have broken him.

I hope y'all saw the pictures from games 1 and 2 over at the cycle like the sedins series miniblog.


Yvon Gagné said...

Sorry to piss in your breakfast, but there isn't any booing going of the home team during the playoffs. Not even in the good old Breezer bashing days.

And somebody tell Graine Metropolit to shave that fu manchu mustache.

Tom said...

I wonder whether the violence level will tone down without Lucic in the lineup. And for that matter, whether the emotion in the building will be quite as sharp.

Rob said...

29, thats all i ask..for fuck sakes if were going down go down with a fucking fight so hard that the opponent will bow out in 5 in its next series cause we did everything we could to play, play hard, i want to see fucking bodies flying all over the ice tonight, i want blocked shots, sprawls made for lose pucks, i want a fist in someone fucking face cause they pushed a little to hard on Koivu. I want some pride restored to this organization and its real fans. The fans who will beat then up and hold them responsible (the ones who hang out here) when they slack off but will always be there regardless of the fucking outcome.

77, maybe there is a win in your loss, not good for you but perhaps good for us...losing suck just the same sorry to hear.


kevincrumbs said...

I'm going to face Medina and ask that Bob put Allah in goal tonight. Lang and Markov potentially back? Yeesh. Have no idea how I'm going to force myself to spend four hours in the library this afternoon.

kevincrumbs said...

D'oh! I obviously meant Mecca and not Medina. I need to step up my Islam knowledge here.

Kmaxx said...

Oh man I can't wait - yet I can't bear to think about it! Come on you guys - in the name of the father (Beliveau) the Son (Lafleur) and the Holy Ghost (The Rocket) - play like the team we all know you are and beat the ever loving bejesus out of the B's tonight - then do it another 3 times!! But I'll settle for the first one, then make another couple of wishes later on in the week!! Go Habs Go!!!

Navin Vaswani (@eyebleaf) said...

You raise four Victoria Secret Models? I'm doing the opposite of, umm, "folding."

fezworth said...

I will give this game one period. If I don't like it, I'm switching to Caprica. Frak it.

lawyergirl77 said...

Fez - I will give them all three periods ('cause I'll be there). And i'll keep hoping for a miracle until the last second. 'cause I'm a masochist, apparently. :(

Unknown said...


I'll be watching at home. The whole game. Because I believe in them.


Jaybird said...

@ gillis -

I agre with pretty much all of your takes in your post yesterday! Is it possible I have found another habs fan with exactly the same views. No, it can't be. We're all to differently bipolar. I choke while you go for the eye rake I'm sure.

@ sheriff - I'm wearing my Koivu jersey tonight! (I'm sure you don't give a shit either)

Jaybird said...

Also NHL officiating has reached its lowest point. Lucic did not deserve a suspension for that cross check. If it was pizza face Kessel that did it there would have been nothing.

See paragraph Carcillo, Cammalleri.

lawyergirl77 said...

Jaybird - I won't say that he didn't or didn't deserve the suspension (I think that there's evidence to support both theories), but I do think that his reputation weighed heavily in the balance.

I am also enough of a self-aware Homer to admit that I am pretty frickin' happy about it. Here's hoping it helps tips some of the balance in our favour (and that it doesn't fire up the Bs even more).

Anonymous said...

Watching the Habs has been depressing lately.

Bury those fucking teddy bears.

mr. gillis said...

@Jaybird: Nah, I'm a pussy so i go for the kick in the nuts, or the hockey stick to the jaw.

No mention of... Tits, Daggers, or anythingAre you relating this to the Kostitsyns gangsta friend?

my verif word is "manut": Phil Kessel says: "Ow, gillis kicked me on manut"

lawyergirl77 said...

*passes Shutdown a drink*

I hear ya. their suckiness has taken such a toll on my mental state. The siutation is almost as depressing as they are...

...which may actually be a paradox. Oh dear, that's too depressing to contemplate. *drink*

HabsFan29 said...

I would like to get in on this at work drinking please!

/ reaches for traditional bottle of whisky on lawyer's desk
// gets glass
/// pours
//// ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Jaybird said...

@ fez

I agree the trolling at FHF has been lame. I know how to increase the fun though. All you have to do is ask Boston fans if they find it as much of a joke that I do that Cam Neely was inducted in the hall of fame. How do you justify giving a guy who played a measly 13 HALF seasons and who was so much of a cliche his career was ended by Ulf Samuelsson that honour?

They say he is a hero for coming back time and time again playing through agony but I think he was just too soft for the pain. He should join the Bobby Orr bad knees hall of fame.

Sidenote - I do appreciate his charity work for cancer and respect him for that at least.

hockeyzombie said...

Happy 420 everyone. Maybe Halak gets the start so Price can enjoy "strolling thru the grass."

HabsFan29 said...

@ fez & jaybird - any Bs fan can troll here all they want if they aren't lame. and as I mentioned this morning, the Bs fans we have visiting are damn nice, considering. they could be real dicks considering the situation, couldn't they?

/ can't get over my forbidden Raquel love
// pours second drink

L Dude said...

@Jaybird/LG77: I'm a dedicated and selfless Habs homer. Lucic should have been given 5 games. The intent to injure was there - Laps just turned his head in time. Could have easily killed him if it hit him just right across the nose. He's lucky he isn't looking at a manslaughter charge. 1 game suspension is a gift.

OK, enough of the homerism.

Lucic: "I'm disappointed in myself." Wahhhh. Shut the fuck up.

I mentioned this quote in the GDS thread but feel it's really important and I need to re-post:

"...I just took the shot. I know where the net is...,"
- Alex Kovalev

Dear Mr. Kovalev:

Please share this information with your teammates.



fezworth said...

@jaybird: It's a tricky thing, for me. I don't want to be a troll myself, because I'm a better class of person. But, I'm terrified that I might start humanising B fans. Where would that sort of behaviour lead?

I'll tell you where; At the ACC, singing 'Kumbaya' on Harold Ballard night. [shudder]

Some things are just too frightening to contemplate.

verif word: squilly. As in, it makes me squilly just thinking about it.

HabsFan29 said...

The intent to injure was there - Laps just turned his head in time. Could have easily killed him if it hit him just right across the nose. He's lucky he isn't looking at a manslaughter charge. 1 game suspension is a gift.outstanding

/ pours 3rd drink in tribute to L Dude

Jaybird said...

@ 29 and fez -

It's all in good fun of course! I am not angry in the least or that much of an ass I just have to give it to Bruins fans in the playoffs since they are enemies at the time and also because there is a point where it starts getting too polite. We're the ones getting pumped every game here and we can't be smiling taking it up the bum. We Canadians/Canadiens fall into this I'll hold the door open for you habit far too often on and off the ice.

@ L Dude -
My problem is the NHL disciplinary committee has lost all morals and I have seen umpteen far worst incidents not even get the blink of an eye because "no one got hurt". In my eyes the NHL has pulled EVERY opportunity to cover up violence by ignoring it since the Bertuzzi incident. It's been downhill from there.

Weirdest Word verif: mysizedn

fezworth said...

@Jaybird: Frakkin right. Sherrif25, CH, consider yourselves on notice. I'm going to be less polite from now on. Boo ya.

Fuck Mats Sundin.

Jaybird said...

@ hockeyzombie - I should drive downtown to Parliament to see if Price is there for the "festivites". Am I the only one to hear he knocked up a fifteen year old girl this year and that was the big news that never came out? A friend told me Jason York said that on the hot seat lunch here the other day.

@ fez - Fuck Fourty-year-old-looking-face Diving Mike Richards big time. YEAHHH

@29 - Please tell me its CC and pour me one!!!

HabsFan29 said...

alright Jaybird and fez I see your point. fuck them, fuck that shit! cock!

Raquel excepted of course

Habsfan10 said...

There are decent B's fans, decent Leafs fans, even 2 decent Flyers fans that I'm aware of. It just seems like the majority of them are fucking bastard douchebags, because they cheer for such heinous, evil, sad-sack franchises. I'm sure if you asked them, they'd note there are a couple of Habs fans who are alright, but the majority are [insert your own cliche/insult about being French, euro-trash, arrogant, living in the past smug bastards here]. That being said, FUCKING CHRIST, SHOW THE FUCK UP AND BEAT THESE FUCKERS. STOP EMBARRASING THE PROUD ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF MEN LIKE THE ROCKET, POCKET ROCKET, BELIVEAU, DRYDEN, LAFLEUR, MORENZ AND THE REST. Assholes.

Word verification is smshmuce. As in, somebody better hit Chara so hard he craps himself and makes a smshmuce sound when he skates.

mr. gillis said...

29: free cone day on the 29th at ben & Jerry's.

broons_fan said...

@L Dude - but if we are going purely off of intent to injure, shouldn't Kostopolus have gotten one for the elbow aimed at Hunwick's head at the end of game 1? Shouldn't Cammalleri have gotten a suspension for the Havlat hit? I'm not a complete idiot and I think Lucic deserved a game suspension for what he did, but its kind of ridiculous for the NHL to jump all over this (and for Habs fans to ask for 5 games) when the NHL has ignored the other situations. Call 'em all or call none but this pick and chose stuff is kind of bullshit.

lawyergirl77 said...

10 - God, I couldn't agree with you more. It's the reason for my hope - we've proven that when we, you know, show the fuck up for a full game, that we can beat these bastards.


Jay - you heard that rumour too, eh? It's awfully persistent...

lawyergirl77 said...

Broons_fan: Yup. Totally agree with you. I think that Lucic only got the suspension because of his reputation. The more I think about it, the more I think that a game is absolutely justified, but that they need to start imposing sanctions every time something like this happens... not just when it's a known shit disturber who, well, disturbs shit.

And now, in the spirit of friendly competition and NOT agreeing with the enemy: FUCK YOU YOUR GOING TO LOSE TONIGHT SUCKA HA HA HA LOLZ!!11!!!11

Word verification (too perfect): I hope that the Habs ate their WEETIZ this morning.

Habsfan10 said...


Kotsopoulos missed. It doesn't make it any better, but in the screwed up view of the NHL head office, it matters. You can't suspend somebody for almost elbowing ... yet. Had he connected he most certainly was gone for at least a game, based on the Van Ryn precedent.

broons_fan said...

@10 - oh no I know it missed and as such not suspension worthy. I was just commenting on how obviously looch should have gotten a suspension because it was obviously an "intent to injure". In my opinion, the elbow was worse because it was premeditated, the looch thing was just him being a retarded asshat and not dropping the stick in time.

too close to toronto said...

it's true; for good or for ill, the NHL does not penalize intent. they penalize the result.

a game for lucic was fair. the problem is that cammalleri didn't get a suspension and he should have. if he did, i think people would be less upset about lucic getting a game. i also think it upsets them that mad max is our resident "pest", but the target of the infraction should also have no bearing on the punishment. i'm sure one of the resident lawyers here can express what i mean here more eloquently.

Habsfan10 said...

@ too close to toronto:

Hell no, we can't.

L Dude said...

@broons_fan: Nope. Lucic is the only suspension-worthy act. The more I think about it, the more it should have been 10 games - have to include the little spear to the gut of Schneider and other acts probably not seen on video - you know it's there. Luchicken is an ass. He should be given the McSorley treatment. Fuck him.

The defense rests.

HEY! Maybe that's the Habs' problem!


Word veri: commas

Chara and Thomas were both taken out of the game by BGL and are currently in the hospital in commas.

lawyergirl77 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lawyergirl77 said...

too close to toronto: Duuuh... Fire bad, tree pretty. I'm elomoquent.

(I deleted my previous comment. If I'm gonna make a reference, I might as well get it right. *smacks forehead*)

South Shore Habs Fan said...

re: Price rumours
Does that mean that 2000 years from now we'll have to endure some mediocre book about a symbologist who tracks down Price's illegitimate heirs while being chased by an albino Broons fan?

Jaybird said...

LOL @ south!

I just noticed our goalies are either Jesus or Allah! I love how habs fans understand our tenders are gods!

Word verif: carting

The fifteen year old virgin mary is carting around Jesus Price miracle baby.

Unknown said...

3 hours to game time. Fuck you guys.

Cam Neely is only in the Hall of Fame as a stepping stone for his ascension to heaven.

Here's hoping Laraque plays all 60 minutes tonight.


Sheriff25 said...

CH: Priceless.

Jaybird said...

Cam Neely can't even step up a set of stairs without whining endlessly about the pain.

As for the heavens the Big Dipper is not even big enough to hold all of Boston's problems tonight.

If we lose were done; simple as that. Simple enough even for donkey Plekanec to understand.


Unknown said...

Also thanks to HF10 for making me more awesome with the St. Crispin's Day speech thing on my blog.

That our main problem is beloved rookie skating on the 4th line and the reunion of the Wheeler-Krejci-Ryder line is heartwarming.

Anonymous said...

If anyone out there is going to be celebrating 4/20, or knows anyone that will be, let them enjoy this mindfuck

moeman said...

Sorry for being late kidz, I was away knocking wood.

Go Pants!

Go Habs!!

Fuck dem broons.

Word Verif = ingelati, as in, a few games back I was almost ingelati but hf29 welCHed on the ice cream deal (fucking small print)

Daniel Plainview said...


kevincrumbs said...

Ew. Carey having sex with a 15 year old. Ew ew ew.

GO HABS GO and GO JARO (assuming you're in net).

lawyergirl77 said...

So... 40 minutes until game time and still no news about the starting goaltender?

That's reassuring.

/sarcasm (although it never really ends with me...)

I'm off to the game. I'll post in-between periods (or during if the shit becomes too painful to watch and I decide to play Flight Control instead).

HabsFan29 said...

@shutdown - whoaaaaaa, dude. i may need to 420 again to just to really appreciate it

@moeman - welCHed is now my middle name. outstanding

HabsFan29 said...

scream loud LG!!!!

Daniel Plainview said...

playing will be Lang?

HabsFan29 said...

@DP - what? what? are you 420'ing?

Daniel Plainview said...

quiet Bob has been

kevincrumbs said...

I can't believe that in this day in age with all these sources and the internet that with twenty seven minutes or so until the game starts that we still have no idea who's starting.

moeman said...

Its Jesus.

Daniel Plainview said...


HabsFan29 said...

Chantal's shirt not as revealing as last game. boooo

@kevin - it's the most impressive thing Bob's done so far

moeman said...

Tonight's beverage is a nice O'Leary Walker Adelaide Hills Chardonnay 2004, sans flies.

Daniel Plainview said...

Price is starting.

Fuck this stupid fucking season.

fezworth said...

This is going to turn out to the start of a wonderful run for Price, or the final nail in The Habs' coffin.

Sonia said...

@Kevincrumbs - Nothing illegal about having sex with a 15 year old, since the age of consent in Canada is 14.

The lawyers of FHF will confirm this. In fact, they have it printed on the back of their business cards.


HabsFan29 said...

@moeman - sounds delish! we'll show those idiot Bs fans who the pansy-ass Euro trash wine-loving Frenchie fans are. wait, what?

seriously though, that's a nice bottle

after the Irish disaster and Saturday night's failed vodka experiment (it was for Kovy, and he scored, so that's something) I am now trying gin tonight.

moeman said...

@Sonia, Chardonnay out the nose funny.

Word Verif = reverse, as in reverse this Centennial curse, for fuck sakes!

HabsFan29 said...

GO HABS GO!!!! YOU FUCKING MAGGOTS!!!!!oh i do love that

TFS is gonna S the F! positive people!

Daniel Plainview said...

this will be a blow out tonight.

moeman said...

@hf29, I have friends in low places, like Brisbane, Australia.

Daniel Plainview said...

no Breezeslop, Tanguay and Schneider in the warm up,

moeman said...

Upgraded to Videotron's Ultra high speed network (plus IP based telephone, fuck you Bell). I can't click fast enough to keep up! Knocking wood will never be the same.

mr. gillis said...

@Sonia: Actually, its 1/2 your age plus 3 in Quebec. 1/2 plus 7 for the rest of Canada.

I love 11 year olds.

moeman said...

MAD mag does Lucic

mr. gillis said...

No Tanguay? Schneider? Fuck my life

moeman said...

@gillis, I gotta be dating 29 year olds? Oh oh. (laughs a little as 4HFers do the math in their booze-influenced brains)

Daniel Plainview said...

Dear Centennial Season,
Fuck off and die. Now. Asshole.

admin said...

PRICE?!?!? WTF?!?!

ugh. kill me now.

moeman said...

No Small Tits, Stewie is in. lg77 is gonna be screamin'.

mr. gillis said...

As long as Pebble isnt on the first line, I'm happy.

moeman said...

brunet isn't happy Jesus is starting. This is a huge positive!!!!! Fuck yeah.

Daniel Plainview said...

I'm not convaincul by Price. not at all.

This game is already over, Weber-O'Byrne? the Bruins are laughing.

mr. gillis said...

@moeman: habs won already

HabsFan29 said...

BB finally said something intelligent - re Plekanec, he expects good things because "it can't get worse than he's been"

moeman said...

joel bouchard says the Habs will lose. This is a huge positive!!!!! Fuck yeah.

Daniel Plainview said...

fuck this season.

moeman said...

Tang is out due to an upper body injury?

Jaybird said...

My heart sank on the Tanguay / Schneider news. We need a miracle gang.

HabsFan29 said...

moe seems to be. RDS said it twice now, HIO says it too

Luc interviewing Gui! right now. Gui is still playing in this series?

moeman said...

Go Habs!

Sonia said...

I'm not convaincul...Loves it!

kevincrumbs said...

Fucking Carey Price owes us a big win tonight. Do it now, Carey. Pitch a fucking shutout for once in your life. What happened to your reputation for being a big game goalie? Way to save that shit for the WJCs against my county, asshole.

moeman said...

Habs might be down 2-0 in the series but the hockey atmosphere in Montreal and the Bell Centre can pisses on Boston and its ACC-ish TD fans.

moeman said...

Plus, we also have a few classless locals too.

kevincrumbs said...

Jack Edwards is full of shit. Chicago only had greater attendance than us this year because of their one game in a fucking baseball stadium. Way to provide context, asshole.

Can the fans at the Bell Centre shut up during the American anthem, please?

Baroque said...

Good luck, guys.

Good luck.

HabsFan29 said...

Can the fans at the Bell Centre shut up during the American anthem, please?they cannot. and it pisses me off to no end


kevincrumbs said...

Meh. I'll cheer when we actually score.

moeman said...

More of this SVP!

kevincrumbs said...

God, the fucking Bell Centre fans are pissing me off in every single way tonight.

Daniel Plainview said...

I do love when they sing O Canada loud like that.
what the fuck is going on? can the boys keep this up?

kevincrumbs said...

Way to take a stupid penalty AGAIN. Kostitsyn, go fuck off and die, please.

Daniel Plainview said...


HabsFan29 said...

goddamnit Tits

moeman said...

Yup, refs are making sure its the same shit every game.

Daniel Plainview said...

time for a soft bizarro goal?

HabsFan29 said...

they just let them set up in our zone so easily


moeman said...

Nice PK.

Daniel Plainview said...


moeman said...

pierre houde, vas-te fourrer.

kevincrumbs said...

I think I have delayed anger issues with this team. They are pissing me off tonight when they haven't done (that much) wrong. However, I find myself not wanting to cheer any of their "good" play or "good" shots on goal.

Carey already looks shakey.

Daniel Plainview said...

Benoit is having trouble organizing his thoughts.

moeman said...

Refs all fucked up.

moeman said...


Daniel Plainview said...

the officials are horrible again.

HabsFan29 said...

the old Tim Thomas ladies and gentleman!

kevincrumbs said...

Fuck me, we actually have a lead.

moeman said...

Suck that Tiny!

Daniel Plainview said...

oh I likes

Sonia said...

Good job, Higgy, you fucking Maggot!!!

Daniel Plainview said...



kevincrumbs said...

Are those blue glow sticks the Rangers fans have? And we get accused of being Eurotrash?

Daniel Plainview said...

the refs so want this Mickey Mouse hockey market to get to round 2.

HabsFan29 said...

i rarely hate officials, they have a tough job. but soon i'll be annoyed. thank god it's 4/20 and im more chill

kevincrumbs said...

Beer #2 coming up.

moeman said...

The wine is good.

Kate said...

I'm listening to this on CJAD, you guys have to be my eyes, do we look any good tonight?

moeman said...

bruins ref-shield have.

moeman said...

@Moey, bets Habs one-ice performance in over a month.

HabsFan29 said...


moeman said...


kevincrumbs said...

Thanks a lot, Carey, you dumb fuck. JARO. NOW.

Also, please fuck off back to Long Island, Komi.

Daniel Plainview said...

well thinking we could win this game was fun while it lasted.
fuck that one nut piece of shit.

Baroque said...

What the hell was that lackadaisical bullshit?

Kate said...

@ moeman,

Just my luck but I have my CH flag waving in the tropics, I'm doing everything I can to help.

Daniel Plainview said...

Demers is YELLING. why?

kevincrumbs said...

We're done. Our team sucks. Fire everybody. Burn the arena (after the game so as not to kill anybody). Transfer Carey Price to Liverpool for Steven Gerrard.

Rips it, scores! said...

Komisarek, that was truly awful.

Well, bye bye game.

moeman said...

Demers is yelling at Big Tits because he is part of the media clan.

The refs are sucking some major Bs dick. Yell that Demers.

Anonymous said...

Facking twats.

Couldn' 'old a 1 goal lead, couldya?

/bad british accent.

moeman said...

1-1, could be worse.

No way the refs can keep taking that kind of pounding to the back of their throats for 60 minutes.

moeman said...

Intermission fun;

Daniel Plainview said...

I seriously doubt anyone on the Bruins has a long enough cock to reach the back of anyone's throat.

Rips it, scores! said...

I hate PJ Stock.

lawyergirl77 said...

Fuck the refs are shite tonight.

The sarcastic applause for Price wasunnecessary. Then again so was the noise dying the US anthem. I told the dude a few seats down from
Me that he was an illbred asshole for booing. He shut up.

My throat already hurts.

Unknown said...

Hey guys, just checking in to see how it's going in here.

Habs are flying so far tonight.

HabsFan29 said...

@moe - i saw that vid today. but it's WAY better now, duuude

alright you fucking Habs start strong

HabsFan29 said...

that was a broken leg waiting to happen

moeman said...


HabsFan29 said...

kill me

kevincrumbs said...

So, do I turn the TV off now or wait until the end of the 2nd.

Daniel Plainview said...


Daniel Plainview said...

its no use, even if we keep playing like this Price will just keep shitting the bed.

kevincrumbs said...

Guys I don't get excited about when they shoot the puck since they can't score: Kostopoulos, Stewart, BGL and sadly, Pleks and fucking AK46.

Rips it, scores! said...

Should have been a penalty called on that Krejci hit. There wasn't and....well.

moeman said...

2-2 bitCHes!

Daniel Plainview said...


HabsFan29 said...

well we deserved that. came back hard after the goal against

kevincrumbs said...

Swiss Miss 2!

moeman said...

Refs are CHoking on Bs small members.

Daniel Plainview said...

its nice to see they are trying but I'm not convaincul by Price, not convaincul by a long shot.

moeman said...

2 pts for SM2.

HabsFan29 said...

key save Carey. don't fuck it up now

Daniel Plainview said...

so why can't they call anything against the Ruins?

moeman said...

Refs whistles are full of Bs jizz.

HabsFan29 said...

BGL wants to go with someone. anyone

HabsFan29 said...

so i expect we'll come out of that melee down 2 men for 4 minutes

kevincrumbs said...


Daniel Plainview said...

Bergeron would be smart to not go with Stewart.

Somehow this is gonna be a Bruins PP.

Anonymous said...


Daniel Plainview said...

How much you wanna bet the next penalty to the Habs?

moeman said...

3-0 Caps.

Daniel Plainview said...

wouldn't mind seeing the Caps come back on the Rags.

moeman said...

Refs clear their throat!

HabsFan29 said...

a PP? i don't fucking believe it

kevincrumbs said...

Wow, a Habs PP. The apocalypse must be near.

Daniel Plainview said...

Hell has frozen over.

now watch ther be a sh goal. ugh.

kevincrumbs said...

Bad news: being on the PP will just piss me off even more.

Daniel Plainview said...

Pleks you fucktard.

kevincrumbs said...

Wow, Daniel. You were almost right there.

HabsFan29 said...

nice PP Habs

/end LG77 sarcasm

i hear boos

Daniel Plainview said...

I do not have a good feeling about this.

kevincrumbs said...

Yeah, let's turn it over in the slot, fucking idiots. Can't wait until half of this team is gone through free agency on July 1st.

moeman said...

@DP, do some weed milk;

lawyergirl77 said...

We clearly don't bother practiing the PP anymore...

Daniel Plainview said...

And Baby Makes Three on MMpix

kevincrumbs said...


kevincrumbs said...


moeman said...

Kill me.

HabsFan29 said...

not Price's fault. could see that coming

kevincrumbs said...

When the fuck did he become David Aebischer: Rebound Machine?

Daniel Plainview said...

what is this with Carey and 15 year olds? Jean Perron fantasies gone wild?

Fuck you Michael Ryder you fucking twat. go suck on the arbitrator's cock.

Baroque said...

If I could transmit hugs over the internet, I would.

You poor guys. :(

kevincrumbs said...

Yay... PP! /sarcasm

moeman said...

Tie it, you, fuckers.

Daniel Plainview said...

PP. too bad we can't do shit with that.

Rips it, scores! said...

The Bruins are always strong in the third period. Not good.

Oh crap, a Habs PP. That doesn't help.

kevincrumbs said...

Way to set up on the PP, assholes.

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